Tag Archives: Katherine

TVD 4.22: The Walking Dead


So first off, this is super late, but next week, back on track as promised. Which is basically in 2 days . But this episode. . All my favourite people came baaaack! But ofc, nothing comes without a price, so obv all hell was unleashed as well. –Shaf#2


Elena’s back but a little crazy-eyed with thirst for blood – Katherine’s blood. Well you can’t blame her, but can you imagine that scene? Nina Dobrev attempting to kill herself. LOL. Anyways, Stefan’s trying to play sensai and calm her down to no avail. Caroline tries to distract her with some normal human activities, while Elena probably wants to stab her eye out with boredom/frustration/both. Even Rebekah tries to talk to Elena. But Elena… 3.0? … is unapologetically single-minded on her goal, as she tries to wring info from everyone about Katherine.

Crazy Elena is a little like Elena 2.0 but with a little bit of emotion and one focus rather than just being everywhere. I don’t blame her though, like for Elena, Katherine is the reason she is where she is and the reason that everything has happened to her. 

Cue town-wide blackout and apocalyptic wind. The Mystic Grill empties out onto the street and Matt and the rest of them just stand on the sidewalk because that’s what you do when a hurricane wants to blow you away. Although I’d prbz stand out there like an idiot too . Why didn’t anyone think to call Bonnie about what’s happening? I mean, who else could be involved in that? Seriously kids, let’s call the Sheriff because she can control the weather.

HAHA, I know I was just like why are they standing out there like idiots. Sometimes, I wonder how they’re about to graduate 😛

Bonnie – I’m not sure where she is at this point – is about to drop the veil. Oh yeah, she doesn’t need that full moon apparently. Katherine’s just hovering around, being snarky, because she was tied to Bonnie earlier that day and doesn’t have much of a choice. Funny moment when Katherine couldn’t control her own feet. A short while later, the two of them are down in the caves, Bonnie bleeding out the bloodrock. That. Was weird. And kind of gross. And when all that blood finally drips out, it’s done. Ominous.

Aaaaand finally, get to the best part (or you could say worst). They. Come. Back. Elena and Damon take one side of the school while Stefan and Caroline take another, looking for Bonnie. Elena and Damon get into a fight over Katherine, she stabs him in the gut and leaves him there. Youch Elena, that’s cold. And while Damon’s doubled over, along comes Alaric to yank it out of him.

At first we were all a little skeptical obv, but then Alaric pulls out his bottle of whiskey and they hug it out. OKAY. The smile thatbreaks out on Damon’s face :’D. My heart kind of sang. It was such a nice reunion, Alaric coming back for his “idiot best friend”. How odd is it that he first came to town set on staking Damon? Kol makes a reappearance too at the bar, which was a little less than pleasant. Don’t get me wrong. I heart Kol forever and ever but wow. I guess what else were we gonna expect? I don’t see what he was getting all huffy about her grieving though, considering he actually tried to killll Rebekah once. He proceeds to demand where Elena is and stick a broken bottle in Matt’s shoulder. Loves to make an impression doesn’t he?

The bleeding rock was not pleasant at all. When they came back! I literally screamed! SO SO SO HAPPY ❤ Dlaric is the best :’) Super super cute they have the most adorable bromance and thats the best ❤ I love Kol and I wish that it would have been a little bit happier or something but aaagh. He was really mean to her and that makes me so sad 😦 Anyhoo throwing the bottle in Matt’s shoulder was mean. Poor Matt-y.

My reaction when I saw Kol.

Bonnie’s still down in the caves trying to reach out to Qetsiyah and Katherine’s being an impatient little thing. She goes out to investigate, assuming Silas is out there but it’s Elena. Out to kill. I was like oh my god right there as Bonnie’s heart twisted along with Katherine’s and burns rippled on her face. Thank God she didn’t try to pull Katherine’s heart even a little bit. Stefan swooshes in and pins Elena, fighting and screaming, to the ground.

I nearly died when I saw that Bonnie was feeing the pain and aghh! Thank God everyone is Mystic Falls has this habit of torturing before killing people. Stefan to the rescue. wohooo.

