Tag Archives: Spencer

PLL 3.24: A dAngerous A game


TOBY’S BACK YAYAYAY<3 answered questions but more and more questions. Eekh. –Shaf#1

TOBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY <3. Best part of the finale for me. Do you know howwww long I have been waiting to see him again?! Toby :’) –Shaf#2

So first off so sorry that this is super doper late, its all my fault, been sick/weird all week and didn’t have time. Don’t hate us

So Spencer went all black hoodie on us and finds Toby in a little diner and we’re all like YES! WE WERE RIGHT HE WASN’T DEAD. And then they talk and he’s all like “im doing it to protect you blah blah blah” sheds a tear and bam they’re hooking up. To be honest im really glad we have Spoby again, but for some reason I don’t know if I can trust Toby. There’s just this little itch that makes me think like I dunno, I feel like its not possible and that maybe he’s double crossing her?


I dunno the whole situation confuses me but anyways it happened, woo power couple is back.




Because everyone has already got me convinced that Toby is a real baddie, I’m suspicious of him. But this episode, the emotion in his eyes seemed very real to me. I couldn’t believe it when we saw him again. I was hoping for it/expecting it but still AAAH :’). The reunion with Spender was very emotional and I could say the pain they’d both been suffering. But the way he looked at her when she walked out the bathroom with just a tshirt, the way he reached out and put his arms around her so gently. It felt so real and genuine and beautiful and sad. Oh Toby. I’m so glad Spoby’s back. I love them. I just love them.



One other thing, talking about couples and all. Ezria! Oh my god! 😥 They actually broke up. I know they’ve had troubles before but they’ve always stuck it out. The scene when they say goodbye, a recreation of their first attempted goodbye. It was so sad. When he pulled her back and she kissed him back but then left with that look with finality. I’m counting on them to get back together eventually. Maybe this break up will even change something for the better in the both of them and make them a better couple later. But I do want them back at some point.

The girls find out that Spencer’s a part of the A team through the help of cutie little Malcolm and they plant a trap to see if she really is part of the A team. When Hanna pulled of the coat for a second I thought NO but then I was like no maan that’s not possible, and I was right (for this episode anyways, with PLL you never know). But then they all work together on a not-so-clear-kinda-stupid plan.

Yes the plan was so weirdddd. I still don’t understand what really happened. The other girls had a good way of finding out but it’s frustrating because would Spencer have told them otherwise? She didn’t seem like she would, even though she spilled all the secrets. It’s starting to feel impossible to trust anyone.

In between all of that we see Jenna meeting up with the Shawna girl that’s been totally obsessed with Emily. Does that make Jenna a lesbian too? So confusing. And then we see Jenna and Shawna talking to Melissa who says something along the lines of “the bitches will be there” making her a suspect yet again. Oh and I forgot to mention they also saved Wildon. Dun dun dun.

That was all weird and convoluted and just what. No. No PLL stop it. I didn’t want more webs and tangles and unexplained events. I wanted solid reveals. I was disappointed with this. But the “bitches will be back” line was a good hook. What on earth… I mean Melissa’s family. I’ll just never comprehend this. Btw, gotta say, the dresses they wore were stunning. Sucks they had to ditch em for sweatpants to do we have no idea what.



So back to the stupid non-existent plan…the girls (minus Spence) sneak into the lakehouse to surprise Mona? Attack A? While Spence and Toby go to meet Red coat, who apparently has a helicopter (that girl is rich, dayumm). Toby and Spence split up, Toby gets hit on the head and is left with a lighter which has a compass pointing towards NW (it’s defo a clue for something) and the house that mona and the girls are in gets lit on fire and they’re trapped. Somehow they are saved and by who? Red coat! Who everyone seems to think is A. BUT WHAT THE HELL! I thought her whole thing was to kill them, why on Earth is she saving them!!






So Red Coat isn’t A? Wait I hadn’t figured that out yet. Then why would she be coming to that place in a helicopter and stuff? Whaaat, that’s confusing. But then she did save them and that was just completely confusing. Okay we know Red Coat is no Ali for sure. Or the twin. But someone’s alive definitely. But everything else. I just don’t get why they were sneaking in, what orders was Mona waiting for? Why were they saved? Who knocked Toby? Toby’s definitely innocent of the fire but is he going to get blamed? Why did the girls leave Toby? It’s just a whole mess.

THEN, yes, there’s more, Wildon’s car turns up, and that’s how they find out that Jenna and Shawna saved Wildon, but that’s not all, the trunks open, and when they open it, BAM they scream and the episode ends. WTF PLL. WTF. Any theories on who it could be? Or if its even a person or not? Guess we’ll have to wait like 2 months. Joy.

I think it’s gonna be Jason personally. I can’t be sure but it’s a guess. I don’t waaant him to be dead but I feel like he is. I mean he disappeared from a hospital bed and no one has seen him since. Could be Wilden too. But I hated the ending. What I wanted from PLL this season was a solid reveal at the end. You’ve overused cliffhangers PLL. It’s time to hook us with information. Enough with scurrying in the shadows. Show yourselves! I’m being all dramatic here but yeah.

I know we’re gonna watch next season but I swear PLL, you need to change it up. Seriously. This finale wasn’t their best but it had some good stuff too. I just wanted a better reveal. Red Coat turned out to be a little flat. Next season, please bring your A game. Pun intended :3. Until then.



PLL 3.23: I’m Your Puppet


Interesting developments. Dunno if I’m buying it though. And some scary moments! But I can’t believe the season finale is next week! Where did this season go? I want another A-reveal. I want to know who red-coat is. –Shaf#2

Finally, an episode that actually made me go :O for a second. Don’t know if I buy it too but like you know, still. –Shaf#1

Hanna was annoying this episode. Just a little. When they were at the morgue specifically. She does have a lot on her plate: the mother, the boyfriend, the friends. Still, I was with Emily when she was just like “Fine I’ll just do it alone” because it’s just frustrating to argue over stupid things like that.


