Monthly Archives: November 2012

New blog post coming soon! :D


New blog post coming soon! :D

Are you excited to hear what me and shaf#2 have to say about this weeks episode of Vampire Diaries?!
Had to include one of my fave scenes too! 😀

#DelenaHappened ❀

Delena happened :’). Finally. But I have lots to rant about haha. I’m glad Delena happened but well… ah I’ll just post the blog now :P.


Delena Dance 4.04


I feel so close to you right now, it’s a force field.

I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal.

Your love pours down on me, surrounds me like a waterfall.

And there’s no stopping us right now.

Because I love this scene so much and I love this song and Damon was so so smouldering and Elena was chilling out and not being annoying for the first time in ages. Awesome til well, Bonnie showed up there and shot death rays out of her eyes…

Doesn’t this song make YOU just wanna dance tooo ♄

– Shaf#2

One of my favorite scenes :’)  – Shaf#1

4.06: We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes


And we went a little mad for this episode too because it was amazing! Warning: Filled with spoilers 

Mind. Blown. – Shaf#1

Allow me to quote Price Peterson, because TVD “hurt my heartbones tonight” too. – Shaf#2

This episode was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. First off, the way that the episode integrated Elena’s hallucinations was so realistic, the whole episode I felt as though I was going through the hallucinations as well. Hats off to Nina Dobrev for being such a good actress and for being able to play Elena’s confusion and her messed up emotions. The hallucinations with the hunter scared the shit out of me. The way the hallucinations affect her was so strong and made the whole episode so OMG.

Lovedd this episode as well! It wasn’t a mindblowing one for me but it was definitely full of emotion and action – even if half of it was action inside Elena’s head. The hallucinations were so well done. And Nina Dobrev – no words. Honestly, I would believe them if they said it was two different people playing those roles because it was just that good. I mean oblwbescodabvo. SO GOOD. Ok maybe that was the one thing that may have blown my mind :P. Also, I’m glad they included the Connor guy again. But most of all – KATHERINE!

I know right?! Kay so we didn’t really see her, we saw hallucinations of her but still. The thought of her being there made me so happy and that was good enough, even if she wasn’t technically there. On that note, I want her back. Another hallucination that made me go awww and nooo at the same time was Elena’s mom. Like she was being mean but the way she was saying it was even making me believe it you know?!

Man, I really REALLY want more Katherine! She’s way hotter, meaner and more interesting. Kay, I do love Elena but you know, the constant martyr thing starts to itch at my nerves. And two doppleganger vamps? Definitely would be interesting. The scene with her mother was kinda sad. I kind of fell under the spell of that woman’s voice too o.O. But man it was creepy, “Darling, kill yourself.” Uhm what? Although it was Connor messing with her mind I know, but how is it possible for something to sound so loving and dark at the same time?

I so agree about the whole Elena being annoying thing, as much as I love her, she’s kind of becoming annoying 😩

Alright, the first 10 minutes – literally, I had almost thrown my laptop! Like whaaaaaat, when Elena stabbed Jeremy in the neck because of the hallucinations, I flipped out. I was close to tears, but then it hit me, wait, he’s got his ring. The kid’s alright phew, dodged a heart attack right there.

I know! And he has such a beautiful neck too aah. Second time in two episodes he’s had a knife up against/in his neck too. And the expression on Jeremy’s baby face <3. How do those doe eyes come with that neck
? Kay, whatever 😛 Great opening to the episode though.

Following that, when Caroline walked in and handed Tyler back all his stuff, I bought it. I was thinking what is going on, he didn’t sleep with Hayley, why is she breaking up with him? WHY IS THE WORLD BEING SO CRUEL? But then this tiny voice in my head told me that wait, you don’t really mind this actually. You know why? Because I really really want to see a Klaus and Caroline thing going on, and this episode showed that there was potential for this! Hallelujah!

I was totally caught off guard with that too, I was like “wait wa-haaat, did I miss something?. I did mind though. Forwood’s one of my favourites. I admit, they might’ve gotten a bit boring recently, but they’ve been a little preoccupied with their own things. However, Caroline’s the first love interest VD has ever revealed Klaus to have and there’s definitely some spark there, even if Caroline tries to dampen it. So if a little fling is in the air, I guess I’m kinda for it.