Back at the bar, Rebekah’s pulling glass shards out of Matt’s shoulder. I didn’t quite understand why he refused Rebekah’s help this time around but then he made a pretty valid point. People do have a bad habit of becoming vamps in that town. Look at Matt, being a brave little smartypants. They hear something in the cellar I think and Rebekah goes to investigate, only to find Caroline in a trance, slashing away at her arm. Okay really? Did it really have to be cutting her arm up? Of all things Silas had to make her do? But Rebekah slapped sense back into her head before she hacked her hand off.

Eeek that part was scary. The funniest part though was when Rebekah slapped her and Caroline just stares at her and says “bitch.” HAHA

Down in the caves was also Caroline… the Silas version of her. And Silas-Stefan. And Silas-monster. Playing with Bonnie’s head, as she turned in confusion. Boy these guys can act because the tone of Caroline was seething. Silas had been one step ahead all along.

I swear I think I’m in love with the cast of Vampire Diaries. They are so so so amazing. The way that they just switch between roles and their tones. Daaamn. 

After Stefan has a straightforward talk with Elena, we find her at the graveyard, the place where she spent all that time at the very start of this show. But she was back for Jeremy this time. And she just broke down. All the emotions she was trying so hard to bury just burst out and I swear, I could feel that pain with her. To lose a brother – I can’t even imagine it. And right when she’s letting it all, Kol shows up. He beats up pretty bad and as he’s about to squeeze the life out of her, to her acceptance, look who it is – JEREMYYYYY! Stefan snaps Kol’s neck and Jeremy runs to Elena and I LOVED this reunion. Oh my God. Ah. I just made my heart danceeee.


JEREMY! Stefan to the rescue again. And Elena back to Elena, I think. 


Bonnie, also under Silas’s trance was finding it hard to breathe but Grams shows up to help her feel the air in her lungs again. GRAMS! It’s been forever but again, sucha lovely reunion. I do miss Grams.

Grams, bless her soul, she’s such a cutie. The reunion between her and Bonnie was probably the best thing ever.

Damon finds Alaric down in the caves, and grabs him by the neck. No shocker there, Silas was too obvious. Although you’d think for a creature as old as time, he’s be a little stronger. And Bonnie comes, hands curling. While she may not be able to kill him, she can calcify him? Is that what it is? And with a spell, she goes all out Medusa and turns Silas to stone. That. Was AWESOME. Silas may not be dead but he’s gone.

Bonnie being the strongest most powerful is like the best. She is so strong and so amazing.

Bonnie and Damon join Stefan, Jeremy and Elena after a bit and a series of sincerely sweet moments unfold. A Jeremy-Bonnie hug, an apology from Elena and a Stelena moment. Although I felt a beat of sadness for Damon, I thought that Stelena moment was just beautiful. Just the silence of so many unsaid things they both understood, and their smiles. I’m glad she apologized to both the brothers. Bonnie can’t keep the veil up much longer so Elena and Jeremy make the most of the time, even if it’s not enough.

Stefan returns to the bar, a little downhearted. And I didn’t quite realize why either. As Caroline tries to celebrate, he confesses that he thought he would get to see someone today too. And then my heart exploded. LEXIIIIIIIIIIIII AAAAH. It’s been FOREVERRR. That was another awesome awesomesauce reunion. Stefan’s “You’ve got to be kidding me” was so in contrast with his soaring heart. Yes, soaring heart – you could just see it.


LEXI! I was so sad that we didn’t see her because I was expecting to see her but aggh! AND THEN SHE WAS THERE! 😀

As we see everyone spending a little quality time with their reunion buddies before time’s up, Bonnie’s back in the caves preparing to perform a spell as Grams screams for her to stop. She’s going to close the veil. But keep everyone here. And as she performs the spell, the veil drops and so does Bonnie. I think I screamed NOOO at this point, as she was lifeless on the floor.


I didnt think she was actually dead, coz like comeon they always come back to life, like whaaat.

Out on the street, Rebekah and Matt are leaving the bar, but run into an old ex-boyfriend and our two fave vamp hunters. All out for blood. Surrounding them. And down in the caves, Bonnie gets up. Without her body.

Thats gonna be super scary.

THIS EPISODE! THIS EPISODEEEEEEEE! I just couldn’t stop writing because this episode you guysss! I can’t believe Bonnie is dead too now!  Oh my God. And every supernatural dead thing is back and more bloodthirsty and ever. But all these shocks aside, the reunions just made this episode. Every single one of them was just lovely. Okay minus the Kol-Rebekah one. But my heart just exploded and melted all at the same time. I’m so glad everyone’s back. And hopefully to stay. Although this does bring new problems, I’m just so glad to have my fave people back again. Can’t wait to see what unfolds!