Yeah, I think after everything they’ve been through its like I’m only gonna care about what directly concerns me. Emily is so damn brave, like I still can’t get over it.

Anyways, besides that, a classic A scandal: setting up parents. I thought it really was Caleb’s dad too but the way he reacted to Caleb’s outbursts – he just seemed hurt. Caleb’s outburst was really sad, the things he said, the tears he couldn’t control. He deserves a lot more too but is just unfortunate enough to be on A’s radar. I think he’ll forgive Hanna though. Oh and, despite the believing that Jamie was a thief at that dinner, I thought the angel necklace was very sweet. And the drinks! Those were cool drinks.


Caleb’s outburst was so sad, his acting and the portrayal of the entire situation. It made me so sad to watch it because I was really glad that Caleb was talking to his dad again and he had that connection you know? The necklace was just adorable and so so sweet.

Aria had a really scary day. First, Malcolm gets injured on her watch and next, he’s kidnapped? And she didn’t call ANYONE? Until hours later I assume. I mean, the kidnapping was not her fault at all, she should have made a call to Ezra. Or someone. She called Emily so much later. She should have reported it like Emily said. I don’t see law enforcement trying to support a kidnapping. Secrets are BAD. Why does no one understand this? Malcolm could have easily said anything, he’s a kid. I was so worried for Aria and so relieved when she found him. She also had a brief exchange with her mother at the carnival and later there was another almost-breakup.. or was it a breakup? I don’t know. Ezria . Can’t they just have a happy day please?


That was so so so stupid on Aria’s part, like why haven’t they learnt, if secrets are out in the open the better it is. I mean I guess she was scared that A would hurt Malcolm if she let it slip that he had been kidnapped. BUT STILL! Uhh I thought it was a breakup, wasn’t it?! The look on her face as she left…

 Spencer was still locked away in Radley and was having hissy fits all over the place, while Emily was on mission Toby. Let’s talk about Spence first. What is happening? So clearly Wren and Eddie have issues but I just don’t know who to believe. No one is trustworthy anymore. Eddie’s name was Toby’s fake name but Wren was the one that messed with the visitors – so who’s the bad guy? And they’re around Spencer all the time. Eddie gives Spencer Mona’s old board game which has a map to a secret escape window. The map also leads her to Mona’s old stash, I’m guessing, of things she used for her escapades. On the way Spencer has a run-in with Alison and they slow dance? That was weird. Yeah, pretty sure they’re going with the twin thing, how many hallucinations of the same person could these girls possibly have? When Spencer finds the stash, Wren appears out of nowhere; I mean, why was he even there in the middle of the night? The entire thing was eerie, especially with Spencer wearing that white nightdress, and the background humming. Felt like the beginnings of a horror movie.


Spencer is cray cray. Like seriously. I honestly do not know who to trust! But I really like how Eddie treats Spence and how he’s so nice to her and stuff you know? So is Wren evil? Like I don’t get what is going on! And yes that scene was so horror-movie-like. So eerie :/ What is with the Ali appearing out of nowhere thing and then disappearing and how Spence didn’t even flinch to see her there or think how is it possible that she is there you know? It was all very weird.

One other interesting thing was the flashback Spencer’s mum revealed to us. The way Ali could switch off her emotions like a vampire or something was creepy.

Could it be possible that she had split personalities? Coz that change in her emotions was upto par with Nina Dobrev’s whole “turn it off” scene in 4.15.

 Meanwhile, Emily’s mother reveals that there was another body found where Spencer had been, a teenage male. And Emily almost breaks down. But so what, no one saw the actual face! Why did no one check the face agh. And then the episode ends with the body being wheeled into the morgue, the side exposed. And I was right! Someone did sharpie that tattoo on that body! It was smudged off. It isn’t Toby. I’m certain of that  It can’t be. But could it be Jason?! He’s been gone for ages and I wonder why no one seems concerned about him anymore.

I agree with the sharpie thing, I think he is coming back! I have a feeling about it too! Omg I didn’t think about that. OMG no! I do not want it to be Jason I really like Jason 😦 PLEASE LET IT JUST BE SOME RANDOM!

 I think Toby’s coming back next episode! It’s the finale, he has to. But the other big reveal, although I did see it coming what with the pill-stashing and everything, was Spencer’s new gig. She’s joined the A-team! Black hoodie and everything. Was it her that kidnapped Malcolm for the day? It looked like a girl in that hoodie. What is Spencer doing? After all of it, she can’t have gone bad. Even if she’s gone crazy. Toby may be a real baddie but I’m counting on Spencer to be the double agent, the inside woman. She’s gonna bring this whole operation down. Okay that’s very dramatic but that’s what I want.

The Spencer reveal made me go :O, like I saw it coming but for some reason it caught me off guard. I totally think she’s going to be a double agent, but then its like how far is she willing to go you know??

The finale better be amazing! I want to know who red-coat is!

They better reveal something remotely interesting otherwise I am going to be super mad!


PLL 3.21: Out of Sight, Out of Mind


Ah this episode! I… I… what? Just what. So many issues. Spencer breaks the news. Emily’s taking up her own investigation. Hanna’s mum may have killed a cop. Maggie’s looking to stay. Mona’s a female dog persona but what else is new. And… Toby? –Shaf#2

No words. I will not believe anything. I refuse to. –Shaf#1

So I’ll just start from the beginning because my heart may explode if 2 of my most favourite characters on 2 of my favourite shows were really just killed for good in the last 10 days. Ah when Spencer finally told them.. I thought that scene may turn out a little flat or shallow(?.. I dunno how else to describe it) but it was like… they are such good actors. Spencer’s crazy laughter was actually kind of unnerving. All the pain and torture of the last few weeks were so evident and real.

