Tag Archives: Silas

TVD 4.13: Into The Wild


DUDE! This episode just got me so confused and made me go jhlsdbhjf and made me happy because we see Caroline & Tyler again!  -Shaf#1

Loved the change of pace and change of atmosphere this episode. Loved every moment.  -Shaf#2

Okay so this episode starts off with Shane running away from someone on some island and we see him come to the present on another island which is kinda Lost like, which is funny because Ian Somerhalder was on Lost. But anyways, moving on, so the entire gang is on an island in order to search for a cure, and Caroline and Tyler were on baby-sitting duty.

That was such a Lost scene! I was thinking that too. Hahaha imagine they dyed his hair blonde for the episode :P. Naaah, dark hair suits him better. And Tyler, not so much babysitting as enjoying the show. Sucks they couldn’t go on the adventure too. But the Mystic Falls moments were amazing too. Btw, where were these new locations? Gorgeous.




The whole gang btw, is hilarious; the entire mix is so funny if you think about it. We have a mix of exes, one-night standers, possibly evil profs, a vampire killer, backstabber, potentially out-of-control witch and brothers that sorta hate each other. Crazy mix. But all with the same motive, to follow Shane to the cure.

Hahaha I know! I was waiting for someone to throw a bitchslap and get something started. Jokes, but it cracked me up.



Okay so this cure business is kind of explained and we learn more about Shane, which is great because we see motive. Before we weren’t really sure where his head was. The poor guy lost his family, and his wife was a very powerful witch, he completely forgot to mention that part but anyways so his wife and son died and he believes in the mythical legend of the cave….which worked, and he was able to see his wife again AND btw his wife is the one who convinced him to do this! Continuing with the cure Shane mentions that there have to be 3 sets of massacres and if I’m doing my math right I would say that there have only been 2! ONLY 2 meaning one more is going to happen ON THE ISLAND! What on earth. Let’s talk about Jer. Shirtless & all tattooed up.  And then he gets stolen and we don’t see him till after which is weird. BUT it is important because the guy that stole him is working for SHANE! Meaning that Shane is evil? Yes? No? Maybe?

IT’S THE HUNTERS! THE HUNTERS MAN! THE LAST SACRIFICE! I didn’t manage to explain it to you before but thinkkk about it! Shane basically tells Damon that there’s still a sacrifice. His previous 2 sacrifices were a group of humans, then a group of hybrids, and the only people he has on the island are an extremely random group of vamps, Original, Hunter and witch. So it doesn’t make sense for it to be them. And thennn at the end of the episode, another Hunter stumbles into the mix. Jeremy, the only Hunter of the group, is the one who’s been kidnapped and lead somewhere, so clearly it’s more than just the tattoos Shane needs. It just seems like the Hunters are the last sacrifice no? To counter my own argument, Shane didn’t know about the other Hunter on the island. And he may have kidnapped Jeremy to follow the map without the others, although that doesn’t make sense because he just revealed that he’s been to the place where Silas is buried, which brings me back to my theory that Jeremy’s tattooed map isn’t what he’s actually for. But do you seeee?! Something’s up with the hunters and I’m scared for Jer </3. Do not want him to die all Jenna like.

Rebekah’s wittiness this episode, aaah so good “You [Damon] have a nice behind”. HAHA she is so funny! And I feel so bad for her you know? The fear that she is always going to get backstabbed, however the fact that she saved Elena was nice, and then she goes like “If you die, it should be epic” and then Elena being the better woman was kinda nice too you know?

Hahaha she was funny. You know what she said at the end of the episode, about how in killing Elena she was only trying to protect her loved ones. How do the others just not get that? They do exactly the same thing! I’m glad she said it, and I’m glad they heard it. Wait.. how was Elena the better person? Well, she did try to keep herself in check.







The threesome was so funny though, Stefan, Rebekah and Elena going into the forest was just so awkward. But it was so funny! Jeremy. Bonnie. So damn cute.

LOL so awkward. And Bonnie, “If there was a less awkward way to do this…” Hahahahaha :’).




Why do I have this sinking feeling that Bonnie is going to die, it sucks but I have this feeling that it’s going to happen. She’s kind of losing control and Shane is the only one who can control her and she can’t get away from him because he’s like sorta got all the people he needs and kinda made everyone lost.