SUCH A GOOD EPISODE. Like omg so so so good ❤  This was probably one of the best episode this season. Agh I am speechless, wordless and just aghdsfhvf. Can’t wait till next week.


TVD 4.21: She’s Come Undone


Hmm Elena being tortured, who doesn’t love that. Seriously missed the originals this episode. Some turn of events and a really cruel Klaroline moment. I’m a little biased with this show as I’ve come to realize so I pretty much like every episode regardless  – Shaf#1

Torturing Elena <3. Best part. –Shaf#2

So, back to mystic falls, eegh, can anyone else say that they already miss the originals? Like I felt there was a big hole. However the episode was good, it brought me to the edge of my seat even though it was predictable but still. I miss the Mikealsons </3

I did feel that missing element even thoughhh Klaus, or Silas-Klaus was still in this episode. It just felt… ah, it’s not the same without them.

*sings* Elena’s being tortured, Elena’s being tortured *grinning*. HAHA I know I sound like a heartless bitch but like seriously I was getting sick of her being all “oh – I have no emotions – I’ll try and be bad ass – blah blah blah” so seeing her get burned was painful, yet satisfying. Though as we can see Caroline was trying to come to her rescue (bless her for caring) and that didn’t turn out well.

Lol not painful, just satisfying. I’m not sure why but heartless Elena started to get on my nerves more than Katherine ever did. Dunno why. But these bits were just awesome. I love Caroline <3.

So something different happened this episode, there was Elena and the Salvatore brothers and then there was Matt and Rebekah intertwined, but Caroline was alone for the most part, and that felt weird but I think its coz they are trying to fill the huge gap left behind after The Originals aren’t there anymore. Bonnie came back, woop woop (well not really in terms of plotline, but still).

I wonder what Caroline will do with both Klaus and Tyler gone. Will Tyler come back? Although I’m more for Forewood, I enjoy Klaroline scenes. She and Klaus just have a nice spark. Knowing Caroline, I’m sure she’ll find something to throw herself into but still, poor kid.

So Elena is heartless as per usual and we see that it is really affecting Stefan more than Damon. I can see why, coz like Stefan’s been in that position I guess and maybe because his love for Elena is different. But anyways, they burned her and then they called in the big guns, Katherine. Oh how I’m glad that Katherine is back. But anyways, she’s such a bitch, she tortures Elena but Elena, well she’s got some balls of her own and she strikes a nerve, reminding her that Elijah broke up with her 😥 And then Katherine, in typical Katherine manner, lets her loose.


I think Damon did feel it too but he’s just better at keeping those emotions in check usually. Stefan probably did feel it moree though. I loveddd that they brought Katherine in. Katherine for all her heartlessness can get pretty emotional and usually ends up going to an extreme end. I wish they’d drawn that scene out moreee though. I’m sure Katherine could come up with plenty creative ways to torture Elena. Wow, aren’t we a little too excited about Elena getting hurt? 😛

Elena is cray cray. Matt is super mad that Katherine is “helping” Elena turn her humanity back on (oh yeah he’s back, oh and he’s also failing senior year and apparently Rebekah can speak Latin fluently). So the Salvatores and Matt go to find Elena while Katherine meets up with Bonnie, I think that happened before actually. So anyways, they find Elena in the woods and Matt gets out of his car while Elena gets all full on Vamp and tries to eat matt; well, she does.

Hahahaa I loved that we had a completely normal, mundane human problem for a change. It felt like a relief actually. I really liked the Matt-Rebekah thing this episode, and her offering to help in whichever way possible, it was a nice gesture. Although I’m not for cheating, but still. And Matt. He keeps.. sacrificing himself for Elena. I know Elena had him saved first but he’s kind of paid her back I think. I mean, HE died for herr this episode. But let’s wait for that.





And then Elena wakes Matt up and tries to go get at it again when Damon and Stefan intervene. Stefan controlling Elena i.e. good cop and Damon holding up a half conscious Matt i.e. bad cop. They provoke her, forcing her to turn her emotions back on or they’ll kill Matt and then Elena doesn’t listen and the next thing you know Matt’s neck has been snapped and he’s lying on the floor. For a second, I thought he was dead, I was sure of it, because I knew that Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson love to kill of main characters. Well first of all, the so called killing of matt worked, no amount of torture or anything could bring Elena back, but Matt luckily had that all powerful ring on and thus he survived. Yay.