I could feel her pain! And this cannot be happening. Clearly TV hates me because I’m sick and it is not a good time for all my favourite characters to be dead. LIKE WTF. LEAVE MY FAVS ALONE! Go kill off evil cops or something…oh wait they did that, maybe. BUT STILL! LEAVE MY FAVS ALONE. AGH.

I felt kind of bad for Emily. Spencer had been through the denial phase already but all this information was new to Emily and wrapping your head around something like that isn’t easy. He was her friend, he was Spencer’s love, it’s just impossible to believe someone so close to your heart could betray you like that. Btw, random but I loved Emily’s grey shirt + necklace . Anyways, I was worried about this mission of hers – I just knew it would end badly. But still, when she got a reply from Toby I actually thought he might show up and we’d get to see him again and Emily might be right. Yes I know, the producers have said he’s bad bad, not fake bad, but still.


Poor Emily, I kinda forgot how good friends her and Toby were before Spoby happened, and I totally understand why she’s trying to figure out whats going on and understand it in her own terms you know? But I really thought he would come and explain to her, I know he’s bad but I figured he would come and tell her that himself you know? HAHA for once I didn’t notice clothes which is weird coz its usually the other way around. What I did however notice was that I have the same shirt that Hanna was wearing (forever21 FTW) but the stylist on PLL made her look frumpy and the leather studded jacket totally ruined the look, it was over-studded (very disappointed PLL).

At the same time, I was like what on earth are you doing Emily? I mean, A clearly seemed to make her a target this week, Spencer freaked out over it, and still she voluntarily decides to park in a dark, potentially-murderous alleyway for hours to wait for a possibly-dangerous guy who is part of a group of psychos. Is it just me or has Emily lost it a little too? Is her newfound inner superhero/inspector gadget impeding her common sense? Dark alley = bad stuff happens.

I totally agree with that, at first it was like oh wow she’s being brave not letting A take control, but to be honest now it feels more like she’s just being stupid and is asking to be hurt.

I want to freaking know why the stupid blonde in the red coat randomly walks around all the time. I mean, why even a red coat? It’s like she wants to be found out. The worker dude had bad vibes all along and then he knew Emily – that was weird. Was that place A’s recruitment place or something? Her torture factory?


Anyways, while that was happening, Hanna was trying to get a handle on her mother. It was funny how she was all “No, don’t call the lawyers. I know how to handle this. Psht, running over a cop, I’ve seen worse”. But seriously, the missing body and then the car IN their garage?! How does one even drive a car into someone’s garage without being noticed, a police car for that matter. And then she was forced to witness the hit and run on a loop. That was just I don’t even know. Just wth. But what happened after was even crazier. She dumped the car in the lake?! What, like no one will ever find it ever? That was SUCH a bad idea! And Aria “I tried to stop her” – no, you pushed the car in too hon. Those two. Why on earth did she push it man? And what was the deal with the bubbles and all those shots through the water? Was Detective Wilden in a bag in the trunk or something? I just don’t understand all that focus. Gosh have these kids just not learned anything? At all?! Stupid idea stupid idea stupid idea.




UGH HANNA! Such an idiot, who throws away evidence like that I mean kay it would be incriminating for her mom but her lawyer could argue that she was provoked and that it was an act of self defense. A maternal instinct or something. Aria was a loser, if she wanted to stop her she should have pulled her back or called Spencer or smacked some sense into her -____- Omg I was noticing that too! Especially coz we were talking about how every shot has a meaning in my Cinema class, it felt as though they were trying to emphasize that someone was watching or that something was going to happen or something like that…

Aria had some domestic issues to deal with this episode. I feel for her, it must be so hard, this huge change in Ezra’s life, because obv it’s gonna affect her life too. A prof boyfriend and a stepmom all before she’s even graduated high school. Maggie didn’t seem bad or anything, maybe a little tense but there was this one shot when she was talking to Ezra and they were trying to decide what to do with their son and Aria volunteered to watch him – I swear Ezra and Maggie looked like such a couple and Aria like a kid and I was just like agh.

I noticed that too! Maggie seems okay though to be honest, and Malcolm is kind of a cutie 😛




Btw, that falling off the bed incident really didn’t seem like Aria’s fault! Ezra getting all half-mad at her, understandable but kind of unfair. All kids fall down no matter how careful you are and how much you look out for them. Just happened on Aria’s watch unfortunately. That scene with Aria and her mother, the way Aria said “I love him” just made my heart pang. I don’t want her to push him away and that be the reason they fall apart because he’s trying to include her you know?


He’s a new parent as well, he’s confused doesn’t know what to do so I don’t really blame him, though I know that it wasn’t her fault or whatever but you know it scared him. Agh I know, I really love Ezria, I do not want them to be over.

Anyways </3
 But the biggest heartbreaker of them all. TOBYYYYYYYYYYYY. OKAY. No. He’s not dead. They didn’t show a face and according to the soap opera rule: no face, no solid proof. For all we know, A/Mona could have sharpied that tattoo on a random dude’s back. WHY DIDN’T SPENCER CHECK THE FACE? WHYYY?! Or maybe it’s a good thing? Cos if it was Toby I would have died inside. But it can’t be. He’s too important for a unnoticeable death like that. And it doesn’t make sense for him to be dead.. does it? What if that text to Em was real and this was precautionary? No. No, I’m operating on the soap opera rule so he’s not dead for sure as far as we know.


But Spencer! Oh my god. That running through the woods scene was craaaaazy. And Mona?! What the actual fudge? How does she just do things like this, I don’t get it. In Spencer’s state, Mona should have been the scared one. When Spencer broke down, I was just like shit, that’s it, I dunno what gonna happen to her now. And oh my goodness. OH MY GOD. She looked so.. just dead. So dead in her eyes. So cold and empty. Only Spencer. Only Spencer (of the four) could hit this level of crazy/despair to end up in an asylum. BUT SHE’S IN RADLEY NOW! I don’t know what this means for.. everything, but I’m just so I don’t even knowwwwww D:

I though this was a good ep but it still has questions littered everywhere and I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU PLL. Sorry for all the caps, expressing myself and stuff.


