Tag Archives: Elena

TVD 4.22: The Walking Dead


So first off, this is super late, but next week, back on track as promised. Which is basically in 2 days . But this episode. . All my favourite people came baaaack! But ofc, nothing comes without a price, so obv all hell was unleashed as well. –Shaf#2


Elena’s back but a little crazy-eyed with thirst for blood – Katherine’s blood. Well you can’t blame her, but can you imagine that scene? Nina Dobrev attempting to kill herself. LOL. Anyways, Stefan’s trying to play sensai and calm her down to no avail. Caroline tries to distract her with some normal human activities, while Elena probably wants to stab her eye out with boredom/frustration/both. Even Rebekah tries to talk to Elena. But Elena… 3.0? … is unapologetically single-minded on her goal, as she tries to wring info from everyone about Katherine.

Crazy Elena is a little like Elena 2.0 but with a little bit of emotion and one focus rather than just being everywhere. I don’t blame her though, like for Elena, Katherine is the reason she is where she is and the reason that everything has happened to her. 

Cue town-wide blackout and apocalyptic wind. The Mystic Grill empties out onto the street and Matt and the rest of them just stand on the sidewalk because that’s what you do when a hurricane wants to blow you away. Although I’d prbz stand out there like an idiot too . Why didn’t anyone think to call Bonnie about what’s happening? I mean, who else could be involved in that? Seriously kids, let’s call the Sheriff because she can control the weather.

HAHA, I know I was just like why are they standing out there like idiots. Sometimes, I wonder how they’re about to graduate 😛

Bonnie – I’m not sure where she is at this point – is about to drop the veil. Oh yeah, she doesn’t need that full moon apparently. Katherine’s just hovering around, being snarky, because she was tied to Bonnie earlier that day and doesn’t have much of a choice. Funny moment when Katherine couldn’t control her own feet. A short while later, the two of them are down in the caves, Bonnie bleeding out the bloodrock. That. Was weird. And kind of gross. And when all that blood finally drips out, it’s done. Ominous.

Aaaaand finally, get to the best part (or you could say worst). They. Come. Back. Elena and Damon take one side of the school while Stefan and Caroline take another, looking for Bonnie. Elena and Damon get into a fight over Katherine, she stabs him in the gut and leaves him there. Youch Elena, that’s cold. And while Damon’s doubled over, along comes Alaric to yank it out of him.

At first we were all a little skeptical obv, but then Alaric pulls out his bottle of whiskey and they hug it out. OKAY. The smile thatbreaks out on Damon’s face :’D. My heart kind of sang. It was such a nice reunion, Alaric coming back for his “idiot best friend”. How odd is it that he first came to town set on staking Damon? Kol makes a reappearance too at the bar, which was a little less than pleasant. Don’t get me wrong. I heart Kol forever and ever but wow. I guess what else were we gonna expect? I don’t see what he was getting all huffy about her grieving though, considering he actually tried to killll Rebekah once. He proceeds to demand where Elena is and stick a broken bottle in Matt’s shoulder. Loves to make an impression doesn’t he?

The bleeding rock was not pleasant at all. When they came back! I literally screamed! SO SO SO HAPPY ❤ Dlaric is the best :’) Super super cute they have the most adorable bromance and thats the best ❤ I love Kol and I wish that it would have been a little bit happier or something but aaagh. He was really mean to her and that makes me so sad 😦 Anyhoo throwing the bottle in Matt’s shoulder was mean. Poor Matt-y.

My reaction when I saw Kol.

Bonnie’s still down in the caves trying to reach out to Qetsiyah and Katherine’s being an impatient little thing. She goes out to investigate, assuming Silas is out there but it’s Elena. Out to kill. I was like oh my god right there as Bonnie’s heart twisted along with Katherine’s and burns rippled on her face. Thank God she didn’t try to pull Katherine’s heart even a little bit. Stefan swooshes in and pins Elena, fighting and screaming, to the ground.

I nearly died when I saw that Bonnie was feeing the pain and aghh! Thank God everyone is Mystic Falls has this habit of torturing before killing people. Stefan to the rescue. wohooo.

Back at the bar, Rebekah’s pulling glass shards out of Matt’s shoulder. I didn’t quite understand why he refused Rebekah’s help this time around but then he made a pretty valid point. People do have a bad habit of becoming vamps in that town. Look at Matt, being a brave little smartypants. They hear something in the cellar I think and Rebekah goes to investigate, only to find Caroline in a trance, slashing away at her arm. Okay really? Did it really have to be cutting her arm up? Of all things Silas had to make her do? But Rebekah slapped sense back into her head before she hacked her hand off.

Eeek that part was scary. The funniest part though was when Rebekah slapped her and Caroline just stares at her and says “bitch.” HAHA

Down in the caves was also Caroline… the Silas version of her. And Silas-Stefan. And Silas-monster. Playing with Bonnie’s head, as she turned in confusion. Boy these guys can act because the tone of Caroline was seething. Silas had been one step ahead all along.

I swear I think I’m in love with the cast of Vampire Diaries. They are so so so amazing. The way that they just switch between roles and their tones. Daaamn. 

After Stefan has a straightforward talk with Elena, we find her at the graveyard, the place where she spent all that time at the very start of this show. But she was back for Jeremy this time. And she just broke down. All the emotions she was trying so hard to bury just burst out and I swear, I could feel that pain with her. To lose a brother – I can’t even imagine it. And right when she’s letting it all, Kol shows up. He beats up pretty bad and as he’s about to squeeze the life out of her, to her acceptance, look who it is – JEREMYYYYY! Stefan snaps Kol’s neck and Jeremy runs to Elena and I LOVED this reunion. Oh my God. Ah. I just made my heart danceeee.


JEREMY! Stefan to the rescue again. And Elena back to Elena, I think. 


Bonnie, also under Silas’s trance was finding it hard to breathe but Grams shows up to help her feel the air in her lungs again. GRAMS! It’s been forever but again, sucha lovely reunion. I do miss Grams.

Grams, bless her soul, she’s such a cutie. The reunion between her and Bonnie was probably the best thing ever.

Damon finds Alaric down in the caves, and grabs him by the neck. No shocker there, Silas was too obvious. Although you’d think for a creature as old as time, he’s be a little stronger. And Bonnie comes, hands curling. While she may not be able to kill him, she can calcify him? Is that what it is? And with a spell, she goes all out Medusa and turns Silas to stone. That. Was AWESOME. Silas may not be dead but he’s gone.

Bonnie being the strongest most powerful is like the best. She is so strong and so amazing.

Bonnie and Damon join Stefan, Jeremy and Elena after a bit and a series of sincerely sweet moments unfold. A Jeremy-Bonnie hug, an apology from Elena and a Stelena moment. Although I felt a beat of sadness for Damon, I thought that Stelena moment was just beautiful. Just the silence of so many unsaid things they both understood, and their smiles. I’m glad she apologized to both the brothers. Bonnie can’t keep the veil up much longer so Elena and Jeremy make the most of the time, even if it’s not enough.

Stefan returns to the bar, a little downhearted. And I didn’t quite realize why either. As Caroline tries to celebrate, he confesses that he thought he would get to see someone today too. And then my heart exploded. LEXIIIIIIIIIIIII AAAAH. It’s been FOREVERRR. That was another awesome awesomesauce reunion. Stefan’s “You’ve got to be kidding me” was so in contrast with his soaring heart. Yes, soaring heart – you could just see it.


LEXI! I was so sad that we didn’t see her because I was expecting to see her but aggh! AND THEN SHE WAS THERE! 😀

As we see everyone spending a little quality time with their reunion buddies before time’s up, Bonnie’s back in the caves preparing to perform a spell as Grams screams for her to stop. She’s going to close the veil. But keep everyone here. And as she performs the spell, the veil drops and so does Bonnie. I think I screamed NOOO at this point, as she was lifeless on the floor.


I didnt think she was actually dead, coz like comeon they always come back to life, like whaaat.

Out on the street, Rebekah and Matt are leaving the bar, but run into an old ex-boyfriend and our two fave vamp hunters. All out for blood. Surrounding them. And down in the caves, Bonnie gets up. Without her body.

Thats gonna be super scary.

