TVD 4.20: The Originals


EEEEK! SO SO SO GOOD. Such a different episode! Team Klaus FTW!<3 – Shaf#1

So different, so… original. No pun intended. So many amazing moments in this episode. –Shaf#2

So first off, though there was a bit of Mystic Falls, I am so glad that we got a break from Elena, like I was tired of this whole Elena is bad, let’s fix Elena, lets make sure she doesn’t kill anyone, etc etc. This whole focus on the originals was perfect.

I agree. I did want to see Elena being tortured though but I don’t mind that that didn’t happen this episode. Hope we get to see some of it next episode though.

So to start off, Katherine is BACK! And Klaus is in New Orleans, particularly Bourban Street on a look out for the witch who is plotting against him. On the way he realizes that there is another Vampire that is controlling all the witches in the town, Marcel.

I love that we’re in New Orleans. And they say New York never sleeps. And Marcel.

Back in Mystic falls, Elena is locked up and Elijah is trying to understand why Klaus has just suddenly left and Rebekah to be honest couldn’t give a shit.

I don’t blame her.

Enter Marcel (I know him from Grey’s Anatomy, the fact that he’s on this now means he’s not on Grey’s anymore and that makes me happy :D). So Klaus and Marcel are friends? Or more like Klaus was his mentor. So I don’t know how I really feel about Marcel. He’s got the whole powerful and “what’s yours is mine” façade but I feel like he isn’t really genuine, he reminds me of Klaus except with Klaus, he doesn’t need backup, he IS the King (I’m so biased though :P).

I liked Marcel because he has an interesting character. Obviously every King needs his court? Would we say court? But with Klaus… Klaus is undefeatable. You can’t really compare it. I think Marcel likes theatrics, which was pretty clear by this episode. But while he may have learned from Klaus, I don’t know if he has the same compassion Klaus can sometimes have. Just by the way Marcel acts, it’s like he’s cold underneath, but underneath all Klaus’s layers there’s something warm.

I really like this setting by the way. It’s so different. I think I was getting sick of Mystic Falls because nothing was happening. But anyways, Hayley (a.k.a. wolf girl), is there too! She’s in search of her parents, which leads to the introduction of Jane-Anne Deveraux and Sophia Devereux (witches).

Love the setting. The witches intrigued me.

So basically, the Deveraux sisters are witches that are plotting against Klaus (or so we think) and they need Hayley, which is confusing because what does Hayley have to do with Klaus?! Anyways she got kidnapped by some magic spell thingy.

That was a little scary. I thought they were gonna sacrifice her or something.

Jane-Anne deveruex gets caught for preforming magic (HOW DOES MARCEL KNOW) and is killed.

HOW DOES HE KNOW?! Does he have spies everywhere? Does he have a raven like Damon used to (whatever did happen to that raven?). I can’t believe he killed her so simply, slashing her throat with a twig? And everyone cheering? Oh, that’s just… *shiver*. I liked her a lot, I was kind of annoyed she was killed off just like that.

Klaus is super mad and he’s wearing lipstick. Marcel tells him that he’ll find out whatever needs to be found out (pfft ya right). So Klaus goes to talk to Sophia who obviously refuses to help him because he’s being trailed by Marcel’s men. Enter Camille (Blonde bartender) and Klaus attacking the men and getting all mad, because it’s Klaus, you don’t just follow Klaus.

Lipstick? Blood? 😛 Anyways, yeah. What was that? I mean who would set such an obvious tail on Klaus. That’s just idiotic.

Then Sophia gets attacked and who saves her? Elijah.

Back to Elijah for a second, the way he says “Katerina” DAYUMM. I’m really liking this whole Klijah thing. Like a lot.

I like it too :(.

Elijah convinces Klaus to listen to Sophia who says that what she needs is for Klaus to help them bring Marcel down, and why would he do that? Enter Hayley. Klaus goes all “sweetheart, we banged coz I was drunk, I’m not in love with you” and bam Sophia says she can tell when a girl is pregnant! WHAAAAT?! Original baby plotline, wowzers. It makes me mad because it crushed Klaroline, yet again. But part of me is so excited!

My jaw literally dropped and stayed that way for at least 5 minutes. WHAT? An Original baby? I didn’t even… I couldn’t even… how… what on earth?! That was such a brilliant loophole. I never would have imagined. But I am so excited for this storyline :D. There’s gonna be a baby on the show? Oh and this was funnay:

Then Klaus is all like “kill her” and we’re like no no and Elijah’s like no we need to make a family and live like a family and be good people. Question, are Elijah and Katherine broken up? Because the way he said bye to her 😥

I couldn’t believe he said kill her. I mean, he couldn’t have really meant it, could he? The thing is, we’ve seen warmth in Klaus. I can’t believe he can’t have compassion for his own child. I want him to be a good father. I’m hoping for it. I just don’t understand anyone who does not love their own children. And Elijah and Katherine… 😦 I feel like they are. He said goodbye. She and Klaus aren’t ever going to live together peacefully. And Nina can’t run back on forth between shows. Yeah…

Oh I forgot to mention that when Klaus was mad he went and bit one of Marcel’s guys.

That ENTIRE scene was amazing. That was my favourite scene this episode. Marcel’s “I’m not Prince of the quarter, friend. I’m the KING!” just took me aback. And then when Klaus retaliated, “Who has the power now, friend?”. This entire scene was just so brilliant, I can’t say it enough. Marcel, I think, will be an interesting opponent. If Klaus really wants to be King, he will have to put up a fight and I like that. Marcel is intelligent and cunning and powerful and has allies. People fear him and are in awe of him. Klaus hasn’t really had someone to oppose of that level. So this is why I love Marcel. He’s interesting.

After Klaus’ rampage he went and felt the energy of Bourban street and then he sees an artist painting and Camille (blondie) watching it. There little interaction was beautiful and made me go like awww BUT AGHHH too because she’s gonna come in between Klaroline, which was obvious because Klaus wasn’t going to be in The Originals and have no love interest or anything.

Well… I didn’t really see it like that. Maybe you’re right, maybe she is a new love interest. But I was more enraptured by the moment. The brushstrokes, the evening, the street, the face of the painting, Klaus’s eyes, the way Camille described it all. I thought the moment was more about Klaus than introducing someone new, but we’ll see. I do like Camille’s fearlessness though. Some may call it stupidity, but she’s brave and I like that.

She talked something into Klaus and it touched him, which led to Klaus deciding he was going to take back New Orleans, meaning he was gonna help Sophia get back at Marcel, but in order to do that he would have to get back into Marcel’s good graces, i.e. help the guy that was dying of the werewolf bite. And then Marcel throws Klaus a parade and then one of my favourite scenes, Klaus calls Caroline and tells her that he’s in his favourite place and all he can think about is sharing it with her :’) #KlarolineForever

Yep, cannot wait to see this. That Klaroline moment was sweet but kay :P. These power-hungry people do have a weakness for extravagance.

And then we end back in Mystic falls where the Salvatore Brothers and Elena lock themselves up in the dungeoun and see who’s gonna break first. Im excited for that too.

Yes, so excited. How much like Katherine is Elena becoming? About to play mindgames? We’ll see. I want Elena to break and I want her to hurt. Wow I sound evil. But I want that. 🙂

Anyhoo, the pilot for the Originals was great. I kinda really liked it. Though I’m crushed about what implications it has, I loved it nonetheless. Can’t wait till next episode! Ciao lovelies

Brilliant pilot. Perhaps the spin-off won’t be so bad. It will suck though for Mystic Falls but love it all. Later tv lovahs.


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