Author Archives: talktotheshafs

About talktotheshafs

6500 miles between us but when you're best friends, distance means nothing. Yeah, yeah, we're sappy whatevs :D. Welcome to our world, if you're TV nuts like us, come on in. If you're not a TV nut, come in anyway :).

TVD 4.23 FINALE: Graduation


So many damn feels. Bfirbwf can I just sit and cry in a corner, like I’m happy but I am so so sad as well  –Shaf#1

Okay, I didn’t even KNOW it was the season finale until afterrr I watched it. WHAT. Now it makes sense. Because this episode was even better than the last one. –Shaf#2

So we begin with Kol, being an evil asshole, which makes me sad because I love him so much and his return was well, just very unpleasant. Anywho, him along with other dead people are mad, like very very mad. Oh and amongst all this Stefan and Lexi are getting drunk and Damon is acting like the older adult – Shocking, I know. Haha OH and its graduation. To be honest, this episode was epic but the fact that there was graduation with everything going on was just so funny.

I liked that they put a graduation in there though. It was a nice tension reliever, and sort of marked the end of an era for these kids – the hundred-year-old ones too :p. LOVED the Stefan and Lexi rocking out to some old rock and getting drunk. Stefan makes a hair joke of his own too. LOL.

Matt and Rebekah and Alexander are all hanging out. LOL. Matt’s on the bomb and Rebekah’s holding him steady so that he doesn’t fall and blow up into shreads. This was a really cute set of scenes. I liked this relationship, but now I feel like I ship it, but I don’t know how it will work. It was just so beautiful how Rebekah was telling Matt about all the places she would take him and then she kisses him and takes his place on the bomb! Like these two are probably the least complicated love interests in this show! And then he runs and everything blows up and they’re both safe. Skip to the rest of the episode, Matt makes it to grad, then Rebekah meets Matt at his house and they talk and she asks him if he wants to actually do it. And he says yes! FINALLY, poor Matt-y hasn’t been out of the country and he deserves to be happy. You go Mebekah!  Yes, I just made that up right now.

Well, we can’t call them Ratt. Mebekah FTW. I was kind of feeling them for the last few episodes, but the finale kind of sealed the deal for me in terms of this relationship. I thought her taking that chance was wonderful and that Matt is giving her one too – I’m so happy for them. I hope we see more of them because I think I’m a Mebekah shipper now. Hey, maybe Matt might warm up to the little Italian wedding town :p.

So the hunters are back and one of them comes back and shoots Damon with a bullet laced with werewolf venom. Shocker. Like how many times are they gonna use the wolf venom on Damon thing, like it’s getting old. But anyways. So Damon has the cure and he gives it to Elena, who refuses to take it. So he then gives it to the hunter and lures him to where Silas’s body is. Dun dun dun.

Well, they didn’t really drag out the werewolf venom thing. It just happened and got dealt with so I don’t think it was bad to use it. Obv he wasn’t gonna die. But dear God, everyone constantly being like “no you should have it” – driving me crayzay.

Then Graduation happens, which was super cute. Like it felt like Bonnie’s farewell, it was beautiful. Obvs as soon as it is over they’re huddled and worrying about something ie Damon’s wolf bite. Oh and when they were lining up Caroline was threatening Klaus and telling him to get his ass here hahah 😛 anyhoo, so they’re huddled up and then suddenly the hunters are all there threatening the vamps  and its like ohhh no is this the end coz with TVD you never know. And then as Connor gets closer a football just blows his head off and who could it have been? Klaus :’) And then there was the winning Caroline smile.

Caroline’s threatening/throwing tantrums at Klaus is so funny. I really loved the Grad scenes. I loved the group hug, the “oh get over yourself”, the excitement, the making of future plans, and Bonnie’s tearful goodbyes, albeit unbeknownst to the rest.

Back in the Salvatore house Damon’s fine woop woop and then Elena slaps him, really really hard. Which was kinda epic. Haha but anyways they have a fight about how he didn’t wanna take the cure because he doesn’t wanna be a human and that he’s crazy about her and then she. Chooses. Him. She. Chose. Him. And I know im usually a Team Salvatore but the look on Stefan’s face as he heard coz of crazy vamp hearing just made me so sad. His face, because he knew he lost the love of his life. I mean she’s the one. And he teared up and then geared up to leave. There’s some bromance awkwardness but they leave on a kind of good note.


You know, I do love Delena but I always think in the long run, if it has to be one or the other, it should be Stelena? But now it just seems kind of stupid, doesn’t it? If later she’s like “oh, well, actually… I kinda changed my mind”. Maybe they’d both kill her. That would solve the problem (Y). But yeah, the slap? Epic. The kiss? Loved it. Stefan’s face? Broke my heart too. I’m glad Lexi’s there to help him back up, even if she can’t stay.