THIS EPISODE! THIS EPISODEEEEEEEE! I just couldn’t stop writing because this episode you guysss! I can’t believe Bonnie is dead too now!  Oh my God. And every supernatural dead thing is back and more bloodthirsty and ever. But all these shocks aside, the reunions just made this episode. Every single one of them was just lovely. Okay minus the Kol-Rebekah one. But my heart just exploded and melted all at the same time. I’m so glad everyone’s back. And hopefully to stay. Although this does bring new problems, I’m just so glad to have my fave people back again. Can’t wait to see what unfolds!

SUCH A GOOD EPISODE. Like omg so so so good ❤  This was probably one of the best episode this season. Agh I am speechless, wordless and just aghdsfhvf. Can’t wait till next week.


TVD 4.21: She’s Come Undone


Hmm Elena being tortured, who doesn’t love that. Seriously missed the originals this episode. Some turn of events and a really cruel Klaroline moment. I’m a little biased with this show as I’ve come to realize so I pretty much like every episode regardless  – Shaf#1

Torturing Elena <3. Best part. –Shaf#2

So, back to mystic falls, eegh, can anyone else say that they already miss the originals? Like I felt there was a big hole. However the episode was good, it brought me to the edge of my seat even though it was predictable but still. I miss the Mikealsons </3

I did feel that missing element even thoughhh Klaus, or Silas-Klaus was still in this episode. It just felt… ah, it’s not the same without them.

*sings* Elena’s being tortured, Elena’s being tortured *grinning*. HAHA I know I sound like a heartless bitch but like seriously I was getting sick of her being all “oh – I have no emotions – I’ll try and be bad ass – blah blah blah” so seeing her get burned was painful, yet satisfying. Though as we can see Caroline was trying to come to her rescue (bless her for caring) and that didn’t turn out well.

Lol not painful, just satisfying. I’m not sure why but heartless Elena started to get on my nerves more than Katherine ever did. Dunno why. But these bits were just awesome. I love Caroline <3.

So something different happened this episode, there was Elena and the Salvatore brothers and then there was Matt and Rebekah intertwined, but Caroline was alone for the most part, and that felt weird but I think its coz they are trying to fill the huge gap left behind after The Originals aren’t there anymore. Bonnie came back, woop woop (well not really in terms of plotline, but still).

I wonder what Caroline will do with both Klaus and Tyler gone. Will Tyler come back? Although I’m more for Forewood, I enjoy Klaroline scenes. She and Klaus just have a nice spark. Knowing Caroline, I’m sure she’ll find something to throw herself into but still, poor kid.

So Elena is heartless as per usual and we see that it is really affecting Stefan more than Damon. I can see why, coz like Stefan’s been in that position I guess and maybe because his love for Elena is different. But anyways, they burned her and then they called in the big guns, Katherine. Oh how I’m glad that Katherine is back. But anyways, she’s such a bitch, she tortures Elena but Elena, well she’s got some balls of her own and she strikes a nerve, reminding her that Elijah broke up with her 😥 And then Katherine, in typical Katherine manner, lets her loose.


I think Damon did feel it too but he’s just better at keeping those emotions in check usually. Stefan probably did feel it moree though. I loveddd that they brought Katherine in. Katherine for all her heartlessness can get pretty emotional and usually ends up going to an extreme end. I wish they’d drawn that scene out moreee though. I’m sure Katherine could come up with plenty creative ways to torture Elena. Wow, aren’t we a little too excited about Elena getting hurt? 😛

Elena is cray cray. Matt is super mad that Katherine is “helping” Elena turn her humanity back on (oh yeah he’s back, oh and he’s also failing senior year and apparently Rebekah can speak Latin fluently). So the Salvatores and Matt go to find Elena while Katherine meets up with Bonnie, I think that happened before actually. So anyways, they find Elena in the woods and Matt gets out of his car while Elena gets all full on Vamp and tries to eat matt; well, she does.

Hahahaa I loved that we had a completely normal, mundane human problem for a change. It felt like a relief actually. I really liked the Matt-Rebekah thing this episode, and her offering to help in whichever way possible, it was a nice gesture. Although I’m not for cheating, but still. And Matt. He keeps.. sacrificing himself for Elena. I know Elena had him saved first but he’s kind of paid her back I think. I mean, HE died for herr this episode. But let’s wait for that.





And then Elena wakes Matt up and tries to go get at it again when Damon and Stefan intervene. Stefan controlling Elena i.e. good cop and Damon holding up a half conscious Matt i.e. bad cop. They provoke her, forcing her to turn her emotions back on or they’ll kill Matt and then Elena doesn’t listen and the next thing you know Matt’s neck has been snapped and he’s lying on the floor. For a second, I thought he was dead, I was sure of it, because I knew that Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson love to kill of main characters. Well first of all, the so called killing of matt worked, no amount of torture or anything could bring Elena back, but Matt luckily had that all powerful ring on and thus he survived. Yay.

My jaw dropped too. You think I’d get used to them trying to kill everyone off. But I was like “MATT TOO?!”. But I did realize a moment later that he couldn’t have actually died, because Elena would hate Damon forever and Damon would be sad again forever and oh my god, enough with that. But I was so glad that’s what brought her back, even with all the torture lovin’.





Elena with her humanity back on, wowz. She was out of control and that was expected. Everything was hitting her all at once and Stefan was there to calm her down while Damon held her. There was this moment while Stefan was holding her and telling her to focus and there was this connection. Ugh im so conflicted about which Salvatore I want her to end up with.

I don’t know eitherr. I still think I prefer Stelena in the long run. Oh I dunnooo. But it was weird wasn’t it, the three of them sort of sandwiched together there, so much stuff between them all.


So back to Caroline, she’s freaking out during the whole torture time coz of the screaming when Matt lets out (well Rebekah really) the bombshell that he was failing. So Car being her typical self, she left to get flashcards and books to make sure Matt doesn’t fail. Also she’s been trying to get a hold of Bonnie, who is conveniently meeting up with Katherine in a café.

LOL. Caroline. Getting her flashcards. Funny girl :’).






So the whole Bonnie and Katherine trio, Bonnie wants the tombstone that Katherine has. Why? Well because if Bonnie gets that she could open the veil to the other side and give Katherine what she wants. Complete immortality.

That. Is a bad idea. What is Bonnie thinking. She better have something else up her sleeve.

Back to Caroline, so she’s out on her way to the car when suddenly someone’s following her so somehow she ends up in the forest and we see Klaus. Which gets Klaroline shippers hearts to do summersaults! And it’s all sweet when he says “I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye” and I was sure we were gonne have an actual Klaus and Caroline make-out sesh or something, but its Silas -___- eff Silas ruining a perfect moment. So he threatens her coz he can’t find Bonnie and she has to do as he says or he’ll kill her mom.

http://nimues.tumblr.com/post/49531181658 & http://fallentribute.tumblr.com/post/49490174334


I was so shocked. I really thought there was going to be a kiss too. And he was so sweet and she was so touched, even though she said he didn’t owe her any explanations. God, Silas. He’s everywhere. How can anyone be certain of anything?



So on goes this chase and Silas appears in the form of Klaus, Matt, her mother and as his real self for some part, but we don’t really see him -___- But anyways, at Caroline’s house Sheriff Forbes is all okay and safe and then Bonnie comes and we realize that its Silas and that Sheriff Forbes is in the tv room, dying and bleeding. And it’s like NOOO not someone else dying, I wasn’t sure if they were gonna kill her to be honest, I really felt like she was gonna die but then finally she survives. However, Bonnie is forced to leave without helping and leave with Silas…dun dun dun.

If she had died, I don’t know what would have happened to Caroline. I mean, she’s losing so many people. Her two best friends, her boyfriend, the other guy who’s in love with her, and her mother too? No way. So glad she didn’t die just because it would kill Caroline.




Back in the Salvatore Mansion, Elena is hurt and in pain, but she’s better ie not crying like a hysteric fool and then she talks about “doing something”, which confuses us and we realize the one emotion that she focused on was revenge, on none other than Katherine, the one and only.

Wait, I thought it was hate she focused on? Which lead to the revenge. Lolol she’s turning into Emily/real Amanda from Revenge. If any of you watch Revenge. She had an Emily moment.

Can’t wait to see how that turns out. Ciao lovers, sorry we’ve been posting super late, internet problems, travelling, finals and life gets in the way. We still love ya and hope you keep coming back

Eek yeah sorry guys. Probably might be the same for the next week but we’ll get back on track after that.


