Tag Archives: 3.21

PLL 3.21: Out of Sight, Out of Mind


Ah this episode! I… I… what? Just what. So many issues. Spencer breaks the news. Emily’s taking up her own investigation. Hanna’s mum may have killed a cop. Maggie’s looking to stay. Mona’s a female dog persona but what else is new. And… Toby? –Shaf#2

No words. I will not believe anything. I refuse to. –Shaf#1

So I’ll just start from the beginning because my heart may explode if 2 of my most favourite characters on 2 of my favourite shows were really just killed for good in the last 10 days. Ah when Spencer finally told them.. I thought that scene may turn out a little flat or shallow(?.. I dunno how else to describe it) but it was like… they are such good actors. Spencer’s crazy laughter was actually kind of unnerving. All the pain and torture of the last few weeks were so evident and real.

I could feel her pain! And this cannot be happening. Clearly TV hates me because I’m sick and it is not a good time for all my favourite characters to be dead. LIKE WTF. LEAVE MY FAVS ALONE! Go kill off evil cops or something…oh wait they did that, maybe. BUT STILL! LEAVE MY FAVS ALONE. AGH.

I felt kind of bad for Emily. Spencer had been through the denial phase already but all this information was new to Emily and wrapping your head around something like that isn’t easy. He was her friend, he was Spencer’s love, it’s just impossible to believe someone so close to your heart could betray you like that. Btw, random but I loved Emily’s grey shirt + necklace . Anyways, I was worried about this mission of hers – I just knew it would end badly. But still, when she got a reply from Toby I actually thought he might show up and we’d get to see him again and Emily might be right. Yes I know, the producers have said he’s bad bad, not fake bad, but still.


Poor Emily, I kinda forgot how good friends her and Toby were before Spoby happened, and I totally understand why she’s trying to figure out whats going on and understand it in her own terms you know? But I really thought he would come and explain to her, I know he’s bad but I figured he would come and tell her that himself you know? HAHA for once I didn’t notice clothes which is weird coz its usually the other way around. What I did however notice was that I have the same shirt that Hanna was wearing (forever21 FTW) but the stylist on PLL made her look frumpy and the leather studded jacket totally ruined the look, it was over-studded (very disappointed PLL).

At the same time, I was like what on earth are you doing Emily? I mean, A clearly seemed to make her a target this week, Spencer freaked out over it, and still she voluntarily decides to park in a dark, potentially-murderous alleyway for hours to wait for a possibly-dangerous guy who is part of a group of psychos. Is it just me or has Emily lost it a little too? Is her newfound inner superhero/inspector gadget impeding her common sense? Dark alley = bad stuff happens.

I totally agree with that, at first it was like oh wow she’s being brave not letting A take control, but to be honest now it feels more like she’s just being stupid and is asking to be hurt.

I want to freaking know why the stupid blonde in the red coat randomly walks around all the time. I mean, why even a red coat? It’s like she wants to be found out. The worker dude had bad vibes all along and then he knew Emily – that was weird. Was that place A’s recruitment place or something? Her torture factory?


Anyways, while that was happening, Hanna was trying to get a handle on her mother. It was funny how she was all “No, don’t call the lawyers. I know how to handle this. Psht, running over a cop, I’ve seen worse”. But seriously, the missing body and then the car IN their garage?! How does one even drive a car into someone’s garage without being noticed, a police car for that matter. And then she was forced to witness the hit and run on a loop. That was just I don’t even know. Just wth. But what happened after was even crazier. She dumped the car in the lake?! What, like no one will ever find it ever? That was SUCH a bad idea! And Aria “I tried to stop her” – no, you pushed the car in too hon. Those two. Why on earth did she push it man? And what was the deal with the bubbles and all those shots through the water? Was Detective Wilden in a bag in the trunk or something? I just don’t understand all that focus. Gosh have these kids just not learned anything? At all?! Stupid idea stupid idea stupid idea.




UGH HANNA! Such an idiot, who throws away evidence like that I mean kay it would be incriminating for her mom but her lawyer could argue that she was provoked and that it was an act of self defense. A maternal instinct or something. Aria was a loser, if she wanted to stop her she should have pulled her back or called Spencer or smacked some sense into her -____- Omg I was noticing that too! Especially coz we were talking about how every shot has a meaning in my Cinema class, it felt as though they were trying to emphasize that someone was watching or that something was going to happen or something like that…

Aria had some domestic issues to deal with this episode. I feel for her, it must be so hard, this huge change in Ezra’s life, because obv it’s gonna affect her life too. A prof boyfriend and a stepmom all before she’s even graduated high school. Maggie didn’t seem bad or anything, maybe a little tense but there was this one shot when she was talking to Ezra and they were trying to decide what to do with their son and Aria volunteered to watch him – I swear Ezra and Maggie looked like such a couple and Aria like a kid and I was just like agh.

I noticed that too! Maggie seems okay though to be honest, and Malcolm is kind of a cutie 😛




Btw, that falling off the bed incident really didn’t seem like Aria’s fault! Ezra getting all half-mad at her, understandable but kind of unfair. All kids fall down no matter how careful you are and how much you look out for them. Just happened on Aria’s watch unfortunately. That scene with Aria and her mother, the way Aria said “I love him” just made my heart pang. I don’t want her to push him away and that be the reason they fall apart because he’s trying to include her you know?


He’s a new parent as well, he’s confused doesn’t know what to do so I don’t really blame him, though I know that it wasn’t her fault or whatever but you know it scared him. Agh I know, I really love Ezria, I do not want them to be over.

Anyways </3
 But the biggest heartbreaker of them all. TOBYYYYYYYYYYYY. OKAY. No. He’s not dead. They didn’t show a face and according to the soap opera rule: no face, no solid proof. For all we know, A/Mona could have sharpied that tattoo on a random dude’s back. WHY DIDN’T SPENCER CHECK THE FACE? WHYYY?! Or maybe it’s a good thing? Cos if it was Toby I would have died inside. But it can’t be. He’s too important for a unnoticeable death like that. And it doesn’t make sense for him to be dead.. does it? What if that text to Em was real and this was precautionary? No. No, I’m operating on the soap opera rule so he’s not dead for sure as far as we know.


But Spencer! Oh my god. That running through the woods scene was craaaaazy. And Mona?! What the actual fudge? How does she just do things like this, I don’t get it. In Spencer’s state, Mona should have been the scared one. When Spencer broke down, I was just like shit, that’s it, I dunno what gonna happen to her now. And oh my goodness. OH MY GOD. She looked so.. just dead. So dead in her eyes. So cold and empty. Only Spencer. Only Spencer (of the four) could hit this level of crazy/despair to end up in an asylum. BUT SHE’S IN RADLEY NOW! I don’t know what this means for.. everything, but I’m just so I don’t even knowwwwww D:

I though this was a good ep but it still has questions littered everywhere and I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU PLL. Sorry for all the caps, expressing myself and stuff.


I have no words but instead shall second everything that you just said. It may be because im heartbroken and have no idea what to say or because I have the flu and my fingers hurt. Im gonna go with the heartbroken part because I am awesome and possibly high on cough syrup. Woop. Anyho ciao you beautiful world, join us next week so that we can see what happened and do not get high on cough syrup or drugs or anything like that #SayNoToDrugs.

LOL Shaf :’)