My jaw dropped too. You think I’d get used to them trying to kill everyone off. But I was like “MATT TOO?!”. But I did realize a moment later that he couldn’t have actually died, because Elena would hate Damon forever and Damon would be sad again forever and oh my god, enough with that. But I was so glad that’s what brought her back, even with all the torture lovin’.





Elena with her humanity back on, wowz. She was out of control and that was expected. Everything was hitting her all at once and Stefan was there to calm her down while Damon held her. There was this moment while Stefan was holding her and telling her to focus and there was this connection. Ugh im so conflicted about which Salvatore I want her to end up with.

I don’t know eitherr. I still think I prefer Stelena in the long run. Oh I dunnooo. But it was weird wasn’t it, the three of them sort of sandwiched together there, so much stuff between them all.


So back to Caroline, she’s freaking out during the whole torture time coz of the screaming when Matt lets out (well Rebekah really) the bombshell that he was failing. So Car being her typical self, she left to get flashcards and books to make sure Matt doesn’t fail. Also she’s been trying to get a hold of Bonnie, who is conveniently meeting up with Katherine in a café.

LOL. Caroline. Getting her flashcards. Funny girl :’).






So the whole Bonnie and Katherine trio, Bonnie wants the tombstone that Katherine has. Why? Well because if Bonnie gets that she could open the veil to the other side and give Katherine what she wants. Complete immortality.

That. Is a bad idea. What is Bonnie thinking. She better have something else up her sleeve.

Back to Caroline, so she’s out on her way to the car when suddenly someone’s following her so somehow she ends up in the forest and we see Klaus. Which gets Klaroline shippers hearts to do summersaults! And it’s all sweet when he says “I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye” and I was sure we were gonne have an actual Klaus and Caroline make-out sesh or something, but its Silas -___- eff Silas ruining a perfect moment. So he threatens her coz he can’t find Bonnie and she has to do as he says or he’ll kill her mom.

http://nimues.tumblr.com/post/49531181658 & http://fallentribute.tumblr.com/post/49490174334


I was so shocked. I really thought there was going to be a kiss too. And he was so sweet and she was so touched, even though she said he didn’t owe her any explanations. God, Silas. He’s everywhere. How can anyone be certain of anything?



So on goes this chase and Silas appears in the form of Klaus, Matt, her mother and as his real self for some part, but we don’t really see him -___- But anyways, at Caroline’s house Sheriff Forbes is all okay and safe and then Bonnie comes and we realize that its Silas and that Sheriff Forbes is in the tv room, dying and bleeding. And it’s like NOOO not someone else dying, I wasn’t sure if they were gonna kill her to be honest, I really felt like she was gonna die but then finally she survives. However, Bonnie is forced to leave without helping and leave with Silas…dun dun dun.

If she had died, I don’t know what would have happened to Caroline. I mean, she’s losing so many people. Her two best friends, her boyfriend, the other guy who’s in love with her, and her mother too? No way. So glad she didn’t die just because it would kill Caroline.




Back in the Salvatore Mansion, Elena is hurt and in pain, but she’s better ie not crying like a hysteric fool and then she talks about “doing something”, which confuses us and we realize the one emotion that she focused on was revenge, on none other than Katherine, the one and only.

Wait, I thought it was hate she focused on? Which lead to the revenge. Lolol she’s turning into Emily/real Amanda from Revenge. If any of you watch Revenge. She had an Emily moment.

Can’t wait to see how that turns out. Ciao lovers, sorry we’ve been posting super late, internet problems, travelling, finals and life gets in the way. We still love ya and hope you keep coming back

Eek yeah sorry guys. Probably might be the same for the next week but we’ll get back on track after that.


TVD 4.18: American Gothic


O.M.G. EEEEKKK This episode was so good. Elijah’s back yaya and the bitch is back too along with bitch 2.0 becoming even more ruthless. LOVE.THIS.SHOW. – Shaf#1

ELIJAHHH . You know how much I’ve missed the guy? They just make all my faves leave or die -.- But Elijah was back this week ANDD Katherine and dayum Elena  – Shaf#2

So the entire gang well, the Salvatores, are following Elena and Rebekah on their quest to find Katherine. Who they find in this tiny little town.