Klaus and Caroline flirting just seems so right to me, I mean even though she was faking it, I adore when Klaus and Caroline are together. The way he says “if he was sired to me, I wouldn’t let him hurt you” made my heart melt. I am really looking forward to a fling of some sorts with them, who knows, she may make him a good guy.

Hahahaha it would be hilarious if he turns into a goody-two-shoes, considering how he prides himself on being the big-bad (speaking of big-bads, looks like a new one’s coming to town soon? Silas. More on that later). Also, Caroline’s eye reaction to his statement <3. But HAHAHA, right after that “you’re beautiful but you have about 10 seconds”. So much for never hurting her. Still, Klaus seemed quite empathetic this episode, despite his ulterior motives with saving Elena. I was totally on his side.

Though I did love Tyler and Caroline together, I don’t see them as being in a good place right now, but I think Julie Plec is setting it up this way. I feel like Tyler and Caroline might still be a thing til the end, I dunno. BUT Tyler scared the shit out of me when he threw that bottle because he was mad at Caroline for giving up Chris (hybrid friend, more on that later) and for agreeing to go on a date with Klaus in order to help save Elena.

I WANT them to be together in the end. Remember when their relationship was just budding back then, all those odds they were up against? I mean a werewolf-turned-hybrid and a vamp? It was all star-crossed and everything. They may not be the main couple but I’m rooting for them in the end. However, fastforward present day, that whole bottle-throwing scene o.O. I feel for Tyler right now. He WAS right. Why is Elena always the one that has to be saved? (obviously for the show’s sake yes, but Tyler’s the first character that might’ve questioned the lengths people go to, especially for Elena). Chris was Tyler’s friend too so why was he a less important life? The fact that the others were willing to kill him so easily made me flinch – and Caroline’s justification?! Kind of unfeeling. Yes, they’ve done this all in the past, but this time, it was just
 he was innocent you know? Maybe HE had a family. Anyways.. moving on from that little rant 😛 the whole date thing made sense for Caroline to agree to, but I think it was just oxygen to a fire that had already roared up with the murder of Tyler’s friend. It might’ve been a dickish move to throw that bottle, but I don’t hate Tyler for it.

I don’t hate Tyler either for that move, it was definitely in the spur of the moment, something that fit so well, because it showed how people were dying for Elena, AFTER she was immortal, like wtf?!

This whole hunter curse thing, they always know what to do. And how they figured out how to solve the curse thing totally corrupted our baby Jeremy. I mean, though Jeremy has been through some pretty crazy shit throughout the seasons, he axed someone and has blood splattered all over his face. Like that was traumatizing for me to watch. It felt like his innocence was being stripped away from him. But it was necessary to save his sister from almost killing herself. I see so much potential for Jeremy’s character in this season. Yay! But if Julie Ples kills him or makes something major happen to him, I will personally blog mean stuff about her. Seriously.

Didn’t he hammer someone to death before on his front porch too? I’m sure he did. This reminded me of that. He is the baby of the show I guess, and I like him innocent, but Jer’s all clued in now and can see the other side so I guess I like the badass version of him emerging too. But I just wonder what this hunter thing will mean for him in the end. Will he have the urge to kill vampires like they have the urge to drink blood? Giving sibling rivalry a new edge.

Did Jer pound someone with a hammer? I don’t remember :S

Okay like what the hell is the whole deal with that Professor Shane thing? Is he a hunter? Potential huner? Weirdo psycho? Like what the hell? Someone needs to explain his evilness to me coz I know I don’t get it and Bonnie, poor poor Bonnie. I do not want her to get stuck in the whole evil thing, because I know she’s going to get hurt, she always does. And that sucks.

None of the above, I think. Remember that Silas dude he mentioned? I’m pretty sure he’s the next bad guy to hit Mystic Falls. And we thought DAMON was scary in season 1. LOL. Klaus was pretty bad but I’m sure Silas will bring a whole other ballgame to this season (if I’m actually right about this – but whoever the bad guy, they definitely have to up themselves so yeah). I don’t think Professor Shane is that big-bad. He might be, but I’m thinking he’s more of the messenger, the follower, the knower? I like his connection with Bonnie though because it might open up new things for her.