I have no words but instead shall second everything that you just said. It may be because im heartbroken and have no idea what to say or because I have the flu and my fingers hurt. Im gonna go with the heartbroken part because I am awesome and possibly high on cough syrup. Woop. Anyho ciao you beautiful world, join us next week so that we can see what happened and do not get high on cough syrup or drugs or anything like that #SayNoToDrugs.

LOL Shaf :’)


PLL 3.20: Hot water


what on earth happened this episode?!?! More and more questions without any real answers. again. -Shaf#1

Hmm I didn’t think this episode was bad. I kind of wanted a more solid conclusion though but well, promising at least. –Shaf#2

So this episode starts off with a shaken Emily who is freaking out and contemplating never going on an elevator again (I would so do the same)! Imagine though, so scary! And we see Hanna contemplating over whether Caleb’s dad is a thief or not!

And a creepy Wilden. Why is he always so creepy? Also, Hanna and Em moments, haha :’)




And Emily-Paige moments.





Team Sparia! Aria was cute when she went to go and talk to Spencer to make sure she was okay and to remind her that they were there for her.

I loved how she said “Team Sparia”, so awesome. Friendship ftw. Team liars… or maybe we should have a better name for that.




Going back to Aria.. EZRA’s BACK! And so is mama http://fuckyeahsarashepard.tumblr.com/. Damn that woman, she just reeks arrogance, though she’s hot for a mom, but still! Anyways this whole Aria not telling the truth about Wes thing is going to blow up in her face and its gonna have bad consequences for Ezria! I can kinda see it happening and that sucks! Alot. Because I love Ezria and they were just so damn cute this episode, I mean the whole Ezra standing upto his mother and telling her “you can’t stop me from loving her” or something like that. And they are just so damn cute that I can’t get over them. And then everything in this episode is almost going great between Ezra and Aria and then dun dun dun Maggie calls. WHY could we not just see a little bit more of Ezria before throwing another obstacle in front of them, though I guess it’s more realistic and keeps us more into the plot, but it’s still very annoying!




She’s scary man, who’s noticing if she’s hot, I’m just like, “leave leave leave”. I knowww, but I get it, who wants to throw that bomb down the minute your boyfriend returns? So annoying though. Wes kissed her, she pushed him away even if there was a momentary linger. And I don’t think it had anything to do with Wes, she was just trying to find something of Ezra to hold onto. They were so cute but well, since they haven’t had many major obstacles, these new ones will test their relationship even more. I don’t mind that but I did want an episode for them to have some them-time again. I hope Ezra doesn’t use Wes as a reason to get closer to Maggie somehow down the road… just speculating.

Spencer in this episode, so different you know? She’s ignoring her friends because of the stupid A team! It’s driving me insane that they keep doing this because I absolutely love it when they’re friends fully and I hate it when they keep secrets from each other because I know that it’s not a good idea! But anyways she’s kinda avoiding them at school, that’s when she actually goes to school, and otherwise she’s been ditching, not brushing her hair and flirting with Wren and using him as a rebound. Perfect. I dunno if I liked the fact that Spencer kissed Wren, there are obvs gonna be consequences as we saw! The part when she was stuck in her oh-so-tech-savvy shower kinda scared me! Thank God for Aria! Go team Sparia!


My God, that was such a literally terrifying scene. I feel like the violence or the nature of it has worsened. I remember A trying to push Spencer down the church bell tower first season yes, but cooking her alive? Whaaat?! Also, when she got into that shower, I just realized “Man, Spencer is loaded”. Who has showers like that? Um, you’re not in the Hunger Games kay. Can I have one of those showers please? I think I liked the Wren scene – and this is coming from one of the biggest Spoby fans evar. I know I cringed… but if it’ll put some feeling, something, anything back into Spencer, I was like okay. And Wren doesn’t seem like a bad guy man.. yes, he hurt Melissa, but why is he “bad company”? Melissa can be spiteful but I wonder if there’s more to those words.

Melissa Hastings. Okay what is the deal. In the beginning of PLL we suspected her but now she’s back in the spotlight! And that scares me to be honest, because even though everything that has happened, I really do not want Melissa to be part of the A team because I just…ugh the whole “blood is thicker than water” keeps coming to me. I mean at the end of the day they are fam! And it would suck to see her be the one that is behind all the pain that Spencer and her friends are going through! Because I actually love it when Spencer and Melissa are friends and act like sisters you know? And yes, that whole “Bad company is better than no company” and “i gave him that cologne” made me go HJAVSDGS why are you so cryptic, just blurt it out, it’s better to be blunt than to imply things. Especially on this show, they’ve been through enough, I’m sure that they can take it. Though I do have to say, I love Torrey Devito’s new hair style.

Love her new hair, it’s very hot. Implying is so annoying, seriously. And I just don’t want her to be a part of either. If you can’t trust your own family, who else is there? I heard this saying once “Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family” – something like that, can’t remember the person. Sometimes you make family in this world and you’re luckier than you know when this happens, but blood should mean something more than that you’re simply related too. Sibling bonds are some of the strongest bonds there are. Anyways, if Melissa has a part, I hope it wasn’t like a direct one and I hope they have a twist to bring the sisters back.. if there is.

Hanna’s Mom and detective Wildon! Say whaaaaaaat?!? I hate it when they get the parents involved! I so knew that something like that was going to happen, which sucks. And the whole thing was recorded which is just typical. UGH! Why can’t they just leave the parents out of it because the girls have been through enough, they dont need their parents in jail/be potential Ali killers/ on the run. I mean they have had enough! And in the end when they go back to the site of the murder; 1. Bad idea 2. Hanna is so brave! Just walks up there like it’s not biggie.