TVD 4.19: Pictures Of You


It’s prom night on the vampire diaries and dayum did they all clean up good. But it wasn’t a different outfit Silas was wearing; it was different people  –Shaf#2

EEEK we see Jeremy ❤ and its prom, everyone in tuxedos and beautiful dresses :’) – shaf#1

The episode started off in a sombre tone. I felt really sad for Bonnie. Do you realize this is the first time since Jeremy died that someone has actually grieved for him properly? Like we all cried about Jeremy but everyone else has been busy saving Elena who’s busy fighting everyone about trying to save her. Yeah, that’s all worked out really well so far. But then Jeremy pops up and tells Bonnie to wake up and she does with her legs on fire and stuff. Now she’s wreaking havoc in her dreams? Scary.

Yes, I noticed that, I mean everyone literally just grieved for about 1 episode. I liked how they showed Bonnie being affected by his death and going to his grave and it all felt nice and sad but reminded me that I really missed him 😦

Cut to the Salvatore boys playing football in their living room and discussing the woes of dehumanized Elena. I found this really funny cos it’s apparently been over a week and they’re only just getting to this discussion? Or is it the 57th time they’re having it? Cos 57 times makes much more sense, knowing the Salvatores. And football in the living room lol. Making up for lost youthful bonding?

Hahah that part was cute, and funny, and weird like okay lets discuss all our issues over football, seems like a perfect plan.

At the Original house, there’s a little family meeting going on about what’s to be done with the cure. Klaus gets all huffy cos people don’t want to do what he wants and Elijah sets a simple test for Rebekah. I thought this was a pretty good idea. I know Rebekah’s been obsessed with being human for pretty much ever but seeing what it could really be like? Elijah’s always such a smartypants. Love him :’). Elena offers to have Rebekah’s back. The sooner the cure’s down her throat, the better.


“Klaus gets all huffy” couldn’t have said it  better myself, haha he was such an ass to Rebekah but still, I get it, he doesn’t wanna go through pain and as much as I love him he’s kind of a selfish prick. Elijah is such a smarty pants, a typical older brother who knows how to deal with everyone.

Meanwhile, Elena and Rebekah run into Caroline and Bonnie, dress shopping. And then Elena, with her newly-discovered inner bitch, steals Caroline’s dress. Okay, total bitch move, but truthfully, that fuchsia dress looked a lot better on Elena, and Caroline wouldn’t have found herrr perfect dress otherwise.

I knew Elena was gonna steal the dress, but I agree Elena looked SO much better in it!

and this, I just had to:


THAT scene with Klaus was hilarious. I just love Caroline okay; sensitive, deep, caring Caroline who freaks out over school dances. Alright it is prom, it’s worth a freak-out. But it was funny :’). I swear, I even thought it was Silas impersonating Caroline, trying to distract Klaus or something for some reason. Yeah… . Silas is getting into my head too . Anyways, loved that little Klaus smile, it was just too endearing. And then Caroline. Whoa. She looked like the Queen of the 1920s, her dress, all those sequins and rhinestones. Stun-ning.


Caroline is definitely one of my faves and moments like that are why I love Klaroline SO SO SO much. Her dress was gorgeous and so fitting for her. It makes me so mad if they leave! And the next episode is called “the originals” and I think its like the pilot of the spinoff and I’m just like aah 2 shows I’m excited but I don’t know if I’ll like the show without the originals 😦

I really do like watching the little Stefan-Caroline moments. If we can’t have Lexi, well, we’ve got this now. Stefan swooping in to stop Caroline from bitchslapping Elena, who really deserved it btw, and then he confesses that his whole “I’m moving on with my life” thing may not be working out as well as he’d hoped. Caroline tells him it’s not that easy, but one day he’ll fall madly in love and realize that he’d moved on without even realizing. That’s true. I mean, not necessarily that he has to fall in love to have moved on but it doesn’t just happen because you declare it. And I’m glad that while everything may be falling apart they have the other to rant to.


Stefan and Caroline are so adorbs together, I love that they are friends :”) Oh we all knew that whole moving on thing was going to be really hard for him, I mean come on they were epic and beautiful and just Stelena ❤

Talking about Stefan and his moving on issues, that Stelena moment this episode… did you feel it? Elena was so cold man, almost colder than Katherine, and that’s saying something. And Stefan, it was like that ice front he was trying so hard to keep was melting, as he himself admitted to. I don’t believe Elena felt absolutely nothing. I think her ice front is just more.. icy. But that line: “What heart?” … cold. Like Canada winters cold.


Elena was so cold, but I felt like she was putting on a front, the last line was :O but I dunno, I felt like she cared, just a little bit. Stefan melted as he was remembering all those times they had together, he was melting fassst.

Damon got a leetle jealous there. Forehead creased, eyebrows knitted, the whole thing. And he disappears outside with his little bottle. Only to be followed by Stefan subtly mocking him. I swear, I did not realize that was Silas. I was just like “hold up, what’s Stefan doing” and then I was like “shit shit” and then Damon had a stake in his gut. Damn you Silas, messing with my poor brain. I’m having an off day. I’ll be more perceptive next episode.

I totally fell for it and was thinking why is Stefan being such an ass, like whats wrong with him! But then it was Silas and I thought damn him for making me believe the Salvatore brothers are fighting again.

I did, however, realize that Jeremy was not actually Jeremy when he asked Bonnie for a dance. Still, I loved these moments, if only to see Jeremy again, real or not. Bonnie looked like… like someone who was just willing to believe anything because of the desperation grief can bring. Oh don’t you just miss Jeremy though </3. The slideshows outside the party, when the camera focuses on a few images.. I think there’s something in my eye ahem.

So did I, it was pretty obvious 😛 But I loved it nonetheless because I love and miss Jeremy so much 😦

Inside the party, Rebekah’s being the good little human that she’s always wanted to be, not causing any fights and following Matt around like a puppy. He’s still mad at her of course and she begs him for a dance. I thought these were good scenes too. Matt’s a good person. He’s just “beautifully human”. Sure, we were all like “psht Matt go die why are you even here” once upon a time but Matt, we’re sorry, we love you. You’re the sanity in the midst of the chaos. So Rebekah’s just swaying along, and Elena pops by with her plans to kill Bonnie the crazy witch.

I missed Matt, and had begun to wonder if they had just forgotten about him. He is so “beautifully human” <3. I can’t believe Elena wanted to kill Bonnie, like come on, its just like she doesn’t give a shit and its like agghh care for something.

Except crazy witch Bonnie is a lot more powerful than you thinkkk Elena. Lol. What’s Elena trying to pull, a Damon? Getting all cocky, thinking she can defeat the world. Kay. Rebekah tattles on her but Bonnie can handle her shit so yeah. That scene was another one of those whoa moments. But then LATER!  When she almost KILLS Elena. It was like hate and fury and passion to kill burning out of her eyes. And Elena finally cracked. Bonnie storms off in all her witchly angst and – okay, we’ll save that til the end.

I feel like with the way Nina Dobrev acts, you can see her crack, which amazes me.


I love that it’s fear that breaks Elena. I have an evil reason.. well, it’s not thaat evil… but here’s why. Not that I hate Elena 2.0 or anything but you know how she’s being a total bitch to everyone? I feel like I’ve used the word bitch a lot today… Oh wells, bringing my inner Suf out (for those of you who know her highness Sufanah Hamza). Yeah so, in return, they can be a bitch to her and “make her life a living hell” and not just be the victims of her abuse. And I love thaaat *sings*. It’ll be so much fun mwahaha. I hope they come up with creative ways to be mean to her.

HAHAH I agree, it’ll be fun to see her be tortured after all this time of her torturing everyone else.

And finally. Quick recap, Elena snaps April’s neck, Rebekah doesn’t want to use her superdooper vamp powers for fear of failing Elijah’s test, Matt appeals to her humanity, she saves April, Klaus appears from the shadows to mock her, having just successfully duped her and Elijah. Silas-Rebekah back at the original house receives the cure from Elijah, and all has just gone to hell. Yay. (P.S. genuine yay, I realized I wanted that to happen. Cos like… um… Jeremy will come back. Yes I might literally want all hell to break loose just for Jeremy. And also, there would be no story otherwise… but that’s just secondary). Bonnie hunts down Silas to a drippy dark little cave. It’s like the inside of a kid with a cold. Ew.  And dun. Dun. Dunnnnnnnn. She agrees to help him. And he reveal half his face, swathed in shadows.


