Tag Archives: Stefan

TVD 4.21: She’s Come Undone


Hmm Elena being tortured, who doesn’t love that. Seriously missed the originals this episode. Some turn of events and a really cruel Klaroline moment. I’m a little biased with this show as I’ve come to realize so I pretty much like every episode regardless  – Shaf#1

Torturing Elena <3. Best part. –Shaf#2

So, back to mystic falls, eegh, can anyone else say that they already miss the originals? Like I felt there was a big hole. However the episode was good, it brought me to the edge of my seat even though it was predictable but still. I miss the Mikealsons </3

I did feel that missing element even thoughhh Klaus, or Silas-Klaus was still in this episode. It just felt… ah, it’s not the same without them.

*sings* Elena’s being tortured, Elena’s being tortured *grinning*. HAHA I know I sound like a heartless bitch but like seriously I was getting sick of her being all “oh – I have no emotions – I’ll try and be bad ass – blah blah blah” so seeing her get burned was painful, yet satisfying. Though as we can see Caroline was trying to come to her rescue (bless her for caring) and that didn’t turn out well.

Lol not painful, just satisfying. I’m not sure why but heartless Elena started to get on my nerves more than Katherine ever did. Dunno why. But these bits were just awesome. I love Caroline <3.

So something different happened this episode, there was Elena and the Salvatore brothers and then there was Matt and Rebekah intertwined, but Caroline was alone for the most part, and that felt weird but I think its coz they are trying to fill the huge gap left behind after The Originals aren’t there anymore. Bonnie came back, woop woop (well not really in terms of plotline, but still).

I wonder what Caroline will do with both Klaus and Tyler gone. Will Tyler come back? Although I’m more for Forewood, I enjoy Klaroline scenes. She and Klaus just have a nice spark. Knowing Caroline, I’m sure she’ll find something to throw herself into but still, poor kid.

So Elena is heartless as per usual and we see that it is really affecting Stefan more than Damon. I can see why, coz like Stefan’s been in that position I guess and maybe because his love for Elena is different. But anyways, they burned her and then they called in the big guns, Katherine. Oh how I’m glad that Katherine is back. But anyways, she’s such a bitch, she tortures Elena but Elena, well she’s got some balls of her own and she strikes a nerve, reminding her that Elijah broke up with her 😥 And then Katherine, in typical Katherine manner, lets her loose.


I think Damon did feel it too but he’s just better at keeping those emotions in check usually. Stefan probably did feel it moree though. I loveddd that they brought Katherine in. Katherine for all her heartlessness can get pretty emotional and usually ends up going to an extreme end. I wish they’d drawn that scene out moreee though. I’m sure Katherine could come up with plenty creative ways to torture Elena. Wow, aren’t we a little too excited about Elena getting hurt? 😛

Elena is cray cray. Matt is super mad that Katherine is “helping” Elena turn her humanity back on (oh yeah he’s back, oh and he’s also failing senior year and apparently Rebekah can speak Latin fluently). So the Salvatores and Matt go to find Elena while Katherine meets up with Bonnie, I think that happened before actually. So anyways, they find Elena in the woods and Matt gets out of his car while Elena gets all full on Vamp and tries to eat matt; well, she does.

Hahahaa I loved that we had a completely normal, mundane human problem for a change. It felt like a relief actually. I really liked the Matt-Rebekah thing this episode, and her offering to help in whichever way possible, it was a nice gesture. Although I’m not for cheating, but still. And Matt. He keeps.. sacrificing himself for Elena. I know Elena had him saved first but he’s kind of paid her back I think. I mean, HE died for herr this episode. But let’s wait for that.





And then Elena wakes Matt up and tries to go get at it again when Damon and Stefan intervene. Stefan controlling Elena i.e. good cop and Damon holding up a half conscious Matt i.e. bad cop. They provoke her, forcing her to turn her emotions back on or they’ll kill Matt and then Elena doesn’t listen and the next thing you know Matt’s neck has been snapped and he’s lying on the floor. For a second, I thought he was dead, I was sure of it, because I knew that Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson love to kill of main characters. Well first of all, the so called killing of matt worked, no amount of torture or anything could bring Elena back, but Matt luckily had that all powerful ring on and thus he survived. Yay.

My jaw dropped too. You think I’d get used to them trying to kill everyone off. But I was like “MATT TOO?!”. But I did realize a moment later that he couldn’t have actually died, because Elena would hate Damon forever and Damon would be sad again forever and oh my god, enough with that. But I was so glad that’s what brought her back, even with all the torture lovin’.





Elena with her humanity back on, wowz. She was out of control and that was expected. Everything was hitting her all at once and Stefan was there to calm her down while Damon held her. There was this moment while Stefan was holding her and telling her to focus and there was this connection. Ugh im so conflicted about which Salvatore I want her to end up with.

I don’t know eitherr. I still think I prefer Stelena in the long run. Oh I dunnooo. But it was weird wasn’t it, the three of them sort of sandwiched together there, so much stuff between them all.


