TVD 4.18: American Gothic


O.M.G. EEEEKKK This episode was so good. Elijah’s back yaya and the bitch is back too along with bitch 2.0 becoming even more ruthless. LOVE.THIS.SHOW. – Shaf#1

ELIJAHHH . You know how much I’ve missed the guy? They just make all my faves leave or die -.- But Elijah was back this week ANDD Katherine and dayum Elena  – Shaf#2

So the entire gang well, the Salvatores, are following Elena and Rebekah on their quest to find Katherine. Who they find in this tiny little town.

Elena and Rebekah get to her first and try and figure out where the cure is hidden and they do this by Elena becoming ruthless and kinda torturing Katherine in a way. Which was so different, it was like seeing Katherine in action again, you know? But this time the roles were reversed!

I swearrr how did that happen. This episode was full of.. maybe not unbelievable plot twists but definitely surprising twists in characters. Honestly, the whole trying to ram the cure down Elena’s throat thing is annoying me. Like why? They’ve had their bad moments, the Salvatores. And it’s not like they still don’t have the potential to have more bad moments but no one’s trying to shove a cure down their throats. I think Elena’s right in that sense for telling them to stop but the way she’s been doing it.. well yeah.

Anywho, so she had to pretend to be Katherine to go and meet “Em” who turned out to be Elijah! SO DAMN HAPPY! First off, daayumm he looked hot, he is wow. And then he was actually fooled for a few seconds, and then comes the best part. He’s. hooking. Up. With. Katherine. Talk about major jaw drop! Well not really we knew he was always in love with her.

Still though, it was a bit of an  moment. And how sweet he was too, tucking her hair behind her ear. I love Elijah. He’s just the best you know. And he did look goood. Loved the little diner scene too, when the rest of them reacted to who Katherine’s “friend” was.

Anyways, Elena gets kidnapped by Elijah yet again and Stefan goes to her rescue while team Rebekah, Damon and Katherine go and find the cure.

Haha what is with all the awkward threesomes? Well not thaaat kinda threesome but ya know . Elijah kidnapping Elena was kind of funny. It’s not that I underestimate Elijah’s… um, abilities/power/word? But I didn’t think he would hurt Elena. He’s not cruel. He would much rather avoid inflicting pain. Have I mentioned I loved Elijah?

Back in mystic falls, Klaus is in pain from the stabbing of the White oak stake 😥 Poor baby, he looked like he was in so much pain. But anyways he calls the one person he knows will care and in comes Caroline. He’s begging for mercy and then Caroline was a complete bitch, I was shocked in the beginning.

Don’t you worry Klaroline fans, it was just Silas pretending to be Caroline *phew*. Anyways after the Silas-embodied Caroline leaves, in comes real Caroline And in typical manner she’s complaining about prom or some committee she’s on.

Haha I love how Caroline’s so determined to be the typical highschool-er that she was even as her revamped self.. pun intended. Anyways, I really felt for Klaus this episode. I mean, the physical pain of it was making him go crazy, but the way he reacted when real Caroline came in. Ah that was just </3. He really loves her… I may not be as big a Klaroline fan as you Shaf but aw Klaus, I really like the little Klaroline moments this episode. Even the fighting.

And then she helps him and they get into a heated fight about their relationship I guess? Or how Klaus is still going after Tyler and then his pain stops and he realizes that Caroline brought him back :’) and that it was all a mind trick. I feel like they’re building the chemistry but kind of trying to kill the chemistry too because Klaus is going to be on his own show and then they can’t continue it, which sucks because I really like Klaroline 😥 On the otherhand though this leaves room for Tyler to come back but its still like agh

I think they should have something Klaroline before he leaves. Or would that be worse? Because then fans would want to see moreee and it wouldn’t happen. But I feel like they’ve building chemistry so long that there has to be at least one small climactic moment. The smile at the end on Klaus’s face as Caroline left with a little smile herself – that was so unbelievably adorable :’).

Where the hell was Bonnie this episode? Like hasn’t she just unleashed hell coz there is no other side now? And where on Earth is Matt, I demand more Matt.

Huh yeah, I didn’t notice she was missing though . I think this ep was focused on locating the cure. Because that’s the final thing Silas needs as well right? To do his ritual thing. I have come to love season 4 but oh so many things. It’s a little muddled in my brain.

Back in the town, Damon and Rebekah find what they think is the cure and in typical manner, Rebekah takes it as Damon fails to stop her. But because it’s TVD it’s not the actual cure and Rebekah is all sad.

…and 5 seconds later:

LOL obv that wasn’t the cure. Oh so dramatic. It was funny. Although Rebekah’s expression was pretty despaired. Damon getting a face burn was funny! I actually laughed . Was that mean of me? Haha.

While that’s going on Elena and Elijah are having a heart to heart and Elena is reminding him that Katherine is a manipulative little bitch who couldn’t love anyone and that he shouldn’t trust her.


Enter Katherine, who snaps Elena’s neck and looks deeply into Elijah’s conflicted eyes, who is now doubting his love for her and whether or not she’s worth it. It also hits him that she’s just using him. It’s sad coz I think I could grow to love Elijah and Katherine as a duo. But then at the end of the episode Katherine gives him the cure and gives him her leverage, thus proving her love for him? What do you think? :’) Imagine Katherine goes to the Originals. But Nina Dobrev can’t play two characters on different shows (n)

I swear, sometimes I forget that Katherine and Elena are played by the same person. I was like but why nottt, and then I was like oh right, it’s just Nina. That neck snap was amazing btw!

But yeah, anyways, I really like the Elijah-Katherine thing. It’s not him questioning his love but hers. Her giving him the cure genuinely surprised me though. I mean, I felt there was some genuineness in her feelings but her sense of self-preservation has always been the stronger one for her. I thought that was a great moment too this episode. I think she really does care about Elijah but I don’t know if this self-sacrificing thing is only a 1-time thing.

Back to Elena, she finally meets the Salvatore brothers and tells them to stop looking for the cure and to leave her be or there will be consequences, to which Damon says no obviously but then she snaps the waitresses head as if it is nothing and says there’s more to come. What the hell happened to her.

I know! THAT shocked me too. I mean first Katherine being somewhat of a sincere person and now Elena doing this?! And that scene was so calm too, the music, the dim diner. And then just.. snap. It was a little scary. Like the expressions on Stefan and Damon’s faces – shock just like me. Why can’t people just have balance? First she’s too compassionate, now she has the potential to become worse than Katherine. I still don’t agree with the Salvatores trying to force her the cure but wow Elena.

Another thing this episode that really hit me was Stefan’s little, “after this I’m leaving, I do not want to repeat history thing”. This can’t be the official end of Stelena, like its just not possible. But what if it is 😥

I don’t know. I don’t want them to go gossip girl on us the way they did Serena and Dan. Although those two did get back together in the end? But whatever. It can’t be the end for Stelena. That line saddened me too but I also think it was a good one. Sometimes even as an audience you can feel that repetitiveness of the character’s actions. I think I really felt that in the beginning of this season, when Damon was talking to ghost Alaric about being stuck here to babysit the kids and fight with his brother. Just the tiredness in his voice and his eyes. So I’m glad they’re trying to break this cycle of resentment and bad feelings between them in general? But I do hope Stelena hasn’t just officially died. I think if Stelena gets back together, maybe after a long time but at one point in the future, they may be lifers. Anyways, we shall see.



AH hiatuses. Loved this episode, love this show, can’t believe it’s already the 18th ep. See ya when we see ya


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