Back to Klaroline for a second. SO SO SO CUTE. LIKE CAN I JUST HAVE A SPINOFF WITH THOSE TWO PLEASE. So first he comes to the rescue and then he says that he was already on his way to her graduation when she called :’) And then he proceeds to tell her that he wanted her grad gift to be a first class ticket to Bourban street, but instead his gift to her was Tyler’s freedom. He then goes to say that Tyler is her first love but he [Klaus] would be her last. And then there was a quick kiss and my heart sang, initially I wished there was more, but I watched it again and it just hit me again and it was just wonderful. #KLAROLINESHIPPERFOREVER

Hahahaha Shaf :’). So I’ve been pretty… well not against.. but not for Klaroline. Cos I love Tyler :(. And still do. But having said that, I think the finale just made me actually fall for Klaroline too. Klaus has some epic lines man. He usually gets to say all the deep, profound things and that one was just beautiful. I LOVED that kiss. Because for the first time ever, Klaus wasn’t trying to manipulate anyone, play games – he was just going to try and win her heart the right way. And he was brave enough to cross that barrier he wanted to cross so badly but respectful enough to not go further. I thought it was the best possible first kiss they could have ever had and I had so much respect for Klaus in that moment. Under the night sky, wind blowing, just a brush of their lips and her smile – it was perfect.

Umm what else, oh, I haven’t even gotten to the good parts yet – well all the above was awesome but there’s so much more. Kk so Bonnie and Jeremy have a little meeting and it’s just beautiful and they embrace and I just want them to be together and then Bonnie puts the veil back up. Then get this, Bonnie saved Jeremy’s life, ie he’s back. Like even in her death, she sacrifices again and again and again. That is what makes her one the best female characters, I dunno, maybe it’s just me but I absolutely LOVE Bonnie Bennet.

I love Bonnie too. And I knowww. Ah. I want them to be together :(. And that parting was so sad, when he asked her why he couldn’t feel her hand. I DON’T WANT BONNIE TO GO :(. Anddd she was the only witch too. They have a bajillion vamps and they kill off the one witch – ok no I love my vamps too. The only thing that sort of didn’t make me die in front of my screen was JEREMYYY. Oh thank God he’s back. Honestly, I was hoping Kol and Lexi could stick around too, but Jeremy being back is all I can really ask for. SO HAPPY HE’S BACK :’D

Somehow Elena gets back to the highschool, oh right she was looking for Bonnie and Jeremy, and who else happens to be there? Katerina. They start fighting trying to kill each other blah blah blah and waaam Elena shoves the cure down Katherine’s throat, dun dun dun. Who would have thought that Katherine would get the cure!

My god. That was such a climactic moment. I was like :O for ages. Katherine gets the cure. Who would have thought. Wow, haven’t the tables turned. I can’t wait to see what it’s like with Katherine being the human now and Elena the vamp. Ah, this will be fun 😀

Last but not least, and this was probably the best/worst part of the episode. Stefan had taken Silas’ stone self and was going to dump it, but when he gets there, the stone isn’t Silas’ body, its just scraps. He looks super confused and in walks Elena in the middle of nowhere. And we know it’s not Elena because the stone spell ended when Bonnie…gulp…died. Silas begins to explain that Silas himself was the one that created the immortal spell and the only way that Silas could die was if his shadow self was killed (or that’s what I understood). i.e. His doppelganger had to be killed in order for him to die. So now we think that the original Elena/Katherine is Silas. I found it kinda funny when Stefan was like “So you’re just another one of them”. Anyways Silas responds to that and says not quite…AND THEN HE CHANGES TO STEFAN. STEFAN IS A DOPPELGANGER. I. CANNOT. COMPREHEND. THIS. And then Silas locks him up in a coffin and throws him into a sea and I guess he’s gonna go and continue as being Stefan? Urmm whaaaaat?!

I don’t even – I was just like – just asdfghjkl. WAHTTTTT?! I could not believe Stefan had a doppelganger. Who saw that coming. I mean. What. And he THREW STEFAN INTO THE FRICKEN WATER! :O How will they rescue him? And what I don’t get is if he wanted to die and his doppelganger needed to die for that, why didn’t he kill Stefan? So clearly Silas has other plans. But OMG. He can’t die then! Ever. Unless they kill Stefan. Omg.