So dramatic VD. You should’ve just shown us his face. This isn’t batman you know. Aaaaanyways, awesome episode, it was prom, shit happened. OMGOMGOMG I almost forgot – Tyler came backkkk! I thought he was Silas too btw . So paranoid. But he was only there for 2 minutes . It was sweet though and I really appreciated Klaus’s gesture of letting him leave. Not that I underestimate Klaus but I doubt he will kill Tyler anytime soon.



Can’t. Wait. For. Neeeext. Weeeeek. *sings*. Let’s all do a happy dance. Awks. Loved VD this week. Peace out TV lovahs.

SO SO SO EXCITED. Ciao lovelyys


TVD 4.18: American Gothic


O.M.G. EEEEKKK This episode was so good. Elijah’s back yaya and the bitch is back too along with bitch 2.0 becoming even more ruthless. LOVE.THIS.SHOW. – Shaf#1

ELIJAHHH . You know how much I’ve missed the guy? They just make all my faves leave or die -.- But Elijah was back this week ANDD Katherine and dayum Elena  – Shaf#2

So the entire gang well, the Salvatores, are following Elena and Rebekah on their quest to find Katherine. Who they find in this tiny little town.


Elena and Rebekah get to her first and try and figure out where the cure is hidden and they do this by Elena becoming ruthless and kinda torturing Katherine in a way. Which was so different, it was like seeing Katherine in action again, you know? But this time the roles were reversed!


I swearrr how did that happen. This episode was full of.. maybe not unbelievable plot twists but definitely surprising twists in characters. Honestly, the whole trying to ram the cure down Elena’s throat thing is annoying me. Like why? They’ve had their bad moments, the Salvatores. And it’s not like they still don’t have the potential to have more bad moments but no one’s trying to shove a cure down their throats. I think Elena’s right in that sense for telling them to stop but the way she’s been doing it.. well yeah.

Anywho, so she had to pretend to be Katherine to go and meet “Em” who turned out to be Elijah! SO DAMN HAPPY! First off, daayumm he looked hot, he is wow. And then he was actually fooled for a few seconds, and then comes the best part. He’s. hooking. Up. With. Katherine. Talk about major jaw drop! Well not really we knew he was always in love with her.

Still though, it was a bit of an  moment. And how sweet he was too, tucking her hair behind her ear. I love Elijah. He’s just the best you know. And he did look goood. Loved the little diner scene too, when the rest of them reacted to who Katherine’s “friend” was.


Anyways, Elena gets kidnapped by Elijah yet again and Stefan goes to her rescue while team Rebekah, Damon and Katherine go and find the cure.

Haha what is with all the awkward threesomes? Well not thaaat kinda threesome but ya know . Elijah kidnapping Elena was kind of funny. It’s not that I underestimate Elijah’s… um, abilities/power/word? But I didn’t think he would hurt Elena. He’s not cruel. He would much rather avoid inflicting pain. Have I mentioned I loved Elijah?

Back in mystic falls, Klaus is in pain from the stabbing of the White oak stake 😥 Poor baby, he looked like he was in so much pain. But anyways he calls the one person he knows will care and in comes Caroline. He’s begging for mercy and then Caroline was a complete bitch, I was shocked in the beginning.



Don’t you worry Klaroline fans, it was just Silas pretending to be Caroline *phew*. Anyways after the Silas-embodied Caroline leaves, in comes real Caroline And in typical manner she’s complaining about prom or some committee she’s on.

Haha I love how Caroline’s so determined to be the typical highschool-er that she was even as her revamped self.. pun intended. Anyways, I really felt for Klaus this episode. I mean, the physical pain of it was making him go crazy, but the way he reacted when real Caroline came in. Ah that was just </3. He really loves her… I may not be as big a Klaroline fan as you Shaf but aw Klaus, I really like the little Klaroline moments this episode. Even the fighting.



And then she helps him and they get into a heated fight about their relationship I guess? Or how Klaus is still going after Tyler and then his pain stops and he realizes that Caroline brought him back :’) and that it was all a mind trick. I feel like they’re building the chemistry but kind of trying to kill the chemistry too because Klaus is going to be on his own show and then they can’t continue it, which sucks because I really like Klaroline 😥 On the otherhand though this leaves room for Tyler to come back but its still like agh

I think they should have something Klaroline before he leaves. Or would that be worse? Because then fans would want to see moreee and it wouldn’t happen. But I feel like they’ve building chemistry so long that there has to be at least one small climactic moment. The smile at the end on Klaus’s face as Caroline left with a little smile herself – that was so unbelievably adorable :’).

Where the hell was Bonnie this episode? Like hasn’t she just unleashed hell coz there is no other side now? And where on Earth is Matt, I demand more Matt.

Huh yeah, I didn’t notice she was missing though . I think this ep was focused on locating the cure. Because that’s the final thing Silas needs as well right? To do his ritual thing. I have come to love season 4 but oh so many things. It’s a little muddled in my brain.

Back in the town, Damon and Rebekah find what they think is the cure and in typical manner, Rebekah takes it as Damon fails to stop her. But because it’s TVD it’s not the actual cure and Rebekah is all sad.

…and 5 seconds later:


LOL obv that wasn’t the cure. Oh so dramatic. It was funny. Although Rebekah’s expression was pretty despaired. Damon getting a face burn was funny! I actually laughed . Was that mean of me? Haha.

While that’s going on Elena and Elijah are having a heart to heart and Elena is reminding him that Katherine is a manipulative little bitch who couldn’t love anyone and that he shouldn’t trust her.






Enter Katherine, who snaps Elena’s neck and looks deeply into Elijah’s conflicted eyes, who is now doubting his love for her and whether or not she’s worth it. It also hits him that she’s just using him. It’s sad coz I think I could grow to love Elijah and Katherine as a duo. But then at the end of the episode Katherine gives him the cure and gives him her leverage, thus proving her love for him? What do you think? :’) Imagine Katherine goes to the Originals. But Nina Dobrev can’t play two characters on different shows (n)

I swear, sometimes I forget that Katherine and Elena are played by the same person. I was like but why nottt, and then I was like oh right, it’s just Nina. That neck snap was amazing btw!


But yeah, anyways, I really like the Elijah-Katherine thing. It’s not him questioning his love but hers. Her giving him the cure genuinely surprised me though. I mean, I felt there was some genuineness in her feelings but her sense of self-preservation has always been the stronger one for her. I thought that was a great moment too this episode. I think she really does care about Elijah but I don’t know if this self-sacrificing thing is only a 1-time thing.

Back to Elena, she finally meets the Salvatore brothers and tells them to stop looking for the cure and to leave her be or there will be consequences, to which Damon says no obviously but then she snaps the waitresses head as if it is nothing and says there’s more to come. What the hell happened to her.

I know! THAT shocked me too. I mean first Katherine being somewhat of a sincere person and now Elena doing this?! And that scene was so calm too, the music, the dim diner. And then just.. snap. It was a little scary. Like the expressions on Stefan and Damon’s faces – shock just like me. Why can’t people just have balance? First she’s too compassionate, now she has the potential to become worse than Katherine. I still don’t agree with the Salvatores trying to force her the cure but wow Elena.



Another thing this episode that really hit me was Stefan’s little, “after this I’m leaving, I do not want to repeat history thing”. This can’t be the official end of Stelena, like its just not possible. But what if it is 😥


I don’t know. I don’t want them to go gossip girl on us the way they did Serena and Dan. Although those two did get back together in the end? But whatever. It can’t be the end for Stelena. That line saddened me too but I also think it was a good one. Sometimes even as an audience you can feel that repetitiveness of the character’s actions. I think I really felt that in the beginning of this season, when Damon was talking to ghost Alaric about being stuck here to babysit the kids and fight with his brother. Just the tiredness in his voice and his eyes. So I’m glad they’re trying to break this cycle of resentment and bad feelings between them in general? But I do hope Stelena hasn’t just officially died. I think if Stelena gets back together, maybe after a long time but at one point in the future, they may be lifers. Anyways, we shall see.