I don’t think Bonnie’s going to die. Or I’m hoping she isn’t. Still standing by the fact that she’s the only witch. Although it’s VD… nuff said. But even though VD loves throwing shocking/heartbreaking deaths at us, if you think about it, it’s no one that isn’t umm.. well I know Alaric was a pretty relevant character but still. Like people like Anna and Jenna, we loved them, but they weren’t so central to the main plots you know? And Bonnie is. Well.. just have to wait and see.

Now let’s talk about relationships: Delena, Stebekah, Klaroline and Forewood too. 
Delena had a few intense moments because they actually got down to talking about the main question “does Damon want the cure?”. Dun dun dun. He doesn’t want to be human though, which sucks for Elena because she wants to grow old and have kids and then she realizes that it was Stefan that wants this dream, if not with her anymore, but he was the one who wants to be human again. Thus leading to the love triangle coming back into the picture, ugh.

Well, we knew the love triangle wasn’t gonna die. Ah, why does Damon do that, act out instead of trying to find a solution. It’s interesting how he thinks being human is miserable, and Stefan and Rebekah thinks it’s vampires that have the miserable lives.




Stebekah was adorable this episode, because they were actually friends, there wasn’t any ulterior motives or anything like that, just friendship. Rebekah needs that! And the fact that Stefan was standing up for her and everything, just made it all the better.

Btw, why were they having a repeat of their convo the previous episode, about why Rebekah wants to be human? That was a waste of time. Other than that, loved the Stebekah moments.

Back in Mystic falls we see FOREWOOD. Hadn’t seen them in a while and we don’t really don’t see them as a couple but still. Okay so finally we see Caroline again after what seems like ages. And we see Klaus stuck in a tomb staring at his brother’s corpse and Tyler boasting and telling Klaus how he can’t wait to kill him! Then Klaus being who he is bites Caroline and dun dun dun she’s dying of a hybrid bite and the only one who can save her is Klaus.

Well we do actually. When he sits on the couch and is trying to calm her. Thay may not be a making out scene or something but that was a very couple.. well, very loved-one(?).. moment. Tyler had every right to gloat, but Klaus?!? WHAT. No, no you had NO right to get back at Tyler by hurting Caroline like that. Just no. Cannot believe he did that.

KLAROLINE KLAROLINE KLAROLINE. The entire scene of her dying and talking to him and telling him that he had some part of him that was human and when she says, “And anyone who is capable of love is capable of being saved.” AHH do you realize how many epic near death moments they have! I remember the time when she was first bit and he came and gave her the speech about beauty and the world and that was the day when Klaroline started. And then when she’s dying and having her last few breathes the look on his face as he realizes that she’s the only one that believes that he can be saved and that she’s dying and it could be all his fault…I was at the edge of the seat the entire time, and then he gives her the blood and I go like awww :’) No matter how many people you have killed I will always love you Klaus.





Okay, I have to say that was an absolutely beautiful scene this episode. But I think it was more poignant and relevant to the development of Klaus than the development of Klaroline. It was definitely relevant to Klaroline too but I felt like Klaus’s character was what was most umm affected. I can’t believe he may have actually let her die though. No, just no, you don’t hurt the people you love like that. Caroline’s line was so deep and resonating in Klaus, and man, it was just such a wonderful moment to see, the expressions on his face when she was at the brink. It wasn’t an aww feeling, it was more like.. just a profound moment I guess. I still love Klaus too, always will.




Though that moment when Tyler was like “do you trust me?” and he leaves Caroline with Klaus and the moment when he is willing to give himself upto Klaus again and be his slave makes me love Forewood too. Because he just loves her so much that he would do that, even though part of him is a leader he is willing to give that up. I’m torn between Forewood and Klaroline, but in terms of epicness I think I’ll go for Klaroline because I love those two.

I think that moment was pretty big for Forewood cos leaving her there. Tyler knows Klaus is in love with her, he knows he might be giving up everything, he knows he may never see her again if his plan doesn’t actually work, and yet he does it. Because we don’t see it, I don’t think we understand the value of his action. Klaus was correcting his own mistake, not making a sacrifice. I love both Klaroline and Forewood, but in terms of anything, I’m with Forewood. Hahahah 😛

I think that’s everything, actually no that’s not, I just have an exam to study for. Wish me luck.

Good luck Shafffff! 😀 ♥ Break an arm. I mean that, you know, in a supportive way. Ciao people.

-The Shafs