WHY DID THEY END THE SEASON LIKE THIS. Damn them and their cliff hangers. AGHHH. SO excited for September or October or whenever it comes back :D:D

So many feels. So many. *stumbles under crushing weight of feels*. Ok just being a little overdramatic. Not. How did they make this episode even better than the last one? And I LOVED the last one. Can’t wait for season 5. See ya when we see ya.


Supernatural – Season 8 Finale


So I’m the resident Supernatural die-hard Shaf of the two of us, and as much as I adore TVD, the Salvatores still come in second to the Winchesters, who by far have always been the best brothers TV has ever seen.

Ups, downs and everything, they have literally been through it all. Maybe Drake and Josh are a close second too? :P. Anyways I NEEEED to post this. Because-


The whole entire finale was pretty awesome, maybe not the awesome-est ever but still awesome and waaaaay better than last season in my opinon. From Abbadon gearing up for a revolution in Hell,

To Crowly coming undone, the human in him briefly shining through (Why is Sam’s nickname Moose? Am I forgetting something?); this for me was maybe the most amazing part of this episode,

To Sam’s near-death experience/attempt (I guess all that effort for the trials gone to waste was pretty disappointing but if it’s Sam or the Gates, I choose Sam),



To Naomi’s death (sure, we all hated her but in the end, it was still kind of like damn :/)

And Metatron’s betrayal/revenge, and him stealing Cas’s grace and USING it up in a spell :O. It’s gone now isn’t it? It can’t be retrieved because it was used. Poor Cas. Is human now.

Okay yeah, who am I kidding, they haven’t had a finale this awesome since season 5’s I think. I mean, neither brother even died/disappeared for the first time in forever. But the final scene, that picture right up there at the top. I was just in shock and awe at the beauty and horror of the last scene as the sky rained down blazing angels like white hot shooting stars.

I LOVED this finale. At the beginning of this season I was finally ready to give up. I thought it was just going to go right down the drain. And it was that episode, the hand-held-camera one about the werewolves in college that just did it for me. I have to say, for me, that was the absolute worst episode ever made on this show. I know people either loved it or hated it but I hated it. I don’t even know why I watched the next episode. But just like that it all changed and somehow, the whole season came around for the better. Whoever saved this season and turned it into this – kudos to you. And thank you. I actually cannot wait until season 9 now. Last one. It better be great.

Let’s end with a little amusing Destiel bromance moment :D.

And a little Winchester bros too ofc:

Submitted by: baxxem


TVD 4.22: The Walking Dead


So first off, this is super late, but next week, back on track as promised. Which is basically in 2 days . But this episode. . All my favourite people came baaaack! But ofc, nothing comes without a price, so obv all hell was unleashed as well. –Shaf#2


Elena’s back but a little crazy-eyed with thirst for blood – Katherine’s blood. Well you can’t blame her, but can you imagine that scene? Nina Dobrev attempting to kill herself. LOL. Anyways, Stefan’s trying to play sensai and calm her down to no avail. Caroline tries to distract her with some normal human activities, while Elena probably wants to stab her eye out with boredom/frustration/both. Even Rebekah tries to talk to Elena. But Elena… 3.0? … is unapologetically single-minded on her goal, as she tries to wring info from everyone about Katherine.

Crazy Elena is a little like Elena 2.0 but with a little bit of emotion and one focus rather than just being everywhere. I don’t blame her though, like for Elena, Katherine is the reason she is where she is and the reason that everything has happened to her. 

Cue town-wide blackout and apocalyptic wind. The Mystic Grill empties out onto the street and Matt and the rest of them just stand on the sidewalk because that’s what you do when a hurricane wants to blow you away. Although I’d prbz stand out there like an idiot too . Why didn’t anyone think to call Bonnie about what’s happening? I mean, who else could be involved in that? Seriously kids, let’s call the Sheriff because she can control the weather.

HAHA, I know I was just like why are they standing out there like idiots. Sometimes, I wonder how they’re about to graduate 😛

Bonnie – I’m not sure where she is at this point – is about to drop the veil. Oh yeah, she doesn’t need that full moon apparently. Katherine’s just hovering around, being snarky, because she was tied to Bonnie earlier that day and doesn’t have much of a choice. Funny moment when Katherine couldn’t control her own feet. A short while later, the two of them are down in the caves, Bonnie bleeding out the bloodrock. That. Was weird. And kind of gross. And when all that blood finally drips out, it’s done. Ominous.

Aaaaand finally, get to the best part (or you could say worst). They. Come. Back. Elena and Damon take one side of the school while Stefan and Caroline take another, looking for Bonnie. Elena and Damon get into a fight over Katherine, she stabs him in the gut and leaves him there. Youch Elena, that’s cold. And while Damon’s doubled over, along comes Alaric to yank it out of him.