Damon was beautiful in this episode. It’s not like he wasn’t ever not beautiful, but anyways, I loved the Delena scenes in this episode, how he takes care of Elena, and how she listens to him you know?! He was just so humble. The way that he decided to “take the high road” made me love him just so much more. He loves Elena more than anything but STILL he decides to do the right thing and not take advantage of it and instead tells her the truth about why Stefan lied to her. It just made me feel so happy to watch that. Because I feel like now, if something happens between them, I won’t feel bad because I dunno I feel like there’s some change in the balance. I dunno, maybe it’s just the fact that it’s 2:30 am but ya :P.

LOL, it’s 3:30 am here, but I can definitely feel the shifting tides. Damon was hands down one of the best parts of this episode apart from Katherine (side-note: love the little remembering-Alaric moments). How has HE grown so much over the past few seasons? The past few episodes even? Even at the start of this episode, he was encouraging Elena to talk to Stefan (which btw, she should have – she was kind of nasty to poor Stefan. She didn’t even seem to want to forgive him). The hand-holding Delena scene was adorable :’). I’m so glad he took that annoying road too because WHEN, not if, something happens between him and Elena, it will be genuine. Now I’ve been a complete Stelena person 3 seasons straight, but this season, things have definitely changed. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for Delena. But that last scene cracked my heart a little

The last scene. My heart broke. It was beautiful but my heart broke. I felt like I didn’t want it to happen but unfortunately I saw it coming. There was something so sad about it, but it was necessary. I loved their honesty.

Exactly. It was heartbreaking. But it was obvious that it was coming for at least
 well, since episode 2 of this season I guess. It wasn’t just their honesty but the courage and maturity it took to have that conversation. I admired that. And that last line, Elena’s “I know” – WOW. It captured so much in two words.

Man it’s been a great episode. Such an emotional rollercoaster. So much character development! For everyone. Can’t believe we’re gonna have to wait 2 weeks to see the aftermath of all the soul-baring of tonight. I’m sure it’ll be worth it though.

I think that’s enough for tonight. Peace out world ❀

– the Shafs

Oh Oh Oh


Oh Oh Oh

I’m so bored right now, like I should be studying or doing something more productive with my life but *sigh* I obvs wasn’t doing that, therefore random blog post time! Ahh guess what day it is tomorrow! Thursday, and you know what that means a new Vampire Diaries episode ❀ So excited for tomorrow because last weeks episode was so good! Anyho, I am gonna go now and try and not fail calc. See ya later world ❀


Pretty Little Obsession



I cannot wait for season 3 to come back! Pretty Little Liars has always left me at the edge of my seat with my heart pounding and my eyes wide. Season 3’s Halloween episode “This is a Dark Ride” was no exception. Season 3 definitely has a lot more in store for us, and I. Can. Not. Wait. And aren’t they just gorgeous ❀



Heart Breaking


Heart Breaking

I gotta admit, though this original-barbie breathes bitchiness, you can’t help but love her and admire her ability to keep on loving people even though she has been through so much. Julie Plec seriously needs to bring some hot vampire to love her and make her happy. I hope she comes back soon!

Shaf #1

p.s I should be studying. kay, bye world.

Haha I love the VD outbursts :D. We have not talked about VD this week and the episode was so good it feels weird o.o

Rebekah needs some frieeends too </3

Shaf #2

Hahaha, I KNOW! It feels weird :S But yeah have so much to do! x_x this weeks episode will be blogged about though! 😀




That is all I am gonna say ❀

Shaf #1

AND bro-sis moments :’). Elena and Jeremy haven’t been there for each other in ages like they were that episode. Now they’re on opposite sides of the fence, oh the irony. Also, how sexy is Jeremy with a tattoo?



He is so sexy with that tattoo *swoon*


Hey There World :)


Welcome to Talk To The Shafs 🙂 – a hidden corner for two bestfriends to write their hearts out about their addiction to tv shows and vampires in particular ;).  I , Shaf #1 (I’m older loser, thus I get to be #1 muahahaha), am not particularly good at writing, however Shaf #2, she is awesome at writing and she’ll probably fix this before you (the rest of the world) sees it. Enjoy this you creatures of this beautiful world ♄

‘Kay buttface. Hahahaha, creatures of this beautiful world. Didn’t really fix it^, it was funny :D. Shaf #2 here *waves*. And yep, this is our blog. “Addiction” is probably an understatement for how much we love our shows: The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, White Collar, New Girl… to name a few. And we wanted to share a little of all those hugeass tv discussions of ours with the world. We’ll probably post random quotes and pictures and things too cos we like random things. So welcome to our little corner, come on in :). Are you a tv show addict too? 😀