AH hiatuses. Loved this episode, love this show, can’t believe it’s already the 18th ep. See ya when we see ya


TVD 4.17: Because The Night


Road trip to the Big Appleeee! :’D Loved the episode. Flashbacks, indulgence and some worrying new consequences. I was hoping for a little more New York craziness, not to say it wasn’t crazy, but anyways, the episode was ❤ – Shaf#2

EEEEK NYC!! ❤ New hair cut, new attitudes, some flashbacks and aah ❤ – Shaf#1

Started off with a flashback. I was shocked for a moment, watching Damon drop that couple in the blink of an eye, wondering if present-day Damon had lost it a little. Only after, I realized it was a flashback. He didn’t even drink from them! It’s like he killed for the enjoyment of killing. Ripper Stefan indulges but pointless murder? Um. Damon has a history of this -.- Anyways, I still loved that opening scene. TVD did a good job this week paralleling Damon’s New York then, and Elena’s New York now. I liked that. Btw, did anyone else think 70s Damon was hotter than present Damon? Not in attitude but in looks/clothes. Damon’s such a hottie .

Back then Damon was a hottie! He had that whole musician thing going on! And I loved the opening! I was like OH NO HE’s GONE ROGUE! And then it was a flashback and my heart was restored to its original place *phew*.

Another thing this week’s flashbacks brought was Lexi! YAY  I love any episode with Lexi in it. But wow, the turn of events. Damon and Lexi?!?! What? WHAT?! Okay maybe there was always some tension there but WHATT?! I didn’t quite understand why Lexi was bothering with Damon, despite the whole brother speech, but oh wells, if it gives her an excuse to be around. Can’t believe Damon double crossed her, SO mad at him for that -.- I mean, I didn’t buy his crap in the first place, and I was surprised Lexi was so easily fooled. Yes he’s charming and gorgeous but really? That make-out scene was kinda hot though. Still, no one crosses Lexi. Like Caroline, you just can’t do that to Lexi. It ain’t cool.



I was SO excited to see Lexi! I was over the moon! Any episode with her makes me happy :’) BUT OMG Dexi happened :O say whaaaaat! I didn’t expect that, it would make sense why he hated her so much though, and I guess kinda explain why he killed her coz she reminded him of all his guilt! But still I’m really mad that he double crossed her! He was so mean to her 😦 I was surprised as well that Lexi bought it! Coz she doesn’t usually buy into stuff like that you know? She’s really smart but aghfhlibfr! *sigh* atleast we got to see Lexi 😀

The funny thing was that Elena seemed so interested in listening to Damon’s old conquest. I knew Damon wasn’t gonna buy her crap though. Too obvious, she isn’t smooth enough with the forcing sex on him. But she is shrewd, picking up on his motives, and she did outsmart him in the end, more on that later. Speaking of Elena, the hair cut. Oh. My. God. OMG! So hot. I lurve her hair. I want her hair omg it was gorrrrgeousss. And with the wild hair outburst came the wild club outburst. Loved that bit. Is it weird that when Damon and Elena were feeding on that one girl together, I thought it was oddly hot?



HER hair was probably one of the best things that has ever happened on TVD! I was all for the long gorgeous straightened waterfall of lusciousness but now it was natural and sexy and hot! Watch out people, Elena Gilbert is changing, she can’t force the sex on him but she is getting smarter and smarter each day! HAHAH I thought it was kinda hot too, hahah my roommate walked in (lets call her Ms. Gleek) she just stared at it, looked at us and was kinda disgusted 😛 hahah

Okay let’s head back to Mystic Falls. Silas and Bonnie were conjuring up evil plans, although Bonnie looked rather distraught. I was surprised she was still sticking around after knowing that Shane was actually Silas now. I mean for Jeremy yes but wow. JEREMY 😥 </3.


Silas and Bonnie. Urm no. I knew there was going to be trouble and I was right!

And another funny threesome: Caroline, Stefan and Klaus. Lololol. All that tension. Poor Klausy, loves them both and they get all in his face . Caroline was pretty harsh on Klaus. I’m mad at him too, but the “some people can’t be fixed” line was like a slap. Youch. His eyes . But his line at the end. OUCH. That was like a punch.


Hahah that threesome was funny :’) Im mad at him too and I think she deserves to be a bitch to him but when he was mean to her I was like EEEK, I can see why they might be trying to stop their chemistry and let it fizzle away coz Klaus is getting his own show ad everything but agh im still such a Klaroline lover! And I misss Tyler! I can’t decideee :O


On a side note though, I felt like this episode wasn’t all about the love triangle (if that even exists anymore) or relationships, it was just an episode which I liked. Like there was stuff about relationships etc etc but I felt like it wasn’t a slap in your face you know? I like a change of pace 🙂

Bonnie, under Silas’s commands, lures a coven into ‘helping’ her while she tries to kill them all. I was actually hoping they would cleanse her but obviously that wasn’t gonna happen. When that witch pulled out the knife I was like . BUT CAROLINE. Omg. I expected her to run to Bonnie’s aid but omg. She stabbed that witch and one by one they all dropped. And the last sacrifice was complete. Silas has everything now. Oh my god I can’t even begin to comprehend what’s gonna happen aaaaaah. Katherine’s coming back for sure cos she’s next on Silas’s list. I can’t wait for that but whattt on earth. What are they gonna do now? On a side note, I wonder how Katherine will react to present day Elena. Imagine they become best friends lololol that would be hilarious.

THAT SCENE WAS SO INTENSE! Why didn’t Caroline knock the knife out rather than stab her -___- come on Caroline, use those braincells! But agh when they weren’t doing anything to help Bonnie I was just like get off your lazy vamp asses and DO SOMETHING! Katherine is so coming back and I really wanna see Katherine and Elena together and I think it’ll be awesome coz new Elena is badass! Love her ❤

Caroline, shocked and devastated, gets that verbal punch. I can’t reiterate enough the verbal paunchiness of that line: “You look like you’re in need of comfort… Why don’t you find someone less terrible you can relate to?” I can’t say I blame Klaus for saying it. Although I want him to for once take the higher road and not give into his anger, Caroline was horrible to him this episode and I understand why he reacted that way. I’m not saying that Caroline deserved that or shouldn’t have said what she said but still. Just ouch.


I agree like Caroline was a MAJOR bitch but I can’t blame Klaus! I wish he would have taken the high road though, would have made me love him so much more ❤

All those shocks aside, one thing I never thought I’d see: Team Rebelena? Elekah? Psht shipper names. ELENA AND REBEKAH! With Rebekah in the picture especially, Damon didn’t stand a chance. The new Elena is a bitchy Elena. When Rebekah – I mean, Rebekah, you guys – actually said she missed the old Elena, you could see how different Elena really is. No emotions attached, she just spurts out the truth and she was right about Rebekah. But on the contrary, that’s what makesss them the perfect team. One wants the cure, one needs it to be just gone. When they got into Damon’s car, and drove off, I was just like wow. I love these two, they’re both just badasses. Can’t wait to see where their road trip takes them now.


AAH I know! I never thought I would ever see those two working together but they are and I’m kinda excited for it! 😛 New Elena is like Katherine 2.0. But a little different…I feel like she plays people but then she’s blunt whereas with Katherine she jus continued to play people for a very long time you know?


Ah I’m sure next episode will bring more exciting things. I wonder what’s gonna happen now. Is all hell about to break loose?

If all hell does break loose, I so CANNOT WAIT!


TVD 4.16: Bring it on


Klaus. Shirtless. YESHHH  I really liked this episode so much! It was a change of pace and kind of scary but I love it. No more damsel in distress woop woop! – Shaf#1

I thought this ep was a lot of fun for a change :D. Sure there were some sad moments. A few weird moments too. But a lot of awesome moments! –Shaf#2

In a long time, nothing supernatural really happened, well there is something but it was tiny and we saw everyone just be teenagers etc and I loved it!

Oh ya, it was a break from all that junk. I wonder who Will is though (the supernatural bit this ep). Damon seemed genuinely affected by running into him. Anyways..

So this episode. Elena damnit that girl. Wow. Such a change of the character and you know what? I kinda like it. I am a little scared though of how far she’s gonna go and what’s going to happen but I like to see Elena not be the damsel in distress or the weak one or the one who everyone’s life revolves around, even though it did this episode but I felt like it wasn’t as prevalent this episode.