At first we were all a little skeptical obv, but then Alaric pulls out his bottle of whiskey and they hug it out. OKAY. The smile thatbreaks out on Damon’s face :’D. My heart kind of sang. It was such a nice reunion, Alaric coming back for his “idiot best friend”. How odd is it that he first came to town set on staking Damon? Kol makes a reappearance too at the bar, which was a little less than pleasant. Don’t get me wrong. I heart Kol forever and ever but wow. I guess what else were we gonna expect? I don’t see what he was getting all huffy about her grieving though, considering he actually tried to killll Rebekah once. He proceeds to demand where Elena is and stick a broken bottle in Matt’s shoulder. Loves to make an impression doesn’t he?

The bleeding rock was not pleasant at all. When they came back! I literally screamed! SO SO SO HAPPY ❤ Dlaric is the best :’) Super super cute they have the most adorable bromance and thats the best ❤ I love Kol and I wish that it would have been a little bit happier or something but aaagh. He was really mean to her and that makes me so sad 😦 Anyhoo throwing the bottle in Matt’s shoulder was mean. Poor Matt-y.

My reaction when I saw Kol.

Bonnie’s still down in the caves trying to reach out to Qetsiyah and Katherine’s being an impatient little thing. She goes out to investigate, assuming Silas is out there but it’s Elena. Out to kill. I was like oh my god right there as Bonnie’s heart twisted along with Katherine’s and burns rippled on her face. Thank God she didn’t try to pull Katherine’s heart even a little bit. Stefan swooshes in and pins Elena, fighting and screaming, to the ground.

I nearly died when I saw that Bonnie was feeing the pain and aghh! Thank God everyone is Mystic Falls has this habit of torturing before killing people. Stefan to the rescue. wohooo.

Back at the bar, Rebekah’s pulling glass shards out of Matt’s shoulder. I didn’t quite understand why he refused Rebekah’s help this time around but then he made a pretty valid point. People do have a bad habit of becoming vamps in that town. Look at Matt, being a brave little smartypants. They hear something in the cellar I think and Rebekah goes to investigate, only to find Caroline in a trance, slashing away at her arm. Okay really? Did it really have to be cutting her arm up? Of all things Silas had to make her do? But Rebekah slapped sense back into her head before she hacked her hand off.

Eeek that part was scary. The funniest part though was when Rebekah slapped her and Caroline just stares at her and says “bitch.” HAHA

Down in the caves was also Caroline… the Silas version of her. And Silas-Stefan. And Silas-monster. Playing with Bonnie’s head, as she turned in confusion. Boy these guys can act because the tone of Caroline was seething. Silas had been one step ahead all along.

I swear I think I’m in love with the cast of Vampire Diaries. They are so so so amazing. The way that they just switch between roles and their tones. Daaamn. 

After Stefan has a straightforward talk with Elena, we find her at the graveyard, the place where she spent all that time at the very start of this show. But she was back for Jeremy this time. And she just broke down. All the emotions she was trying so hard to bury just burst out and I swear, I could feel that pain with her. To lose a brother – I can’t even imagine it. And right when she’s letting it all, Kol shows up. He beats up pretty bad and as he’s about to squeeze the life out of her, to her acceptance, look who it is – JEREMYYYYY! Stefan snaps Kol’s neck and Jeremy runs to Elena and I LOVED this reunion. Oh my God. Ah. I just made my heart danceeee.

JEREMY! Stefan to the rescue again. And Elena back to Elena, I think.

Bonnie, also under Silas’s trance was finding it hard to breathe but Grams shows up to help her feel the air in her lungs again. GRAMS! It’s been forever but again, sucha lovely reunion. I do miss Grams.

Grams, bless her soul, she’s such a cutie. The reunion between her and Bonnie was probably the best thing ever.

Damon finds Alaric down in the caves, and grabs him by the neck. No shocker there, Silas was too obvious. Although you’d think for a creature as old as time, he’s be a little stronger. And Bonnie comes, hands curling. While she may not be able to kill him, she can calcify him? Is that what it is? And with a spell, she goes all out Medusa and turns Silas to stone. That. Was AWESOME. Silas may not be dead but he’s gone.

Bonnie being the strongest most powerful is like the best. She is so strong and so amazing.

Bonnie and Damon join Stefan, Jeremy and Elena after a bit and a series of sincerely sweet moments unfold. A Jeremy-Bonnie hug, an apology from Elena and a Stelena moment. Although I felt a beat of sadness for Damon, I thought that Stelena moment was just beautiful. Just the silence of so many unsaid things they both understood, and their smiles. I’m glad she apologized to both the brothers. Bonnie can’t keep the veil up much longer so Elena and Jeremy make the most of the time, even if it’s not enough.