That was scary! Man, Rosewood is just as bad as Mystic Falls. Body disappears.. okay. No wait, I like the parents involved occasionally. Adds different dimensions to the storyline. I don’t want terrible things to happen to the parents but sometimes their involvement is good. I just… what is Detective Wilden? I’m not sorry to see him gone but like.. what on earth?

Cece. I don’t seem to understand what is going on with her, all this running/lying/ not explaining things! ugh. I just wanna see what happens next!

Cece. Um. I don’t know what’s up with her but I just wanted to point something out. It may be nothing, I speculate a lot, but when Spencer was walking down the street and saw/hallucinated the girl in the red coat, did you notice that red car parked on the side of the street? It was dark, maybe not. Cece had a red car. Just sayin. Cece’s freaking out seemed pretty convincing but then, this is PLL so yeah :P. And the end, finally Spencer’s gonna spill.

In the paraphrased words of A and Mr. Murray (old English teacher), “Later female dog personas”. Jokes, have a great day TV people. Sorry this was very very late – family emergencies and trips.


PLL 3.19: What Becomes Of The Broken-Hearted


Half-nakedness, unexpected kisses, near-death experiences and sudden disappearances – PLL definitely brought something more this week. Loved all the interesting twists. –Shaf#2


Episode started off with Spencer getting kicked off the Decathlon team and an A threat written on Spencer’s shades. First, sucked that that new blondie we liked was the swinging vote and he swung the wrong way. And I knew she should have spilled about Toby a lot sooner! This is what always happens! They keep the secrets, and then when they’re edging on wanting to spill, it comes back to bite them in the ass, courtesy of A.

I liked the new blondie and I think there is still some hope for him! He’s just been sucked into that whole Mona spell! I totally agree! Haven’t they realized that keeping secrets is not the best thing to do! And that the more that keep their secrets the more that its going to come and bite them in the ass!

Gotta say, Spencer looked even worse this episode – gaunt, pale face; crazy hair; not her usual preppy dress style. I know I liked crazy Spencer’s determination but now crazy Spencer is actually starting to become.. crazy. When she attacked Mona, even I was taken aback. It’s like she finally just cracked completely. Mona is infuriating. I dunno how Spencer hasn’t physically attacked her sooner. One of the best, most awesome moments of the episode. But still, it’s what she wants – Spencer’s better than this, smarter than this. I hope Spencer finds a way to have her intelligence meet her craziness halfway.


Spencer. Wow. Crazy sweater, messy hair, sweaty face. She has officially lost it! When she attacked Mona, that part scared me a little!

Blondie makes a house call. This scene was so funny because he looked like a puppy caught in Spencer’s lair. I still like Blondie cos he doesn’t seem like he’s against Spencer, he just wants to do what’s best. But he’s a pretty smart blonde – Spencer is losing/out of control. Can I just say, he was so cute in his shorts, running out (away from Emily), trying to hold everything in his arms :’).



BEST SCENE EVER! And Spencer being all lets play the intelligent-version of strip poker HAHAH :’) I really like Blondie! Omg you know who he reminds me of! Hanna’s boyfriend from season 1, remember him!

Emily seemed like she was doing something this episode, fighting back too. I dunno if she’s been doing that recently? Standing up to your enemies is hard but standing up to your friends can be harder because you love them still (paraphrasing Dumbledore here), and I loved that Emily was just straight up with Spencer, even if Spencer just yelled back in return.


Emily is becoming the rock, she’s strong doesn’t care and still levelheaded, and I love that! I also feel like she’s kindof normal-ish emotionally because she doesn’t have that relationship issues to worry about…you know?

The Caleb plot just got a little more interesting. Hanna was pretty awesome this episode. I know she seemed pushy and frustrating but Caleb needed it, hard as the situation is for him. “Um, I’d get you a fresh piece but if I stand up again, it’s to pee. And I would rather do that in my pants than leave you two alone” Hahahahhaha :’). I loved that church kiss, it was so deep and heartfelt. But right at the end, when something finally seemed to be working out, of course it didn’t. The money Hanna dropped in the box appeared in Caleb’s dad’s wallet. Now either, once a thief always a thief or A’s just being A and messing with stupid things. Why were those dice circled in red? Felt strangely symbolic of I’m not sure what.


Caleb & Hanna ❤ I hope its more of a once a thief always a thief because I hate how A is involved in EVERYTHING, ugh like comeone! And those dice, I feel like we’ve seen those before and the fact that piece of money represents something, but I can’t remember, maybe I’m mixing it up with something else…


Aria was still hanging out with mini Fitz and offered him an assistant job. I knew things were getting kind of cozy! I like that they are comfortable around each other because well, he’s Ezra’s family, but you can tell little bro has a thing for Aria. Or at least, he wants the same kind of things his big brother has – Ezra got out, he didn’t. When Aria suggested he spend the night, I anticipated it but that kiss was still a surprise. Did Aria actually kiss him back for a second there? Hmm.. Gotta say though, when mini Fitz started reciting some poetry… I like poetry – that was kinda hot .


I knew it was going down that road because for one, they look adorbs together and mini fitz is kinda cute and adorable and kind of a nice guy ❤

What is Cece up to? She’s always been suspicious but she seems just as manipulative as Ali. Option 2 for blonde in the red coat? Do you notice all the red around her? I dunno if it’s just me but there was so much red this episode. Emily’s napkin while she was talking to Cece, the bottle of red wine spilling across the white carpet, the red marker circling the dice, Cece’s red car (that was not towed, liar -.-). Symbolism ftw. Just not sure what it’s symbolizing, danger? Cece’s definitely not innocent.
She also lied about being at Cape May that summer.

