Tag Archives: Siblings

TVD 4.15: Stand By Me


This episode, it drove me insane. Say waaaah. Like I don’t understand it was so so sad! Yet so brilliant. The acting and everything was brilliant but other than that I think I am just going to go cry in a corner and sob because it just made me so so sad. Why TVD WHY?! –Shaf#1

Too cruel a death, even by TVD’s standards. Probably competing for number 1 on the list of worst TV deaths I’ve ever experienced, with Downton Abbey’s Sybil. Jeremy 😥 -Shaf#2

Heartbreaking and sad. I don’t know how I am going to write about this now that I think about it. So Jeremy. Is. Dead. And Elena has gone kind of pshyco and we all know it! How does a person go through so much heartbreak and live through it! She’s going to have to carry that with her for the rest of her vampire life which is basically forever and ever. I think the best way to talk about this episode is to go character by character because my mind is still such an emotional mess.

I often get annoyed with the excessive “oh poor Elena” but honestly this episode was maybe the first time I really REALLY felt so incredibly sad for her. Brothers and sisters, even the dysfunctional ones, are the people that somehow just stick by you through everything – and even if they don’t, they always come back. And now her last remaining family is gone. I just can’t comprehend it cos I feel like I’ve lost something with her too, and too great a loss it was.

Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy. His still body just lying there was making me so sad. How can this be the end. It all happened so fast that I still can’t process what exactly happened. I JUST WANT TO CRY!






Elena Gilbert. Nina Dobrev should deserve a round of applause for her acting. I can’t get over how heartbroken she was. And how she was attempting to have hope but we could see that she was dying inside and that she knew that he wasn’t going to come back. When it finally hit her that it was the end and that he wasn’t coming back I wanted to cry, I was probably crying along with her because sbjhegrbhgabe effin Katherine man! I love her but damn does she know how to make a person hate her! Katherine Pierce, you better sort out your issues because if you don’t I will want you dead!

No, I hate Katherine. I HATE KATHERINE. Screw her. Screw all these broken bad guys.. okay Katherine’s not that broken. I’m just mad at everyone now. Why do people think it’s okay to go around doing bad things and not face consequences? Why do you deserve any redemption? Katherine Pierce, you killed my favourite character, you’re dead to me, I hope they use you for some stupid sacrifice. (I reserve the right to most likely take this statement back because I do love Katherine but at this moment I loathe her for killing my favourite guy but it would be pretty awesome if she had an epic death, jus sayin). WHATEVER. HATE. YOU.

And then when Elena started sobbing and spraying lighter fluid over everything I was really really scared, I didn’t know what was happening because it wasn’t supposed to end like this! They were supposed to bury Jeremy so that she could go to his grave! Why would they need a cover story btw? I mean come on they have the sheriff and the doctor on their side, any cover story they use would work. They didn’t need to burn the place down! I really think that Elena’s going to regret it! Even though there is nothing left for her, its still filled with good memories, sure there are bad ones but the good memories exist too and it sucks that those had to get destroyed. And then Damon has to be told to help her (more on him later) and because of the whole sired mumbojumbo he tells her to turn it off?!?!? AHHH I get why he did it but akbdherbe and then her face, it just changes, there’s just a shift and we see her shutting it off. Like I said before Nina Dobrev deserves an award for her acting I this episode. It was phenomenal. Did you see a bit of Katherine in her? Or a more badass version?! Just her eyes, ufff.







Nina Dobrev – standing ovation, you are amazing. I do not know how you portray two very different characters flawlessly and are able to meld traits of one into another, but *claps*. I dunno about turning off emotions but I feel like she’s gonna end up burying it all like Stefan and lose control. Let’s see where it takes us. Ah I don’t WANT to talk about Jeremy because I don’t want to accept it. AGH. The last scenes were actually rather scary. Elena really did lose it. I couldn’t even believe how real and painful it was, I could have been standing in that room at a loss with the Salvatores or weeping over Jeremy. It’s like I heard the physical sound of her heart crack and mine too… or maybe it was the smashing glass. The hardest moment to watch in that sequence was when she poured lighter fluid on Jeremy himself. It’s like she couldn’t look at him because that intense pain would have worsened and how could it possibly be any more intensely painful? She poured it on his beautiful artwork and her diary too :(. I cannot believe the Gilbert house is gone. I agree, Stefan’s right. Maybe that house doesn’t feel like home anymore but the memories in it are home and she burnt it all to the ground.