Stefan returns to the bar, a little downhearted. And I didn’t quite realize why either. As Caroline tries to celebrate, he confesses that he thought he would get to see someone today too. And then my heart exploded. LEXIIIIIIIIIIIII AAAAH. It’s been FOREVERRR. That was another awesome awesomesauce reunion. Stefan’s “You’ve got to be kidding me” was so in contrast with his soaring heart. Yes, soaring heart – you could just see it.

LEXI! I was so sad that we didn’t see her because I was expecting to see her but aggh! AND THEN SHE WAS THERE! 😀

As we see everyone spending a little quality time with their reunion buddies before time’s up, Bonnie’s back in the caves preparing to perform a spell as Grams screams for her to stop. She’s going to close the veil. But keep everyone here. And as she performs the spell, the veil drops and so does Bonnie. I think I screamed NOOO at this point, as she was lifeless on the floor.

I didnt think she was actually dead, coz like comeon they always come back to life, like whaaat.

Out on the street, Rebekah and Matt are leaving the bar, but run into an old ex-boyfriend and our two fave vamp hunters. All out for blood. Surrounding them. And down in the caves, Bonnie gets up. Without her body.

Thats gonna be super scary.

THIS EPISODE! THIS EPISODEEEEEEEE! I just couldn’t stop writing because this episode you guysss! I can’t believe Bonnie is dead too now!  Oh my God. And every supernatural dead thing is back and more bloodthirsty and ever. But all these shocks aside, the reunions just made this episode. Every single one of them was just lovely. Okay minus the Kol-Rebekah one. But my heart just exploded and melted all at the same time. I’m so glad everyone’s back. And hopefully to stay. Although this does bring new problems, I’m just so glad to have my fave people back again. Can’t wait to see what unfolds!

SUCH A GOOD EPISODE. Like omg so so so good ❤  This was probably one of the best episode this season. Agh I am speechless, wordless and just aghdsfhvf. Can’t wait till next week.


TVD 4.21: She’s Come Undone


Hmm Elena being tortured, who doesn’t love that. Seriously missed the originals this episode. Some turn of events and a really cruel Klaroline moment. I’m a little biased with this show as I’ve come to realize so I pretty much like every episode regardless  – Shaf#1

Torturing Elena <3. Best part. –Shaf#2

So, back to mystic falls, eegh, can anyone else say that they already miss the originals? Like I felt there was a big hole. However the episode was good, it brought me to the edge of my seat even though it was predictable but still. I miss the Mikealsons </3

I did feel that missing element even thoughhh Klaus, or Silas-Klaus was still in this episode. It just felt… ah, it’s not the same without them.

*sings* Elena’s being tortured, Elena’s being tortured *grinning*. HAHA I know I sound like a heartless bitch but like seriously I was getting sick of her being all “oh – I have no emotions – I’ll try and be bad ass – blah blah blah” so seeing her get burned was painful, yet satisfying. Though as we can see Caroline was trying to come to her rescue (bless her for caring) and that didn’t turn out well.

Lol not painful, just satisfying. I’m not sure why but heartless Elena started to get on my nerves more than Katherine ever did. Dunno why. But these bits were just awesome. I love Caroline <3.

So something different happened this episode, there was Elena and the Salvatore brothers and then there was Matt and Rebekah intertwined, but Caroline was alone for the most part, and that felt weird but I think its coz they are trying to fill the huge gap left behind after The Originals aren’t there anymore. Bonnie came back, woop woop (well not really in terms of plotline, but still).

I wonder what Caroline will do with both Klaus and Tyler gone. Will Tyler come back? Although I’m more for Forewood, I enjoy Klaroline scenes. She and Klaus just have a nice spark. Knowing Caroline, I’m sure she’ll find something to throw herself into but still, poor kid.

So Elena is heartless as per usual and we see that it is really affecting Stefan more than Damon. I can see why, coz like Stefan’s been in that position I guess and maybe because his love for Elena is different. But anyways, they burned her and then they called in the big guns, Katherine. Oh how I’m glad that Katherine is back. But anyways, she’s such a bitch, she tortures Elena but Elena, well she’s got some balls of her own and she strikes a nerve, reminding her that Elijah broke up with her 😥 And then Katherine, in typical Katherine manner, lets her loose.