Cece can so be the blonde in the red coat! I never noticed all the red, interesting. Cece is so NOT innocent, its obvs from the beginning, I don’t know what the deal is with them! Oh and she didn’t lie about being in Cape May she lied about not knowing Wildon 🙂

Emily and Jason – interesting team. The Mona attack was brilliant but their story was the shocker of the episode. Digging for secrets in a lonely building, isn’t that just another perfect scenario for murder. The flashback was a little weird? Ali was the one in the yellow top, why does Jason think it’s now Cece? I’m confused about that. And why is Melissa in all of this, was she being blackmailed by A then too?


I like team Emily and Jason, they worked well together ❤ I didn’t get the whole seeing Cece in the flashback thing either. I don’t know! I thought Melissa was cleared of everything but clearly she isn’t. I just don’t want her to be part of the A team too! I just want her to be like those people the A team has blackmailed into doing 1 or 2 petty things for her you know…?

Okay the elevator scene. I knew it was gonna get stuck the second they stepped in, the scene was set up so obviously. I was gonna pull a Hanna and pee my pants because that was scary man! That wasn’t a crazy Nate, that was an A murder attempt! Btw, why is Emily always stuck with the near-death scenarios? No wonder her dad never wants to let her out of the house again. I had a Final Destination flashback when Jason pried open those doors and told Emily to jump. I swear I was like “Please don’t get decapitated, please don’t get decapitated”. When she made that jump and the elevator plummeted, I think my heart just stopped. How?! How n earth did he survive thatt?!

I was like ‘omg please do not kill someone again!” HOW DID HE SURVIVE I have absolutely no idea! I was sure that he was going to be dead!


But the real surprise ending was his disappearance! Did A kidnap him? Did A stage this? Is he part of the A team and pretending to be innocent? Evidence just vanished. He didn’t die in a fall that could’ve killed anyone. And then he’s gone, leaving behind the wires and neck brace. I’m so confused about Jason.

Thought this episode was great! More of this PLL, please

The ending confused me too! Like say whaaat! The fact that he didn’t have his neck brace on either means that he wasn’t actually injured…? Or his kidnapper is a cruel bitch or that he has a huge tolerance for pain. Whatever it was I am super doper confused. Can’t wait for next week! 🙂

Ciao beautiful world ❤

-the Shafs

p.s sorry its late, its just that university and other stuff keeps us busy </3

PLL 3.18: Dead to me


Best thing about this episode: Spencer. I know I said I don’t want Spencer to disappear down lonely roads, and I don’t, but by the end of this episode, Spencer just looked plain scary. Love her. –Shaf#2

Ummm, to be honest I’m getting a little bored of this show. Spencer’s acting continues to amaze me. –Shaf#1

Ummmm. Aggghh PLL I’m frustrated with you again, I dunno. You’re not making sense. Why would an unsuspecting Caleb tear up a baby picture? Why would Emily think she killed Alison? What is the point of Ezra’s little bro in the picture? What the hell was Spencer talking about, secrets with Toby and stuff?

It was all a muddle of new thigns being added to make us go omg! And add more depth? To the story…I dunno. The whole Caleb’s uncle probably being his dad was so predictable, Wesley is just…there. And the whole Emily thing, I mean come on! Though I did like the part where we see A! Or so we think…


Okay, so I just wanna talk about Ezra and Aria for a sec. I’ve been reading around the internet and it’s quite obvious a lot of people hate them, or more their relationship? But are they really so bad? I understand that they were student-teacher first (even if they first met in a bar) and she’s still in high school and.. Legally, their relationship isn’t okay, is it? Cos in some places, you’re free to make those decisions when you’re over 16. Or I dunno what I’m talking about. Whatever. Point is, they actually do love each other. There are tons of couples a decade apart and they’re amazing together, and these two have an age difference of less than 10 years. She’s not so immature that she can’t handle an older boyfriend, and he’s not thaaat old to be creepy. Anyways, just wanted to say, I don’t hate them. The Ezra’s little bro storyline though… um yeah. Don’t like him cozying up to Aria so much.

I like Aria and Ezra, though I have to admit that they were getting boring, but that was okay, because it meant that they were so comfortable with each other. In some states/countries its 16 which is how it is in Rosewood and that’s why it isn’t illegal for Aria and Ezra to have a thing 🙂 I’m still shipping Team Ezria.

I liked the Caleb plotline this episode. It may not have been some major development to the whole story (or maybe it is, who knows) but that little discovery at the end there was interesting. I’m with Hanna on her theory; the uncle did seem more concerned than a normal uncle.


I like how they’re going deeper into his family things, and as I said before it was so predictable.

Emily and the psychiatrist. I can’t remember what was up with that lady the last time we saw her – wasn’t she doing A’s bidding under threat? So I’m guessing she still is. She’s possibly not a bad person but I don’t like her. Well, she was genuinely unnerved by Mona’s visit so there’s that. Emily’s visions (?) were actually kind of freaky. Isn’t it possible to plant thoughts into a person’s mind? I’m not going all Inception here but I’m pretty sure that can happen, right? Did the doc do that to Emily somehow, mix up her realities (as Emily realized end of the episode)? 
Emily’s realization also revealed to us who (she thinks) the puppet master is: the new Vivian Darkbloom. According to the books, it’s Ali’s twin right? Which may or may not explain the girls’ visions of Ali. But there are other blondes out there, like Cece for one, and for a second I even looked at Hanna like hmmm . But nah, Hanna can go crazy bitch on you, but it’s Spencer who’s more manipulative.

I liked the psychiatrist I’m glad she’s back but I think she’s still doing something for A but she definetly did something for A before, and we could tell by the way that she was kinda scared/weirded-out about Mona. Hmmm the whole Inception thing would kinda make sense, but it was so freaky! And that person digging up the grave…? Was it Toby? Or someone completely different?