Elena and Rebekah get to her first and try and figure out where the cure is hidden and they do this by Elena becoming ruthless and kinda torturing Katherine in a way. Which was so different, it was like seeing Katherine in action again, you know? But this time the roles were reversed!


I swearrr how did that happen. This episode was full of.. maybe not unbelievable plot twists but definitely surprising twists in characters. Honestly, the whole trying to ram the cure down Elena’s throat thing is annoying me. Like why? They’ve had their bad moments, the Salvatores. And it’s not like they still don’t have the potential to have more bad moments but no one’s trying to shove a cure down their throats. I think Elena’s right in that sense for telling them to stop but the way she’s been doing it.. well yeah.

Anywho, so she had to pretend to be Katherine to go and meet “Em” who turned out to be Elijah! SO DAMN HAPPY! First off, daayumm he looked hot, he is wow. And then he was actually fooled for a few seconds, and then comes the best part. He’s. hooking. Up. With. Katherine. Talk about major jaw drop! Well not really we knew he was always in love with her.

Still though, it was a bit of an  moment. And how sweet he was too, tucking her hair behind her ear. I love Elijah. He’s just the best you know. And he did look goood. Loved the little diner scene too, when the rest of them reacted to who Katherine’s “friend” was.


Anyways, Elena gets kidnapped by Elijah yet again and Stefan goes to her rescue while team Rebekah, Damon and Katherine go and find the cure.

Haha what is with all the awkward threesomes? Well not thaaat kinda threesome but ya know . Elijah kidnapping Elena was kind of funny. It’s not that I underestimate Elijah’s… um, abilities/power/word? But I didn’t think he would hurt Elena. He’s not cruel. He would much rather avoid inflicting pain. Have I mentioned I loved Elijah?

Back in mystic falls, Klaus is in pain from the stabbing of the White oak stake 😥 Poor baby, he looked like he was in so much pain. But anyways he calls the one person he knows will care and in comes Caroline. He’s begging for mercy and then Caroline was a complete bitch, I was shocked in the beginning.



Don’t you worry Klaroline fans, it was just Silas pretending to be Caroline *phew*. Anyways after the Silas-embodied Caroline leaves, in comes real Caroline And in typical manner she’s complaining about prom or some committee she’s on.

Haha I love how Caroline’s so determined to be the typical highschool-er that she was even as her revamped self.. pun intended. Anyways, I really felt for Klaus this episode. I mean, the physical pain of it was making him go crazy, but the way he reacted when real Caroline came in. Ah that was just </3. He really loves her… I may not be as big a Klaroline fan as you Shaf but aw Klaus, I really like the little Klaroline moments this episode. Even the fighting.



And then she helps him and they get into a heated fight about their relationship I guess? Or how Klaus is still going after Tyler and then his pain stops and he realizes that Caroline brought him back :’) and that it was all a mind trick. I feel like they’re building the chemistry but kind of trying to kill the chemistry too because Klaus is going to be on his own show and then they can’t continue it, which sucks because I really like Klaroline 😥 On the otherhand though this leaves room for Tyler to come back but its still like agh

I think they should have something Klaroline before he leaves. Or would that be worse? Because then fans would want to see moreee and it wouldn’t happen. But I feel like they’ve building chemistry so long that there has to be at least one small climactic moment. The smile at the end on Klaus’s face as Caroline left with a little smile herself – that was so unbelievably adorable :’).

Where the hell was Bonnie this episode? Like hasn’t she just unleashed hell coz there is no other side now? And where on Earth is Matt, I demand more Matt.

Huh yeah, I didn’t notice she was missing though . I think this ep was focused on locating the cure. Because that’s the final thing Silas needs as well right? To do his ritual thing. I have come to love season 4 but oh so many things. It’s a little muddled in my brain.

Back in the town, Damon and Rebekah find what they think is the cure and in typical manner, Rebekah takes it as Damon fails to stop her. But because it’s TVD it’s not the actual cure and Rebekah is all sad.

…and 5 seconds later:


LOL obv that wasn’t the cure. Oh so dramatic. It was funny. Although Rebekah’s expression was pretty despaired. Damon getting a face burn was funny! I actually laughed . Was that mean of me? Haha.