I think Damon did feel it too but he’s just better at keeping those emotions in check usually. Stefan probably did feel it moree though. I loveddd that they brought Katherine in. Katherine for all her heartlessness can get pretty emotional and usually ends up going to an extreme end. I wish they’d drawn that scene out moreee though. I’m sure Katherine could come up with plenty creative ways to torture Elena. Wow, aren’t we a little too excited about Elena getting hurt? 😛

Elena is cray cray. Matt is super mad that Katherine is “helping” Elena turn her humanity back on (oh yeah he’s back, oh and he’s also failing senior year and apparently Rebekah can speak Latin fluently). So the Salvatores and Matt go to find Elena while Katherine meets up with Bonnie, I think that happened before actually. So anyways, they find Elena in the woods and Matt gets out of his car while Elena gets all full on Vamp and tries to eat matt; well, she does.

Hahahaa I loved that we had a completely normal, mundane human problem for a change. It felt like a relief actually. I really liked the Matt-Rebekah thing this episode, and her offering to help in whichever way possible, it was a nice gesture. Although I’m not for cheating, but still. And Matt. He keeps.. sacrificing himself for Elena. I know Elena had him saved first but he’s kind of paid her back I think. I mean, HE died for herr this episode. But let’s wait for that.

And then Elena wakes Matt up and tries to go get at it again when Damon and Stefan intervene. Stefan controlling Elena i.e. good cop and Damon holding up a half conscious Matt i.e. bad cop. They provoke her, forcing her to turn her emotions back on or they’ll kill Matt and then Elena doesn’t listen and the next thing you know Matt’s neck has been snapped and he’s lying on the floor. For a second, I thought he was dead, I was sure of it, because I knew that Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson love to kill of main characters. Well first of all, the so called killing of matt worked, no amount of torture or anything could bring Elena back, but Matt luckily had that all powerful ring on and thus he survived. Yay.

My jaw dropped too. You think I’d get used to them trying to kill everyone off. But I was like “MATT TOO?!”. But I did realize a moment later that he couldn’t have actually died, because Elena would hate Damon forever and Damon would be sad again forever and oh my god, enough with that. But I was so glad that’s what brought her back, even with all the torture lovin’.


Elena with her humanity back on, wowz. She was out of control and that was expected. Everything was hitting her all at once and Stefan was there to calm her down while Damon held her. There was this moment while Stefan was holding her and telling her to focus and there was this connection. Ugh im so conflicted about which Salvatore I want her to end up with.

I don’t know eitherr. I still think I prefer Stelena in the long run. Oh I dunnooo. But it was weird wasn’t it, the three of them sort of sandwiched together there, so much stuff between them all.

So back to Caroline, she’s freaking out during the whole torture time coz of the screaming when Matt lets out (well Rebekah really) the bombshell that he was failing. So Car being her typical self, she left to get flashcards and books to make sure Matt doesn’t fail. Also she’s been trying to get a hold of Bonnie, who is conveniently meeting up with Katherine in a café.

LOL. Caroline. Getting her flashcards. Funny girl :’).


So the whole Bonnie and Katherine trio, Bonnie wants the tombstone that Katherine has. Why? Well because if Bonnie gets that she could open the veil to the other side and give Katherine what she wants. Complete immortality.

That. Is a bad idea. What is Bonnie thinking. She better have something else up her sleeve.

Back to Caroline, so she’s out on her way to the car when suddenly someone’s following her so somehow she ends up in the forest and we see Klaus. Which gets Klaroline shippers hearts to do summersaults! And it’s all sweet when he says “I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye” and I was sure we were gonne have an actual Klaus and Caroline make-out sesh or something, but its Silas -___- eff Silas ruining a perfect moment. So he threatens her coz he can’t find Bonnie and she has to do as he says or he’ll kill her mom. &

I was so shocked. I really thought there was going to be a kiss too. And he was so sweet and she was so touched, even though she said he didn’t owe her any explanations. God, Silas. He’s everywhere. How can anyone be certain of anything?

So on goes this chase and Silas appears in the form of Klaus, Matt, her mother and as his real self for some part, but we don’t really see him -___- But anyways, at Caroline’s house Sheriff Forbes is all okay and safe and then Bonnie comes and we realize that its Silas and that Sheriff Forbes is in the tv room, dying and bleeding. And it’s like NOOO not someone else dying, I wasn’t sure if they were gonna kill her to be honest, I really felt like she was gonna die but then finally she survives. However, Bonnie is forced to leave without helping and leave with Silas…dun dun dun.

If she had died, I don’t know what would have happened to Caroline. I mean, she’s losing so many people. Her two best friends, her boyfriend, the other guy who’s in love with her, and her mother too? No way. So glad she didn’t die just because it would kill Caroline.