Spencer. Seriously, I dunno what to say, I just love her. And I’m sad for her, but I love what she’s brought to the show since the last episode. Spencer’s always been the one who gets everything done, who was obsessed over finding Ali’s killer, but now she looks like the freaking terminator with nothing to lose. And that makes for a very scary Spencer. She may become just as scary as A, and I think that might be what PLL needs. I worry about her though, the girls are right, she doesn’t seem heartbroken, just broken. Sooner or later, one of them was going to snap though, and Troian Bellisario does Spencer’s character justice.


Troian Bellisario should get an award for her acting on the show! Wow. I feel bad for her and I wish she would talk to the girls, but I guess I can see where she is coming from. She is getting scary though, like I dunno if all this stuff that she is dealing with is going to cloud her judgment! You know?

I don’t know what Jason’s deal is right now but I don’t feel very sympathetic towards him. When Spencer snapped at him, I was actually on her side, even if it was unfair of her. I’m fully on her side now about Ali. Screw Ali. She wasn’t a friend at all. You know that saying “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” – well, Ali kept the girls very close, and all the people on the A team so far have been close to one of the liars. Now it’s just Aria and Emily who haven’t been betrayed. Agh, it isn’t about Ali anymore, I think the other girls need to wake up. It’s about fighting for themselves and their lives.

Hmmm, I agree that I don’t feel sympathy anymore for Jason because I have no idea what on earth he is doing or whatever and I liked how Spencer did what she did. But I dunno if I’m all for screw Ali thing. I know she was a bitch and she wasn’t necessarily the best kinda friend but she was still murdered, no matter how screwed up everything is and no matter how much she probably deserved it I still feel like Spencer should have been respectful at her grave and everything, because I feel like by not being respectful at a time when she should have she was just as bad as Ali. Ali didn’t give a shit, which was good, but sometimes not giving a shit shouldn’t cloud morals and make a person rude you know? However I think I kinda do agree about the part where the girls need to wake up and fight for themselves, but I can see that happening, Hanna’s staring to not care about what A will do to her, Emily and Aria are in the borderline/greyzone area it think..

This is why Wesley is here, Toby’s missing, so is Ezra, PLL is lacking some guys 😛

I don’t understand what the motel room should have held for Spencer, but I was heartbroken with her again. And when she scratched Toby’s name above his mother’s, I assume, it was a poignant moment. Everyone’s speculating about what that meant, but I’m pretty sure it was something along the lines of Toby being dead to her. What do you think?
 Best thing about the episode was all the Spencer moments, and maybe the revelation at the end. I just want answerssss. Enough with the twists and turns that are dead ends like “faceless” texts. Hope the next episode brings something more.

I think the motel room proved to her that he was part of the A team, coz there was stuff left behind and it had been emptied and it also resembled the other A layer that we have seen you know? I think her engraving the thing on the tomb was like a “you’re dead to me”. Spencer moments were great and Emily’s flashbacks were pretty good too. Other than that though meh. Next week better be good! Anyways, ciao you beautiful world, see ya later ❤

-the Shafs

PLL 3.16: Misery Loves Company


I think this episode was all about bonds; new bonds forged, old bonds shattered, some reassessed, and the bond that’s been tested and tried and bent in every direction yet never been broken: friendship. –Shaf#2

FINALLY, an episode that reminded me of why I love PLL so much! Sure it was heartbreaking but I loved it! I felt like it was a little different, and that it was the start of something new, because we get to see what A or A’s minions do? You know? So we’re not completely outta the loop! Thank God for that! 😀 – Shaf#1

At the beginning of the episode, we got a sneak peek into the world of A, which revealed a clue. The bossman’s a woman. That actually scares me more. Since we came to the realization that A was not just a single person, I never sort of had a picture in my head of who the boss was. I mean, I assumed there was one, but it never quite struck me. In my head, they were just an evil group of people plotting random evil acts. But the fact that they have a leader and we now know it officially makes it that much more real and that much more scary. They’re not random evil acts, they’re carefully schemed. And women, man – they can be craaazy. Yes, I am female and I’m calling females crazy. Okay, guys are crazy too. But the fact that the leader’s a woman just makes me think that she’s gonna sink those claws in as deep as she can go, and then tear them to shreds, whereas a guy might just lose patience and go straight for the tearing. Also, it was a little strange seeing the A minions talk so openly. It’s always whispers and running and hiding and shadows, and now they’re in a room fit for a serial killer and they’re just chilling, talking their A talk.

I so didn’t see that clue, I’m such a bimbo at times -____- But anyways! I agree, the fact that there’s a leader that can get people to sit in a room and agree to doing all this stuff is just crazy! And it is definitely someone who wants revenge! But I just don’t understand how the entire thing is going to play out and WHY A is doing what she’s doing! You know? Its like what on Earth did they do? Coz you would think Mona and Toby because we know their past, but they’re only following orders meaning there’s somebody else! But I just don’t know why somebody would want revenge on the girls when it was usually Alison that everyone hated, you know? The girls don’t even know about a lot of the things that Alison did. Which makes no sense whatsoever.

All the girls dealt with some scary stuff this week. Let’s start with Emily. Paige agreed to see someone but who knew she’d be teaming up with Caleb. Yeah, that was definitely a surprise but a nice one. Emily just missed that by a second, following Caleb. I’m all for Team.. Caige? Whatever, I love Caleb, and you know what, I want to trust in Paige. Her actions this week make her seem quite genuine. I dunno, she could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, you never know, but so could anyone at this point. Assuming they’re both actual good guys, I loved how much they love their girlfriends, that they’re willing to do whatever they can to protect them. Paige was so right. The liars have definitely become numb to the danger. I don’t blame them, it’s just been so present in their life, what could they do? I love how badass they are, I love how they stand up and fight but they’ve also acted with less and less caution over the seasons.