No it was prevalent but like, she told them to just forget about it upfront. What she said to Stefan was like ouch man, that he needs to turn it off because “look at [him]”, his whole life seemingly revolving around her. Stefan did have a little hissy fit father moment there though, grabbing her phone “Who are you texting?!”.

But anyways she stripped down in front of everyone, said some really b**chy things, became a cheerleader again, hurt/almost hurt Sheriff Forbes and nearly killed Caroline. Oh and she doesn’t care. At all. Katherine doppelganger or what! I liked this side and liked that she was being badass because we’ve seen almost 3 and a half seasons of the sweet innocent Elena, we needed to see more! The funniest thing that I thought though was even though her emotions have been turned off, you could see a hint of jealousy when Stefan and Caroline were dancing and it made me go like “hmmmm”.

Omg, when she walked out naked I was like :O. The funny thing is she had that towel in her hand because she wrapped it around herself right after. I love the expressions on all their faces :p. I did think the Sheriff Forbes moment was a little harsh, even more than trying to kill Caroline for some reason. Though that was bad too. But like wow. She’s really strayed far off the beaten path. There was some jealousy there. Just to clarify, “take him out for a spin” is what I think it is? Yeah? Kay :p.

Another thing, the whole sire bond isn’t working anymore. It’s good but what I don’t know is how they’re gonna get it to turn back on. Well they do have all the originals there who can compel normal vamps so I guess that could work but still… I don’t think I want Elena to stay like this forever.



No not forever :P. I want some of this side of her to stay but in balance with the other side. They don’t need to turn it back on. Wasn’t the whole idea to get it off in the first place? Like Stefan said, they need to give her a reason to turn it back on, not force her to.

Stefan was so…so adorable this episode. I dunno it was so cute how he was trying to help and his whole line to Caroline saying “Even at my worst, she didn’t give up on me, so I’m not gonna give up on her” #HeartMelted. There were some quirky moments with Stelena and the part when he took her out to the motorbike, I really wish that he would have actually taken her and gone to a bar and just had fun with her, because I hate that Damon only gets to be the fun one! Why can’t Stefan be that?! Haha I just wish we would see more of his fun side.

Yeah I know! I thought he was really gonna take her out too! The stabbing thing reminded me of what she did to him in season 1 when he was losing control, and I was thinking irony. But it would’ve been nice to see a bar scene. However the party scene was just as good. She really was flirting with him this episode btw. So Katherine, I swear. That little scene with her stretching her legs. LOL.




Speaking of Stefan’s fun side, Caroline thought the same and then there was such a cute scene between the two! Love how they have each other’s back and loved how he picked her up and took her to dance! I really want her to be the new Lexi and not a potential love interest.





I don’t think the writers are gonna go down that road. Love interest ehh. Like no. She really does seem like his new Lexi. And I love their friendship. I thought that scene was adorable too. I think I rewatched it a couple of times. Although when Stefan goes “Are you jealous or something?” to Elena, I was like what, are YOU trying to make her jealous Stefan? Anyways, let’s talk about the other Salvatore for a bit.

Damon, I dunno how I feel about Damon this episode, I like that he was all for fun and that he’s taking Elena to New York City in the next episode (WHICH I AM SO EXCITED FOR!!) but I feel like he needs to be careful, because Elena is not like him. She’s more Stefan than him, which is why I think that it is gonna be so easy for her to become a ripper and cause some major damage. I mean she nearly killed Caroline, and she didn’t even flinch. Caroline is supposed to be her best friend and Elena doesn’t care? And that’s what scares me.





Exactly. You can already see the beginnings of the ripper in her. She killed without hesitation or even a second thought. That is very un-Elena-like. Sure I want her to let loose, have fun, but I don’t want her turning into a ripper. Even Damon had to tell her to have some self-restraint man. I did not like that she almost killed Caroline so easily and did not even feel a prick of guilt. Beginnings of a ripper. I am SO EXCITED for the New York episode though! I can’t waaaait! 😀






The vampire lead on Katherine that Damon and Rebekah found seems to be important, because he was Damon’s friend (Damon puts him out of his misery) and then he was looking at the picture so I dunno. Damon and Rebekah chemistry/quirkiness is so cute, I love it when they’re at each others throats.


Yeah. Exactly what I was saying, he seemed rather affected. And that Will guy didn’t seem so bad. Haha I think Rebekah has that relationship somewhat with everyone. Especially the Salvatore boys.

KLAUS KLAUS KLAUS. Oh hot daayummm. We have never, and I repeat never seen Joseph Morgan shirtless on TVD and let alone shirtless but hooking up with someone. When that happened I was like urmmm WHAT *swoon*. He spent the entire episode with Hayley (yes she’s back) trying to get more information on Katherine while Hayley tried to get him to lay off of Tyler. She flirts and seduces him, insults his art, and then they hook up! It was hot and all those tattoos. But but but part of me wishes it was Caroline #KlarolineShipper4Evaa.





I KNOWWWWWWW! OMG. First. Time. I was like “no way is this happening! Is this happening?! Omg this is happening!” He is hooottttt man! I was just staring at him the whole scene, I wasn’t even acknowledging the person he was hooking up with. It’s just we’ve never seen Klaus do that on this show. One of my favourite moments. I do not wish it was Caroline :P. I don’t want them to hook up. Not until I feel okay with Klaus again. Maybe there’ll be a change in tides like with the Stedelena triangle (is there a name for the triangle?). Anyways, I think Klaus wanted that hook up. Not because he fancies her but something about her had him attracted for the moment. He kept her there the whole episode, listened to her teasing him about divulging secrets like she actually had power over him. I don’t see the beginnings of an everlasting relationship there but I like their current ally status.

Speaking about Caroline and Tyler, Car is leaving thousands upon thousands of voicemails hoping to get a response but nothing. Which makes me sad. But at the end of the episode she gets a letter from him through Matt, who got the Lockwood mansion, talk about having a rich best friend. But that was cute how Tyler was protecting her even without being there and how he gave Matt a place to stay and I dunno, it’s cute.

Cute is the understatement of the year. Tyler. I love Tyler :(. I love Forewood :’(. I was sad with Caroline but at the same time I felt like this step was happening anyway? There needs to be room for new things in the plot? I’m still sad though. I still want Tyler to come back and I think he will. But I dunno AGH. 😦 Lucky Matt though, man. Went from sad little lonely boy to owns the fricking White House of Mystic Falls. I think he’s still in shock.





I think that sums it up for the episode, oh oh oh apparently a lot of bloods being stolen, like everywhere, something big is about to go down! Oh and where on earth was Bonnie?!

Bonnie’s being brainwashed by Silas obv. Stupid Silas, spoiling all the fun. One thing I was wondering about, when Rebekah mentioned seeing a dead Prof on the island, Damon just nodded, but doesn’t Damon think Shane is still alive? Wouldn’t that have set an alarm off in his head about Silas? Did no one notice this? Anyways, CAN’T WAIT FOR NEW YORKKKK!

Can’t wait for next week! Ciao you beauts



TVD 4.15: Stand By Me


This episode, it drove me insane. Say waaaah. Like I don’t understand it was so so sad! Yet so brilliant. The acting and everything was brilliant but other than that I think I am just going to go cry in a corner and sob because it just made me so so sad. Why TVD WHY?! –Shaf#1

Too cruel a death, even by TVD’s standards. Probably competing for number 1 on the list of worst TV deaths I’ve ever experienced, with Downton Abbey’s Sybil. Jeremy 😥 -Shaf#2

Heartbreaking and sad. I don’t know how I am going to write about this now that I think about it. So Jeremy. Is. Dead. And Elena has gone kind of pshyco and we all know it! How does a person go through so much heartbreak and live through it! She’s going to have to carry that with her for the rest of her vampire life which is basically forever and ever. I think the best way to talk about this episode is to go character by character because my mind is still such an emotional mess.

I often get annoyed with the excessive “oh poor Elena” but honestly this episode was maybe the first time I really REALLY felt so incredibly sad for her. Brothers and sisters, even the dysfunctional ones, are the people that somehow just stick by you through everything – and even if they don’t, they always come back. And now her last remaining family is gone. I just can’t comprehend it cos I feel like I’ve lost something with her too, and too great a loss it was.

Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy. His still body just lying there was making me so sad. How can this be the end. It all happened so fast that I still can’t process what exactly happened. I JUST WANT TO CRY!