Back in the Salvatore Mansion, Elena is hurt and in pain, but she’s better ie not crying like a hysteric fool and then she talks about “doing something”, which confuses us and we realize the one emotion that she focused on was revenge, on none other than Katherine, the one and only.

Wait, I thought it was hate she focused on? Which lead to the revenge. Lolol she’s turning into Emily/real Amanda from Revenge. If any of you watch Revenge. She had an Emily moment.

Can’t wait to see how that turns out. Ciao lovers, sorry we’ve been posting super late, internet problems, travelling, finals and life gets in the way. We still love ya and hope you keep coming back

Eek yeah sorry guys. Probably might be the same for the next week but we’ll get back on track after that.


TVD 4.20: The Originals


EEEEK! SO SO SO GOOD. Such a different episode! Team Klaus FTW!<3 – Shaf#1

So different, so… original. No pun intended. So many amazing moments in this episode. –Shaf#2

So first off, though there was a bit of Mystic Falls, I am so glad that we got a break from Elena, like I was tired of this whole Elena is bad, let’s fix Elena, lets make sure she doesn’t kill anyone, etc etc. This whole focus on the originals was perfect.

I agree. I did want to see Elena being tortured though but I don’t mind that that didn’t happen this episode. Hope we get to see some of it next episode though.

So to start off, Katherine is BACK! And Klaus is in New Orleans, particularly Bourban Street on a look out for the witch who is plotting against him. On the way he realizes that there is another Vampire that is controlling all the witches in the town, Marcel.

I love that we’re in New Orleans. And they say New York never sleeps. And Marcel.

Back in Mystic falls, Elena is locked up and Elijah is trying to understand why Klaus has just suddenly left and Rebekah to be honest couldn’t give a shit.

I don’t blame her.

Enter Marcel (I know him from Grey’s Anatomy, the fact that he’s on this now means he’s not on Grey’s anymore and that makes me happy :D). So Klaus and Marcel are friends? Or more like Klaus was his mentor. So I don’t know how I really feel about Marcel. He’s got the whole powerful and “what’s yours is mine” façade but I feel like he isn’t really genuine, he reminds me of Klaus except with Klaus, he doesn’t need backup, he IS the King (I’m so biased though :P).

I liked Marcel because he has an interesting character. Obviously every King needs his court? Would we say court? But with Klaus… Klaus is undefeatable. You can’t really compare it. I think Marcel likes theatrics, which was pretty clear by this episode. But while he may have learned from Klaus, I don’t know if he has the same compassion Klaus can sometimes have. Just by the way Marcel acts, it’s like he’s cold underneath, but underneath all Klaus’s layers there’s something warm.

I really like this setting by the way. It’s so different. I think I was getting sick of Mystic Falls because nothing was happening. But anyways, Hayley (a.k.a. wolf girl), is there too! She’s in search of her parents, which leads to the introduction of Jane-Anne Deveraux and Sophia Devereux (witches).

Love the setting. The witches intrigued me.

So basically, the Deveraux sisters are witches that are plotting against Klaus (or so we think) and they need Hayley, which is confusing because what does Hayley have to do with Klaus?! Anyways she got kidnapped by some magic spell thingy.

That was a little scary. I thought they were gonna sacrifice her or something.

Jane-Anne deveruex gets caught for preforming magic (HOW DOES MARCEL KNOW) and is killed.

HOW DOES HE KNOW?! Does he have spies everywhere? Does he have a raven like Damon used to (whatever did happen to that raven?). I can’t believe he killed her so simply, slashing her throat with a twig? And everyone cheering? Oh, that’s just… *shiver*. I liked her a lot, I was kind of annoyed she was killed off just like that.

Klaus is super mad and he’s wearing lipstick. Marcel tells him that he’ll find out whatever needs to be found out (pfft ya right). So Klaus goes to talk to Sophia who obviously refuses to help him because he’s being trailed by Marcel’s men. Enter Camille (Blonde bartender) and Klaus attacking the men and getting all mad, because it’s Klaus, you don’t just follow Klaus.

Lipstick? Blood? 😛 Anyways, yeah. What was that? I mean who would set such an obvious tail on Klaus. That’s just idiotic.

Then Sophia gets attacked and who saves her? Elijah.

Back to Elijah for a second, the way he says “Katerina” DAYUMM. I’m really liking this whole Klijah thing. Like a lot.

I like it too :(.