While that’s going on Elena and Elijah are having a heart to heart and Elena is reminding him that Katherine is a manipulative little bitch who couldn’t love anyone and that he shouldn’t trust her.






Enter Katherine, who snaps Elena’s neck and looks deeply into Elijah’s conflicted eyes, who is now doubting his love for her and whether or not she’s worth it. It also hits him that she’s just using him. It’s sad coz I think I could grow to love Elijah and Katherine as a duo. But then at the end of the episode Katherine gives him the cure and gives him her leverage, thus proving her love for him? What do you think? :’) Imagine Katherine goes to the Originals. But Nina Dobrev can’t play two characters on different shows (n)

I swear, sometimes I forget that Katherine and Elena are played by the same person. I was like but why nottt, and then I was like oh right, it’s just Nina. That neck snap was amazing btw!


But yeah, anyways, I really like the Elijah-Katherine thing. It’s not him questioning his love but hers. Her giving him the cure genuinely surprised me though. I mean, I felt there was some genuineness in her feelings but her sense of self-preservation has always been the stronger one for her. I thought that was a great moment too this episode. I think she really does care about Elijah but I don’t know if this self-sacrificing thing is only a 1-time thing.

Back to Elena, she finally meets the Salvatore brothers and tells them to stop looking for the cure and to leave her be or there will be consequences, to which Damon says no obviously but then she snaps the waitresses head as if it is nothing and says there’s more to come. What the hell happened to her.

I know! THAT shocked me too. I mean first Katherine being somewhat of a sincere person and now Elena doing this?! And that scene was so calm too, the music, the dim diner. And then just.. snap. It was a little scary. Like the expressions on Stefan and Damon’s faces – shock just like me. Why can’t people just have balance? First she’s too compassionate, now she has the potential to become worse than Katherine. I still don’t agree with the Salvatores trying to force her the cure but wow Elena.



Another thing this episode that really hit me was Stefan’s little, “after this I’m leaving, I do not want to repeat history thing”. This can’t be the official end of Stelena, like its just not possible. But what if it is 😥


I don’t know. I don’t want them to go gossip girl on us the way they did Serena and Dan. Although those two did get back together in the end? But whatever. It can’t be the end for Stelena. That line saddened me too but I also think it was a good one. Sometimes even as an audience you can feel that repetitiveness of the character’s actions. I think I really felt that in the beginning of this season, when Damon was talking to ghost Alaric about being stuck here to babysit the kids and fight with his brother. Just the tiredness in his voice and his eyes. So I’m glad they’re trying to break this cycle of resentment and bad feelings between them in general? But I do hope Stelena hasn’t just officially died. I think if Stelena gets back together, maybe after a long time but at one point in the future, they may be lifers. Anyways, we shall see.



AH hiatuses. Loved this episode, love this show, can’t believe it’s already the 18th ep. See ya when we see ya


TVD 4.14: Down The Rabbit Hole


No VD NO, you cannot kill off two amazing gorgeous brilliant beautiful wonderful characters in the space of three episodes! D: And Katherine?! –Shaf#2

THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING! I literally sat and cried but what!! And no VD you cannot bring back Katherine like that! Why did you have to break my heart in Valentines day huh?! –Shaf#1

Vampire Diaries’ Lost Edition, episode 2: everyone’s kidnapped and/or lost. First of all, I still don’t understand why no one has stopped for a minute to think about the consequences of their actions. They’re raising the oldest, strongest, most dangerous immortal being in the history of the world and it’s like that knowledge hasn’t ever registered in their stupid brains in their desperate search for the cure. Why does no one heed wiser words? Just sayin’, they’re all idiots. I’m with Kol and new Hunter dude (RIP Kol </3).

What I also don’t seem to understand is that they have issues with getting service on their phone BUT they can get wifi -__- They just do things without thinking about it! And they don’t all communicate so everyone has a different agenda! And like urrm they’re vampires right, super hearing, so wouldn’t shouting and running really fast get the msg across! I am sure that the island isn’t that big. Sometimes I think they’re all such losers at being Vamps. But seriously they really need to listen to the new Hunter and poor Kol (RIP my heart goes out to him, and the fact that I just realized that it may be the end, more on that later).