Elena Gilbert. Nina Dobrev should deserve a round of applause for her acting. I can’t get over how heartbroken she was. And how she was attempting to have hope but we could see that she was dying inside and that she knew that he wasn’t going to come back. When it finally hit her that it was the end and that he wasn’t coming back I wanted to cry, I was probably crying along with her because sbjhegrbhgabe effin Katherine man! I love her but damn does she know how to make a person hate her! Katherine Pierce, you better sort out your issues because if you don’t I will want you dead!

No, I hate Katherine. I HATE KATHERINE. Screw her. Screw all these broken bad guys.. okay Katherine’s not that broken. I’m just mad at everyone now. Why do people think it’s okay to go around doing bad things and not face consequences? Why do you deserve any redemption? Katherine Pierce, you killed my favourite character, you’re dead to me, I hope they use you for some stupid sacrifice. (I reserve the right to most likely take this statement back because I do love Katherine but at this moment I loathe her for killing my favourite guy but it would be pretty awesome if she had an epic death, jus sayin). WHATEVER. HATE. YOU.

And then when Elena started sobbing and spraying lighter fluid over everything I was really really scared, I didn’t know what was happening because it wasn’t supposed to end like this! They were supposed to bury Jeremy so that she could go to his grave! Why would they need a cover story btw? I mean come on they have the sheriff and the doctor on their side, any cover story they use would work. They didn’t need to burn the place down! I really think that Elena’s going to regret it! Even though there is nothing left for her, its still filled with good memories, sure there are bad ones but the good memories exist too and it sucks that those had to get destroyed. And then Damon has to be told to help her (more on him later) and because of the whole sired mumbojumbo he tells her to turn it off?!?!? AHHH I get why he did it but akbdherbe and then her face, it just changes, there’s just a shift and we see her shutting it off. Like I said before Nina Dobrev deserves an award for her acting I this episode. It was phenomenal. Did you see a bit of Katherine in her? Or a more badass version?! Just her eyes, ufff.







Nina Dobrev – standing ovation, you are amazing. I do not know how you portray two very different characters flawlessly and are able to meld traits of one into another, but *claps*. I dunno about turning off emotions but I feel like she’s gonna end up burying it all like Stefan and lose control. Let’s see where it takes us. Ah I don’t WANT to talk about Jeremy because I don’t want to accept it. AGH. The last scenes were actually rather scary. Elena really did lose it. I couldn’t even believe how real and painful it was, I could have been standing in that room at a loss with the Salvatores or weeping over Jeremy. It’s like I heard the physical sound of her heart crack and mine too… or maybe it was the smashing glass. The hardest moment to watch in that sequence was when she poured lighter fluid on Jeremy himself. It’s like she couldn’t look at him because that intense pain would have worsened and how could it possibly be any more intensely painful? She poured it on his beautiful artwork and her diary too :(. I cannot believe the Gilbert house is gone. I agree, Stefan’s right. Maybe that house doesn’t feel like home anymore but the memories in it are home and she burnt it all to the ground.





Stefan Salvatore. I liked how he was there the entire episode and how he tried his best to handle her in the best way possible as well as give her the space that she needed to accept exactly what had happened you know?! He gave her the time to accept the issue and that was what she needed. She needed to come to terms with it in her own way. I felt like he was the strong figure this episode? Damon was too but because Stefan was there the entire time it felt like he was the rock.

Stefan was a rock, I agree. I’m glad he handled the situation as well as he did but I think he himself had no idea what to do. It was just all too much.

Damon, ugh I love him for looking for Bonnie, but that should have been Stefan! He should have been there the entire time when Elena needed him. However I do think that Stefan did an amazing job and it was probably best that it was Stefan rather than Damon! And how he hugged Bonnie when she found him. So cute. There is hope! I don’t know if I totally agree with the whole shutting off Elena’s humanity thing because I feel like it will be impossible to get it back and that’s what sucks, and the whole using the sire bond thing is why I hate it, they’re forcing her to do something and that sucks, by shutting it off she isn’t grieving and if she doesn’t grieve she won’t heal, she’ll remain broken…I dunno.

Yeah, I don’t think Damon could have done what Stefan did. Damon needs to do something, he can’t just be there the way Stefan can simply be. He is there for Elena but in a different way. I absolutely loved that he was doing his best to help her somehow and although he should have gone with Elena, he let Stefan, knowing it was better for Elena at this moment, and he did what he could. I do hate that he feels like he’s not good enough though. I loved that hug. They weren’t snapping at each other for the first time. It just felt like a moment of relief and clarity.



The little bro moment when both Stefan and Damon realized how it would suck to lose their brother and no matter what they went through, they still loved each other.

I know. That was one of the best moments. Like I said, brothers and sisters. They drive you crazy but you still love ‘em. Team Salvatore, you make my heart melt.

Caroline. She has grown so much and yet she just continues to be there for everyone and it’s beautiful. I really love how her character has grown and developed into such an independent woman. It sucked that Tyler couldn’t be there to help her go through things BUT even her acting and how she was the entire time.

I love her independence and compassion and clear-headedness. I miss Tyler, not myself this episode, but I missed him for her.

Matt broke my heart so much. The way that he cried and everything. It just broke my heart into a million pieces and I just wanted to cry along with him.

His best friend just died. Matt has become a pretty great person too. It’s not that he’s an active part of all the supernatural disasters, but he’s just.. a better person, a stronger a person, a person you wouldn’t want to lose. He teared up initially but how he held it together the entire episode… for Elena. Cos why should he break down when her brother just died? But.. ah. His tears felt so profound. I never thought I’d say it but Matt ❤ I love you.






Bonnie. Wtf. Speaking crazy shit man! I don’t understand her and I think she is just desperate to get Jeremy back but I think she’s going to end up dead. And even though everyone is against it, she is so going to die. I can see that happening and I JUST DON’T WANT ANYONE ELSE TO DIE. And and and I lost my words, but all I know is that its going to be bad and that sucks!

Bonnie is scaring me. I wanted to see her darker side, but this is not of her own will. Silas. Now Dr. Shane whattt. I wonder when everyone’s going to realize. Bonnie’s been brainwashed and her emotions used against her and I feel just as bad for her as Elena in some ways. She’s got a worse deal at the moment that’s not of her own control. But then Elena’s turned it off now too. Ah so much shtuff.

I can’t write anymore, so please tell me your thoughts about Silas and everyone else because. I . Just. Can’t.

Adios & RIP Jeremy Gilbert, you will forever remain in our hearts.

Jeremy’s dead. The Gilbert house is ash. Elena has no emotions. Bonnie has lost it. TVD, you’re gonna put me in therapy by the time you’re done. Jeremy 😥 I think you probably became my favourite male on TVD and I didn’t fully realize it until now. I can’t even find the words to express how much I will miss you.





A moment of silence.


TVD 4.12: A View to Kill


Kol 😥 … Kol *shakes head repeatedly*. No. Just no. I’m in denial. I have theories. I have theories guys! Okay one theory. It’s a good theory. Okay fine, we’ll talk about the rest of the episode first. –Shaf#2

KOL, DUDE! WHY WHY WHY! Yes I have theories too! Stefan, oh how I love Stefan  – Shaf#1

Alright alright, my crying coughbawlingcough aside, loved the episode! Loved the opening music and LOL Stefan, trying to sneak out at vamp speed. He was met immediately at the door by a scheming Klaus and an irritated Rebekah. As usual, Klaus came armed with a pair of puppy-dog eyes and a charming smile, Rebekah told him to get out of her life, thus concluding in a classic Klefan moment (Klefan’s a thing), where Klaus convinced Stefan to do his bidding, this time by portraying a nice, helpful soul. Seriously, how many times do they think their old tricks will work on the same girl? Although, must say, loved the Stebekah moments this episode.




Klefan shaf? Really? HAHAHA though I do agree Klefan is defo a thing because they have this relationship which is so funny. Stebekah was so cute this episode, loved it so much. ♥

Meanwhile, Elena was babysitting the baby hunter and his bff, and Bonnie was blowing balloons at the high school. Really, when was the last time they attended class? It’s like they’re only enrolled for the dances. Ah, Mystic Falls :’). But alas, Bonnie’s dad called to cancel it, and Bonnie was pissedddd. I totally get it; I mean, how many balloons was that she’d blown, 89? I’d be pissed too. Seriously. Not only that, he’d spiked the town water supply. How are the vamps gonna shower man?! It’s not like they need to drink water, it’s basically only showering left. It’s worrying.