Stefan Salvatore. I liked how he was there the entire episode and how he tried his best to handle her in the best way possible as well as give her the space that she needed to accept exactly what had happened you know?! He gave her the time to accept the issue and that was what she needed. She needed to come to terms with it in her own way. I felt like he was the strong figure this episode? Damon was too but because Stefan was there the entire time it felt like he was the rock.

Stefan was a rock, I agree. I’m glad he handled the situation as well as he did but I think he himself had no idea what to do. It was just all too much.

Damon, ugh I love him for looking for Bonnie, but that should have been Stefan! He should have been there the entire time when Elena needed him. However I do think that Stefan did an amazing job and it was probably best that it was Stefan rather than Damon! And how he hugged Bonnie when she found him. So cute. There is hope! I don’t know if I totally agree with the whole shutting off Elena’s humanity thing because I feel like it will be impossible to get it back and that’s what sucks, and the whole using the sire bond thing is why I hate it, they’re forcing her to do something and that sucks, by shutting it off she isn’t grieving and if she doesn’t grieve she won’t heal, she’ll remain broken…I dunno.

Yeah, I don’t think Damon could have done what Stefan did. Damon needs to do something, he can’t just be there the way Stefan can simply be. He is there for Elena but in a different way. I absolutely loved that he was doing his best to help her somehow and although he should have gone with Elena, he let Stefan, knowing it was better for Elena at this moment, and he did what he could. I do hate that he feels like he’s not good enough though. I loved that hug. They weren’t snapping at each other for the first time. It just felt like a moment of relief and clarity.



The little bro moment when both Stefan and Damon realized how it would suck to lose their brother and no matter what they went through, they still loved each other.

I know. That was one of the best moments. Like I said, brothers and sisters. They drive you crazy but you still love ‘em. Team Salvatore, you make my heart melt.

Caroline. She has grown so much and yet she just continues to be there for everyone and it’s beautiful. I really love how her character has grown and developed into such an independent woman. It sucked that Tyler couldn’t be there to help her go through things BUT even her acting and how she was the entire time.

I love her independence and compassion and clear-headedness. I miss Tyler, not myself this episode, but I missed him for her.

Matt broke my heart so much. The way that he cried and everything. It just broke my heart into a million pieces and I just wanted to cry along with him.

His best friend just died. Matt has become a pretty great person too. It’s not that he’s an active part of all the supernatural disasters, but he’s just.. a better person, a stronger a person, a person you wouldn’t want to lose. He teared up initially but how he held it together the entire episode… for Elena. Cos why should he break down when her brother just died? But.. ah. His tears felt so profound. I never thought I’d say it but Matt ❤ I love you.






Bonnie. Wtf. Speaking crazy shit man! I don’t understand her and I think she is just desperate to get Jeremy back but I think she’s going to end up dead. And even though everyone is against it, she is so going to die. I can see that happening and I JUST DON’T WANT ANYONE ELSE TO DIE. And and and I lost my words, but all I know is that its going to be bad and that sucks!

Bonnie is scaring me. I wanted to see her darker side, but this is not of her own will. Silas. Now Dr. Shane whattt. I wonder when everyone’s going to realize. Bonnie’s been brainwashed and her emotions used against her and I feel just as bad for her as Elena in some ways. She’s got a worse deal at the moment that’s not of her own control. But then Elena’s turned it off now too. Ah so much shtuff.

I can’t write anymore, so please tell me your thoughts about Silas and everyone else because. I . Just. Can’t.

Adios & RIP Jeremy Gilbert, you will forever remain in our hearts.

Jeremy’s dead. The Gilbert house is ash. Elena has no emotions. Bonnie has lost it. TVD, you’re gonna put me in therapy by the time you’re done. Jeremy 😥 I think you probably became my favourite male on TVD and I didn’t fully realize it until now. I can’t even find the words to express how much I will miss you.





A moment of silence.