So new Hunter – is that guy Irish? Scottish? Liked his accent. I think I just like foreign accents, makes a person stand out. Kol’s was still the hottest. Anyways, while Damon was being stabbed in the neck and getting vervain rope burn, the awkward threesome were trying to figure out stuff, giving Caroline and Tyler the find-the-sword mission, while they chilled on the beach and Elena and Stefan had a little heart-to-heart. I liked that Stefan said it straight up, that everyone was there for themselves, but Elena was still right, as proved later in the episode – it’s always somehow about “poor Elena”. That hand-touching scene was weird. Like… it just felt like Elena really wanted to be on good terms and just grabbed the opportunity and it was a little awkward for Stefan? Maybe a nod and a smile would have been better. Did you feel the same way? I dunno.. and Rebekah’s face was pretty much the same as mine, minus the buried jealousy.



I dunno where he’s from but ya foreign accents are awesome! The awkward threesome *sigh* they are so funny you know 😛 I really liked the Stefan and Elena moments this episode, I felt some sort of closure/calm kinda feeling because I like how he’s being honest and how he isn’t gonna let her dictate his life you know? And finally Elena realized that it is always about “poor Elena”. For me the hand touching thing wasn’t weird but it was a bit too soon! For me I think Elena kinda did it because she was just so comfortable with him that it sorta just came back, old habits die hard kinda thing..? Rebekah is so jealous, and I feel so bad for her. I just want someone to love her!

Caroline and Tyler were translating a dead language back in Mystic Falls to the music of Klaus’s taunting. Klaus. I have things to say about him later . Klaus chips in and bang, another bomb dropped. It really wasn’t a bomb because I’d guessed there was only one vial all along.

The whole “one dose” thing was so obvious from the beginning. And Klaus speaking Arama-ish something #HeartMelted.

I mean, was the witch gonna just stock up for all the vampires in the world that didn’t even exist in her time? See, people need to be smarter.
Rebekah, Stefan and Elena trek to the edge of a cliff that rises over that gorgeous lake. Btw, that was some jump! Epic moment. Elena goes down and Rebekah reveals the little tidbit of info Klaus gave her earlier on the phone, and then snaps Stefan’s neck! I was like whoa, I don’t think I expected it. Although I think poor Elena is capable of handling herself, I understand why Stefan would give her cure if he could. He loves her, simple as that. But I’m rooting for Rebekah on this and I loved that little moment for her.


I know! Jump = epic. That moment though I knew something bad was going to happen, just wasn’t sure what but I knew something! It still melts my heart though, his love for her, he hates being a vampire so much, but the one thing he hates even more is seeing Elena be in pain and not get what she wants you know! However, this was an epic moment for Rebekah and I love how she’s not letting anyone come in the way of what she wants, no matter how much she may like them.

Jeremy and Bonnie! Falling into caves and stuff. These were probably some of my favourite scenes of the episode. That spell, when she pulled the tattoo off his body, the world shaking – I just loved it. It was intense. I actually felt a little sorry for Shane though. I guess he did deserve it, but it was pretty harsh, seeing Bonnie leave him to die. I mean if she’d defended herself against him, I probably wouldn’t have this opinion but he looked so helpless. Just like Bonnie with her hallucination of Grams, and Jeremy had to shake her back into reality.


Beremy ❤ I forgot how much I loved the pair ❤ Their scenes were amazing and how he was her rock and her connection to earth and how he was her hold from letting Silas take over her. I felt bad for Shane too,  but maybe he got what was coming to him?

I dunno what it was about Damon this episode but it felt like he was giving up. I know he may have done a selfless thing at the end there but he just seemed so resigned. I wish he hadn’t gone down so easily without a fight for Elena. I’m not saying he’s going down but since he himself is under that impression. Felt bad for him but I was kind of mad at him at the same time for giving up. It just felt like that to me.


I agree, I feel like he has given up! I think its more like he’s just so tired of everything that’s going and that he just wants it all to be over you know? I feel like the fight’s still in him, but part of him wants to give up because he feels like he doesn’t deserve Elena or more like she doesn’t deserve him…? Or he doesn’t really believe that her love for him is real… I dunno but I feel like he’s giving up because in a way he doesn’t wanna get her the cure. But then again when he goes like “I’m gonna get the cure and give it to the girl I love”, its like he does love her, he loves her a lot, which I’ve known all along but it just hit me, again, that just like Stefan he’s going to give up everything for her but the difference is he’s terrified that by turning her back into a human he’s going to lose her back to Stefan.

