Tag Archives: NYC

TVD 4.17: Because The Night


Road trip to the Big Appleeee! :’D Loved the episode. Flashbacks, indulgence and some worrying new consequences. I was hoping for a little more New York craziness, not to say it wasn’t crazy, but anyways, the episode was ❤ – Shaf#2

EEEEK NYC!! ❤ New hair cut, new attitudes, some flashbacks and aah ❤ – Shaf#1

Started off with a flashback. I was shocked for a moment, watching Damon drop that couple in the blink of an eye, wondering if present-day Damon had lost it a little. Only after, I realized it was a flashback. He didn’t even drink from them! It’s like he killed for the enjoyment of killing. Ripper Stefan indulges but pointless murder? Um. Damon has a history of this -.- Anyways, I still loved that opening scene. TVD did a good job this week paralleling Damon’s New York then, and Elena’s New York now. I liked that. Btw, did anyone else think 70s Damon was hotter than present Damon? Not in attitude but in looks/clothes. Damon’s such a hottie .

Back then Damon was a hottie! He had that whole musician thing going on! And I loved the opening! I was like OH NO HE’s GONE ROGUE! And then it was a flashback and my heart was restored to its original place *phew*.

Another thing this week’s flashbacks brought was Lexi! YAY  I love any episode with Lexi in it. But wow, the turn of events. Damon and Lexi?!?! What? WHAT?! Okay maybe there was always some tension there but WHATT?! I didn’t quite understand why Lexi was bothering with Damon, despite the whole brother speech, but oh wells, if it gives her an excuse to be around. Can’t believe Damon double crossed her, SO mad at him for that -.- I mean, I didn’t buy his crap in the first place, and I was surprised Lexi was so easily fooled. Yes he’s charming and gorgeous but really? That make-out scene was kinda hot though. Still, no one crosses Lexi. Like Caroline, you just can’t do that to Lexi. It ain’t cool.



I was SO excited to see Lexi! I was over the moon! Any episode with her makes me happy :’) BUT OMG Dexi happened :O say whaaaaat! I didn’t expect that, it would make sense why he hated her so much though, and I guess kinda explain why he killed her coz she reminded him of all his guilt! But still I’m really mad that he double crossed her! He was so mean to her 😦 I was surprised as well that Lexi bought it! Coz she doesn’t usually buy into stuff like that you know? She’s really smart but aghfhlibfr! *sigh* atleast we got to see Lexi 😀

The funny thing was that Elena seemed so interested in listening to Damon’s old conquest. I knew Damon wasn’t gonna buy her crap though. Too obvious, she isn’t smooth enough with the forcing sex on him. But she is shrewd, picking up on his motives, and she did outsmart him in the end, more on that later. Speaking of Elena, the hair cut. Oh. My. God. OMG! So hot. I lurve her hair. I want her hair omg it was gorrrrgeousss. And with the wild hair outburst came the wild club outburst. Loved that bit. Is it weird that when Damon and Elena were feeding on that one girl together, I thought it was oddly hot?



HER hair was probably one of the best things that has ever happened on TVD! I was all for the long gorgeous straightened waterfall of lusciousness but now it was natural and sexy and hot! Watch out people, Elena Gilbert is changing, she can’t force the sex on him but she is getting smarter and smarter each day! HAHAH I thought it was kinda hot too, hahah my roommate walked in (lets call her Ms. Gleek) she just stared at it, looked at us and was kinda disgusted 😛 hahah

Okay let’s head back to Mystic Falls. Silas and Bonnie were conjuring up evil plans, although Bonnie looked rather distraught. I was surprised she was still sticking around after knowing that Shane was actually Silas now. I mean for Jeremy yes but wow. JEREMY 😥 </3.


Silas and Bonnie. Urm no. I knew there was going to be trouble and I was right!

And another funny threesome: Caroline, Stefan and Klaus. Lololol. All that tension. Poor Klausy, loves them both and they get all in his face . Caroline was pretty harsh on Klaus. I’m mad at him too, but the “some people can’t be fixed” line was like a slap. Youch. His eyes . But his line at the end. OUCH. That was like a punch.


Hahah that threesome was funny :’) Im mad at him too and I think she deserves to be a bitch to him but when he was mean to her I was like EEEK, I can see why they might be trying to stop their chemistry and let it fizzle away coz Klaus is getting his own show ad everything but agh im still such a Klaroline lover! And I misss Tyler! I can’t decideee :O


On a side note though, I felt like this episode wasn’t all about the love triangle (if that even exists anymore) or relationships, it was just an episode which I liked. Like there was stuff about relationships etc etc but I felt like it wasn’t a slap in your face you know? I like a change of pace 🙂

Bonnie, under Silas’s commands, lures a coven into ‘helping’ her while she tries to kill them all. I was actually hoping they would cleanse her but obviously that wasn’t gonna happen. When that witch pulled out the knife I was like . BUT CAROLINE. Omg. I expected her to run to Bonnie’s aid but omg. She stabbed that witch and one by one they all dropped. And the last sacrifice was complete. Silas has everything now. Oh my god I can’t even begin to comprehend what’s gonna happen aaaaaah. Katherine’s coming back for sure cos she’s next on Silas’s list. I can’t wait for that but whattt on earth. What are they gonna do now? On a side note, I wonder how Katherine will react to present day Elena. Imagine they become best friends lololol that would be hilarious.

THAT SCENE WAS SO INTENSE! Why didn’t Caroline knock the knife out rather than stab her -___- come on Caroline, use those braincells! But agh when they weren’t doing anything to help Bonnie I was just like get off your lazy vamp asses and DO SOMETHING! Katherine is so coming back and I really wanna see Katherine and Elena together and I think it’ll be awesome coz new Elena is badass! Love her ❤

Caroline, shocked and devastated, gets that verbal punch. I can’t reiterate enough the verbal paunchiness of that line: “You look like you’re in need of comfort… Why don’t you find someone less terrible you can relate to?” I can’t say I blame Klaus for saying it. Although I want him to for once take the higher road and not give into his anger, Caroline was horrible to him this episode and I understand why he reacted that way. I’m not saying that Caroline deserved that or shouldn’t have said what she said but still. Just ouch.


I agree like Caroline was a MAJOR bitch but I can’t blame Klaus! I wish he would have taken the high road though, would have made me love him so much more ❤

All those shocks aside, one thing I never thought I’d see: Team Rebelena? Elekah? Psht shipper names. ELENA AND REBEKAH! With Rebekah in the picture especially, Damon didn’t stand a chance. The new Elena is a bitchy Elena. When Rebekah – I mean, Rebekah, you guys – actually said she missed the old Elena, you could see how different Elena really is. No emotions attached, she just spurts out the truth and she was right about Rebekah. But on the contrary, that’s what makesss them the perfect team. One wants the cure, one needs it to be just gone. When they got into Damon’s car, and drove off, I was just like wow. I love these two, they’re both just badasses. Can’t wait to see where their road trip takes them now.


AAH I know! I never thought I would ever see those two working together but they are and I’m kinda excited for it! 😛 New Elena is like Katherine 2.0. But a little different…I feel like she plays people but then she’s blunt whereas with Katherine she jus continued to play people for a very long time you know?


Ah I’m sure next episode will bring more exciting things. I wonder what’s gonna happen now. Is all hell about to break loose?

If all hell does break loose, I so CANNOT WAIT!