Mystic Falls is hilarious :’) Bonnie, damn, that girl baaaaad. HAHAH yes she was pissed off at the fact that she had blown 89 balloons. Obvs. HAHAHA omg Shaf you are so funny “it’s basically only showering left. It’s worrying”.

In the Salvatore dungeons, Damon was still rotting away with his blood vials, exchanging quips with Klaus because Stefan was giving him the silent treatment. “Well well, looks like my brother ripped a page out of my revenge sex handbook” – Hahahaha, seriously, the Salvatores are more alike than they care to admit.


Damon’s lines are so epic and I kind of like that Stefan is giving him the silent treatment!





I love those two in a room, but I love Klaus and Damon together, the guys with the best lines. Although Klefan often have interesting banter too. I thought it was hilarious how Klaus was fishing for dating advice basically and Damon read right through it. But Damon had a very good point: “If you’re gonna be bad, be bad with purpose – otherwise you’re just not worth forgiving.” Klaus really needs a little anger management. Also, I just realized I don’t think I ever forgave Damon for Lexi, and that statement is exactly why. Miss Lexi </3


Why on Earth was Caroline not in this episode at all maan! It was so annoying! Seriously VD!



But once again Damon has epic lines! Klaus really needs to relax maaan. And I so agree, I hate what he did to Lexi! It was just so mean and I loved Lexi, so I miss her! But I’m relying on this whole bringing-back-dead-people will bring Lexi and maybe Mason back too! Coz I loved him!

Elsewhere, on a random street strolls Kol, alive with the excitement of modern technology. Hahaha :’). And he has the hottest accent of the whole cast. And he’s adorable. WHY 😥 ?!? Okay I’ll save the outburst for now. So Elena calls for a truce and he vamp-teleports to her house. Seriously, Elena and Jeremy are idiots for inviting him in! What good could that have ever resulted in? Like I know he’s cute, but okay, chill your ovaries Elena. Jokes. But it was a bold move, and I’ll give them credit for that.

Kol is so cute  He DOES doesn’t he! I love his accent and me and my friend were watching it and were like OMG HIS ACCENT *swoon* *faint*. Elena and Jeremy are so dumb! I was just like why on Earth are they letting him in! So dumb, like if an original hasn’t been invited in, he shouldn’t be invited in! HAHAH “chill your ovaries”  They are defo being bold and becoming badass-ish.

Jeremy runs off to find Bonnie, who’s been summoned to a sudden reunited family meeting. Man, I just realized what a scary-awesome family they make – powerful witch, witch-turned-vamp and intimidating, driven Dad. That was some family drama right there!


But when Bonnie’s parents DRUGGED her I was just like whattt?!?! They are right about Bonnie’s powers though. I stand by wanting to see her dark side but wow, she can bring an Original to his knees! She looked like she was breaking Kol’s bones! And then her mother! Bonnie’s becoming scary man.

Bonnie’s family is cray craay (I can’t believe I just said that) BUT OMG…her dad…her mom…her! She is so damn powerful and becoming borderline evil. Ya her parents drugging her was so weird  You know what I am scared about, the fact that Bonnie is going to be killed off, its just a theory because she’s got a music career and whenever someone turns evil they end up dead and I don’t wanna see Bonnie die! Coz I like Bonnie, but ahjvsdhfvsf.

HAHA quoting our favourite Banana, shaf? 😛 And not necessarily; music career I dunno, but Klaus is still around and he’s the worst. Hope they don’t kill her off.

While everyone was running around doing crazy idiotic things, Stefan took Rebekah to a fake dance. I was glad to see Stefan’s soft side re-emerge. I didn’t expect it so soon but it was nice. I know he was playing Rebekah, she knew too, and I wanted to smack him for all the soft-eye-flirting, but it felt like a part of it was genuine. I loved how he pulled her in for a dance and told her about the 80’s and opened up. Although Stefan thinks he’s a Ripper and his good side is not his true self, it is; he’s both the Ripper and the romantic. You’d think after 150 years, give or take, he’d come to understand that. He just underestimates the power of the romantic in him (think back to Klaus’s example). When Rebekah opened up about the life she dreamed of: boom boxes, marriage, kids and white picket fences, I was all gooey inside.

The Stebekah moments were priceless, they were so beautiful, Rebekah looked gorg, Stefan and his leather jacket and talking all about how the 80s was about love and how he spent it with Lexi. Then the sliding across the floor thing, too cute.  He was the Ripper and part of him will always be the Ripper but he hasn’t been the Ripper in a while now right…? Btw, how are the vamps of Mystic Falls feeding? They haven’t shown that…? Rebekah, poor poor Rebekah, I love her and I want her to be happy and get the life and love that she deserves.


For the first time, I want the cure too because I think she deserves it more than anyone else. Forget Elena, she seems happy enough. It was really sweet how Stefan sort of apologized by promising to be on her side and later stood up for her too.

Elena so doesn’t deserve the cure, she honestly doesn’t even care about it anymore #TeamRebekahForTheCure





Back at the Gilbert residence, all hell had broken loose. That whole game of hide-and-seek-and-kill was epic! I don’t think we’ve seen a struggle like that in a while. Man, Kol was craaazy. I had my breath held when he’d staked Elena to a wall and had laid Jeremy out on the counter like he was dinner! Just what, it was insaneee. I can’t believe Elena managed to SLIDE herself off the stake, and then everything just happened so fast. I couldn’t even blink or close my mouth or comprehend anything because THEY KILLED KOL OHMG WHAT NO WHY NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!






That entire scene I was at the edge of my seat and it made me go OMG! It was so so so epic! And you know what I liked about this, no one came to save them and helped them. They did it ALL on their own! Which made me go like Go Team Gilbert! Finally! Elena being a vamp has been helpful!

Klaus’s rage was so intense I felt like even Bonnie’s insane spell wouldn’t hold him. Stefan was right; no matter what, family is family, and as dysfunctional as the Originals are, they’re still family. Which is why I scoffed when they all tried to justify killing Kol. Rebekah took it in a much less murderous way but Stefan was basically saying he’d do anything to protect his loved ones, having just agreed to help kill one of hers. Jeremy tried to kill Elena but she stuck by him, which is what Rebekah would have likely done too. I don’t think they even see their own hypocrisy.. Seriously, I don’t think even we’ve seen Klaus this enraged.



Kol’s death was not justified properly maan. I love how they show and highlight the importance of family on this show. No matter how much they hate each other, they stick up for their family because that is what is important. 

The gang had reconvened in the Salvatore living area. Gang? I make them sound like Scooby-doo.. Anyways, a little bro tension, Damon spilling the beans and Elena, with her hurt expression – see what I mean about hypocrisy. I thought it was gonna be another full blown Salvatore fight – I actually got excited for it, but we were interrupted by a shrieking Jeremy ripping his shirt off. I know the ending was supposed to be dramatic but HAHAHAHA what – he couldn’t just take it off? Oh well, we know VD likes its drama. Must say, I love the aesthetic value of that tattoo.

Because LOL:

indamonseyes:smolderhaldereyes:defans:JEREMY THE HULKOh my god, someone went there. I’m done with this website. Bless this.AAAAAAHAHAHAHA OMG this made my day!


HAHA, I was kinda waiting for a full out Salvatore fight too! Elena annoyed me, like I get that she’s hurt, but she did the exact same thing, and with his BROTHER! When Jeremy was screaming I thought something bad was happening and was like omg no! And then he rips his shirt off, flexs a little and then we see the tattoo ♥



We have the map, we have crazy Bonnie, the Original family still needs some vamp counseling – probably more so now because one of them is out to halve the human population – and Kol is dead 😥 </3. So I shall conclude with my theory before I cry. Remember how the Prof mentioned anyone dying in the path of Silas would be resurrected? Although Kol wasn’t trying to helpp Silas, he died on that path and maybe, possibly, hopefully, oh VD please, Kol may come back. It’s far-fetched but it’s possible. I know the season will end epically but Kol would be the cherry on top.

I agree, I so think they’re going to bring him back, hopefully! ♥ Oh, also, a small Delena moment :’).


Ciao TV nuts. Before the squirrels come out to find you, i.e. parents/work/life. I’m in a weird mood I dunno…

-the Shafs