I think I really like Caleb and Paige together, it makes me happy to see somebody trying to do something for the girls! However, I think that it might lead to someone dying…but I don’t wanna believe that and I’m praying that none of them do die!

The girls are SO badass and I absolutely love that! They aren’t taking anyone’s shit and they’re being brave! I love to see the girls of the show being strong and fighting back for their life because they can and they will come to the end of this whole A dilemma!

Hanna’s worried over her significant other, as Emily is, but she also had an A – well, Toby – run-in at her interview. You know what I don’t get – why? What was the point of that? A keeps sending all these threatening messages but like they do get it, you know. What was the point in knocking some mannequins into Hanna? Omg you’re going to make her faceless. How many of those threats have you made? To be fair, A has made good on the threats at times too, but that run-in just seemed pointless and drama-queen-ish.

Ya I didn’t get that whole mannequin thing, I think maybe more was supposed to happen? But it was weird and meh-ish! However, Hanna looked smoking hot! Woowzers! ❤

HAHAH love Caleb ❤

Aria. Wow. What a day. You know how I was saying earlier that women were crazy? Yeah well, this episode definitely proved that point. Merideth’s just a bowl full of nuts. Drugging Aria, bashing her over the head, locking her in her basement – I mean, that just screams serial killer right there. I don’t quite understand Merideth’s motives behind finding the pages. Was she trying to protect Byron, thinking he’s killed Alison? Was she trying to protect herself? Is she an A minion – she’d sure fit right in but may not be as smart as Mona. Is she Nate 2.0? Whatever the case, something’s definitely loose upstairs and she needs to go away or be dealt with or something. However, I don’t think burning those pages was a good move, Aria. Something about the way Byron looked at the fire, like “yes, my bluff worked”? Did you feel it? No? I dunno. Maybe he’s innocent, who knows, but if the past taught you anything, you do NOT simply destroy evidence ever. Come on Aria! Btw, great hiding place for the pages.

YES what the hell was up with Meredith! I knew she was evil, that way of how she was being nice to Aria and those looks she was giving her! I just knew it! And the moment Aria smelt the tea, I knew it was drugged, I think its because I don’t trust anyone on the show anymore, but ya, Meredith, what a pshycopath. I don’t get her motives either.The whole thing with Byron, I dunno if I want to believe him to be honest, we all know that the evil people in this show are brilliant actors, which makes me think that he wasn’t genuine. But Aria was SO stupid, destroying the evidence? Really Aria? Really? After 2 and a half seasons has she not realized that evidence is ahrd to come by, so keep it, no matter what, and if she believes her dad’s innocent then even if A gets the pages and blackmails nothing is going to happen to her dad.

Okay, what’s the deal with everyone seeing Alison? She is dead right? I mean, all these hallucinations/dreams just seem so real and when the liars wake, everything’s as if Alison had really been there. I’m not gonna buy into the fuzzy lighting of those scenes but I still can’t wrap my head around Alison being real. I mean, after all this, she’s alive? Is it possible? I dunno what that would mean for the story, but Ali definitely has great timing. Or Aria may have unknowingly drugged herself again.

THAT’S WHAT I WAS THINKING! How is it possible that she’s alive? Like there have been forensics and they have proven that its her body so what…are we supposed to believe that A has the entire town blackmailed to destroy the lives of 4 teenage girls? Like that doesn’t make sense you know? There is this theory that I accidently read about and I think its from the books so I don’t wanna spoil it, but maybe they’re following that a little bit? It might make sense…

Aaaaand Spencer. For me, Spencer’s story struck the hardest this episode. Emily and Hanna got a little taste of Aria’s Merideth medicine too, but Spencer, I think, had the worst run. The shock of Toby’s reveal never quite left me but when Spencer walked in, holding up the key, “Looking for this?” – I just felt my heart being crushed with hers. And that feeling felt a lot more real this time. This whole episode built up to the moment, I saw it coming, and I just couldn’t picture how it would play out. I thought it would be more of a shock, more of a blowout. But this quiet revelation of a painful truth with that one resonating slap – that shook me.

When Toby turned around and walked up to Spencer, I was scared for her, but when I looked at her, saw the pain in her eyes, I knew Toby had to have felt it too. I mean, he had something for her, didn’t he? He couldn’t have hurt her, especially not in that moment, even though he actually could have. Does that make sense? It hurt to watch Spencer go back for him, banging on the door, collapsing. It just made my chest physically hurt and I admit, I felt a little tear or two prick my eyes. I just wanted to hug her. That has to be one of the most heartbreaking revelations I’ve seen on tv, at least the most devastating one in PLL history. Spencer may be a fictional character, but my heart goes out to her.

The end of Spencer and Toby and that betrAyal (Caps A on purpose) just hit me and I hated it, I hated it so much! Somehow I want it to change but I dot see that happening! And You know I saw it in Toby’s eyes too! He seemed a little shaken by the idea that she knew, and it wasn’t because his identity was revealed but more of the fact that their relationship was over! I don’t know what I feel, I just feel sad and I just wish Toby wasn’t A!

I don’t know how the Toby news will be dealt with next episode but I’m sure it’s gonna be a shocker for all the liars. But the ending of this week’s episode! Not another A shenanigan. Just an open A moment, like the beginning. What is happening? Are the tides changing? Is the game stepping up? I felt like this episode was a bit of a turning point, it meant business. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this but I’m actually very excited for next week’s ep. Cannot wait.

That’s exactly what I felt, A is no longer a hidden black gloved person, well technically the leader is, but still you know what I mean. Which makes me think that the show is changing things up a little and even though they really aren’t answering any questions, it kind of feels like they are. I dunno. All I know is that I am very excited for next week! Anyho, hope you lovely creatures had a wonderful week and continue to have an even better one! Ciao world ❤

-The Shafs