Elijah convinces Klaus to listen to Sophia who says that what she needs is for Klaus to help them bring Marcel down, and why would he do that? Enter Hayley. Klaus goes all “sweetheart, we banged coz I was drunk, I’m not in love with you” and bam Sophia says she can tell when a girl is pregnant! WHAAAAT?! Original baby plotline, wowzers. It makes me mad because it crushed Klaroline, yet again. But part of me is so excited!

My jaw literally dropped and stayed that way for at least 5 minutes. WHAT? An Original baby? I didn’t even… I couldn’t even… how… what on earth?! That was such a brilliant loophole. I never would have imagined. But I am so excited for this storyline :D. There’s gonna be a baby on the show? Oh and this was funnay:

Then Klaus is all like “kill her” and we’re like no no and Elijah’s like no we need to make a family and live like a family and be good people. Question, are Elijah and Katherine broken up? Because the way he said bye to her 😥

I couldn’t believe he said kill her. I mean, he couldn’t have really meant it, could he? The thing is, we’ve seen warmth in Klaus. I can’t believe he can’t have compassion for his own child. I want him to be a good father. I’m hoping for it. I just don’t understand anyone who does not love their own children. And Elijah and Katherine… 😦 I feel like they are. He said goodbye. She and Klaus aren’t ever going to live together peacefully. And Nina can’t run back on forth between shows. Yeah…

Oh I forgot to mention that when Klaus was mad he went and bit one of Marcel’s guys.

That ENTIRE scene was amazing. That was my favourite scene this episode. Marcel’s “I’m not Prince of the quarter, friend. I’m the KING!” just took me aback. And then when Klaus retaliated, “Who has the power now, friend?”. This entire scene was just so brilliant, I can’t say it enough. Marcel, I think, will be an interesting opponent. If Klaus really wants to be King, he will have to put up a fight and I like that. Marcel is intelligent and cunning and powerful and has allies. People fear him and are in awe of him. Klaus hasn’t really had someone to oppose of that level. So this is why I love Marcel. He’s interesting.

After Klaus’ rampage he went and felt the energy of Bourban street and then he sees an artist painting and Camille (blondie) watching it. There little interaction was beautiful and made me go like awww BUT AGHHH too because she’s gonna come in between Klaroline, which was obvious because Klaus wasn’t going to be in The Originals and have no love interest or anything.

Well… I didn’t really see it like that. Maybe you’re right, maybe she is a new love interest. But I was more enraptured by the moment. The brushstrokes, the evening, the street, the face of the painting, Klaus’s eyes, the way Camille described it all. I thought the moment was more about Klaus than introducing someone new, but we’ll see. I do like Camille’s fearlessness though. Some may call it stupidity, but she’s brave and I like that.

She talked something into Klaus and it touched him, which led to Klaus deciding he was going to take back New Orleans, meaning he was gonna help Sophia get back at Marcel, but in order to do that he would have to get back into Marcel’s good graces, i.e. help the guy that was dying of the werewolf bite. And then Marcel throws Klaus a parade and then one of my favourite scenes, Klaus calls Caroline and tells her that he’s in his favourite place and all he can think about is sharing it with her :’) #KlarolineForever

Yep, cannot wait to see this. That Klaroline moment was sweet but kay :P. These power-hungry people do have a weakness for extravagance.

And then we end back in Mystic falls where the Salvatore Brothers and Elena lock themselves up in the dungeoun and see who’s gonna break first. Im excited for that too.

Yes, so excited. How much like Katherine is Elena becoming? About to play mindgames? We’ll see. I want Elena to break and I want her to hurt. Wow I sound evil. But I want that. 🙂

Anyhoo, the pilot for the Originals was great. I kinda really liked it. Though I’m crushed about what implications it has, I loved it nonetheless. Can’t wait till next episode! Ciao lovelies

Brilliant pilot. Perhaps the spin-off won’t be so bad. It will suck though for Mystic Falls but love it all. Later tv lovahs.




Ahhh so its the dreaded time of finals and assignments and we literally have no time, like I haven’t done laundry or packed and I’m supposed to move out in like 3 days :S SO, on that note, this weeks TVD was SO SO SO good, so we are definitely gonna post about it, but you guys are just gonna have to wait a little! I know, I know, serious bloggers should post on time blah de blah but ya we know you’re gonna come back, even if we’re a little late 😉

Enjoy this scene and we’ll get back soon! Promise!
Ciao ❤

Alternate Ending To Harry Potter


Alternate Ending To Harry Potter

My roommate found this on Tumblr and showed me and I am mind blown, especially the last line, it blew me away. This is incredible. I loved how the last one ended but reading this makes me think wow. Anyways enjoy :)<3


Amagad I saw this a while ago too! Also mindblown.