Forewood </3. Okay, let me just say, you will probably disagree with me Shaf so we’re going to just have to agree to disagree in that case because I’m pissed off. Klaus is in love with Caroline so he would do anything for her, like help her with the sword, but the truth is, he doesn’t actually sacrifice anything for her. Maybe his pride on occasion but still. I agree with what Klaus said; Caroline’s a better person post-transformation and I think she’s fine with her life as a vampire. I think she’s better off. But when Caroline asked him to show one instance of compassion, that was the test. Would he sacrifice killing Tyler for her? And he didn’t. I so badly wanted him to say yes because I do love Klaroline too. He didn’t have the decency to simply deny her request. He played her and it was cruel. He led her on and the minute she felt herself ease up a little, he snatched it away. Klaus needs to learn forgiveness and love and compassion himself if he wants people to show him the same kindness. Like the saying to have a friend you should be one yourself, something like that – well that applies here too. I hated Klaus in that moment. It was cruel. The “It was all for you” line didn’t soften me. I love Klaus, I do, but at this moment, I really don’t like him.


Okay so I know I’ve always been a more Klaroline lover, but I agree, he was cruel when he led her on and that he needs to learn forgiveness and compassion, however, I do think that he loves, he may express it differently but under his tough exterior, he does love. I really wanted him to let Tyler off the hook too! I really did, it broke my heart to see him play her! BUT saying that the whole “it was all for you” line melted me once again. There’s just something about the way that he said it. I agree that he hasn’t necessarily been the most forgiving or the one that gives the most sacrifices but considering how we know Klaus to be (flashback to Dec, hybrid massacre) I think in some really really tiny little way this was his way of sacrificing? I know its not enough and that he needs to show more mercy, but I dunno, I guess I still have some hope for him.



The Forewood scene hurt . It’s true, they’ve been through a lot. They’ve been parted over and over again and seeing Caroline cry was just so agh . I don’t want them to forget each other, I want them to find a way. I think they may be able to when Silas is unearthed and everyone has to join forces. I’ll just end this rant here cos I probably could’ve written about this alone today.


AHH my heart broke! Which is why my ships collided and become a mess of emotions and pain. Their. Scene. HSVLUAEJSHFV can I just cry endlessly! Why do they have to be split up SO many times, its just not fair do you realize that! I shall just gif-rant out all my emotions.


The ending! I did not see Katherine coming into the picture! When Elena was attacked, that face she made, the whip of that hair – I knew it was Katherine but I had to see it to believe it. Why does she even want the cure?! Why does Katherine always have these motives no one ever knows about?


I did not see Katherine coming either! But as soon as Elena made that face, I KNEW IT! I just wish she didn’t come like this! I was waiting for her to come back but aghhh! I think I have an idea what her motive is though, she wants the cure as leverage, she’ll use it to buy her freedom, because she’s been on the run for 500 or more years and she just wants to be free? With the cure she has the thing that everyone wants the most.

AND JEREMYYYYY! BONNIE TOO! Stupid Hunter man stabbed Bonnie IS SHE ACTUALLY GOING TO DIE?!?! Cos the freaking spell broke on Klaus. AND JEREMY! Fuck Katherine, why why why did she do that. No. No VD deaths are more epic than that, they would not just kill off Jeremy like that. I don’t remember the last time he saw a ghost so has that changed? And he stopped being a hunter when the tattoo was sucked off his skin. So maybe possibly… can the ring work? Does he even have it? If he’s dead, and Silas is back, does that mean he wakes up as one of Silas’s minions? D: And if they kill Silas, do his minions die a.k.a. Jeremy?! D: D: D: So sad right now! VD Why, too many too soon. Aaaaaaaahhhh.



JEREMY CANNOT BE DEAD! AND BONNIE! Why are they doing this to me! What is wrong with them, its just like they want to keep continue breaking my heart into a gajillion bazillion pieces. I can’t comprehend anything right now so I’m gonna leave it at this!

I just pray Bonnie and Jeremy are not actually dead for the next episode. Til then *flicks tear* we’ll just keep our fingers crossed. For Forewood too. And Silas oabfsvkidoaknclbvfs

Can’t wait till next week! Ciao you beautiful people ❤


p.s totally gif-ed out but hey, this was an emotional episode!