So back to Caroline, she’s freaking out during the whole torture time coz of the screaming when Matt lets out (well Rebekah really) the bombshell that he was failing. So Car being her typical self, she left to get flashcards and books to make sure Matt doesn’t fail. Also she’s been trying to get a hold of Bonnie, who is conveniently meeting up with Katherine in a café.

LOL. Caroline. Getting her flashcards. Funny girl :’).






So the whole Bonnie and Katherine trio, Bonnie wants the tombstone that Katherine has. Why? Well because if Bonnie gets that she could open the veil to the other side and give Katherine what she wants. Complete immortality.

That. Is a bad idea. What is Bonnie thinking. She better have something else up her sleeve.

Back to Caroline, so she’s out on her way to the car when suddenly someone’s following her so somehow she ends up in the forest and we see Klaus. Which gets Klaroline shippers hearts to do summersaults! And it’s all sweet when he says “I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye” and I was sure we were gonne have an actual Klaus and Caroline make-out sesh or something, but its Silas -___- eff Silas ruining a perfect moment. So he threatens her coz he can’t find Bonnie and she has to do as he says or he’ll kill her mom.

http://nimues.tumblr.com/post/49531181658 & http://fallentribute.tumblr.com/post/49490174334


I was so shocked. I really thought there was going to be a kiss too. And he was so sweet and she was so touched, even though she said he didn’t owe her any explanations. God, Silas. He’s everywhere. How can anyone be certain of anything?



So on goes this chase and Silas appears in the form of Klaus, Matt, her mother and as his real self for some part, but we don’t really see him -___- But anyways, at Caroline’s house Sheriff Forbes is all okay and safe and then Bonnie comes and we realize that its Silas and that Sheriff Forbes is in the tv room, dying and bleeding. And it’s like NOOO not someone else dying, I wasn’t sure if they were gonna kill her to be honest, I really felt like she was gonna die but then finally she survives. However, Bonnie is forced to leave without helping and leave with Silas…dun dun dun.

If she had died, I don’t know what would have happened to Caroline. I mean, she’s losing so many people. Her two best friends, her boyfriend, the other guy who’s in love with her, and her mother too? No way. So glad she didn’t die just because it would kill Caroline.




Back in the Salvatore Mansion, Elena is hurt and in pain, but she’s better ie not crying like a hysteric fool and then she talks about “doing something”, which confuses us and we realize the one emotion that she focused on was revenge, on none other than Katherine, the one and only.

Wait, I thought it was hate she focused on? Which lead to the revenge. Lolol she’s turning into Emily/real Amanda from Revenge. If any of you watch Revenge. She had an Emily moment.

Can’t wait to see how that turns out. Ciao lovers, sorry we’ve been posting super late, internet problems, travelling, finals and life gets in the way. We still love ya and hope you keep coming back

Eek yeah sorry guys. Probably might be the same for the next week but we’ll get back on track after that.


TVD 4.16: Bring it on


Klaus. Shirtless. YESHHH  I really liked this episode so much! It was a change of pace and kind of scary but I love it. No more damsel in distress woop woop! – Shaf#1

I thought this ep was a lot of fun for a change :D. Sure there were some sad moments. A few weird moments too. But a lot of awesome moments! –Shaf#2

In a long time, nothing supernatural really happened, well there is something but it was tiny and we saw everyone just be teenagers etc and I loved it!

Oh ya, it was a break from all that junk. I wonder who Will is though (the supernatural bit this ep). Damon seemed genuinely affected by running into him. Anyways..

So this episode. Elena damnit that girl. Wow. Such a change of the character and you know what? I kinda like it. I am a little scared though of how far she’s gonna go and what’s going to happen but I like to see Elena not be the damsel in distress or the weak one or the one who everyone’s life revolves around, even though it did this episode but I felt like it wasn’t as prevalent this episode.


No it was prevalent but like, she told them to just forget about it upfront. What she said to Stefan was like ouch man, that he needs to turn it off because “look at [him]”, his whole life seemingly revolving around her. Stefan did have a little hissy fit father moment there though, grabbing her phone “Who are you texting?!”.

But anyways she stripped down in front of everyone, said some really b**chy things, became a cheerleader again, hurt/almost hurt Sheriff Forbes and nearly killed Caroline. Oh and she doesn’t care. At all. Katherine doppelganger or what! I liked this side and liked that she was being badass because we’ve seen almost 3 and a half seasons of the sweet innocent Elena, we needed to see more! The funniest thing that I thought though was even though her emotions have been turned off, you could see a hint of jealousy when Stefan and Caroline were dancing and it made me go like “hmmmm”.

Omg, when she walked out naked I was like :O. The funny thing is she had that towel in her hand because she wrapped it around herself right after. I love the expressions on all their faces :p. I did think the Sheriff Forbes moment was a little harsh, even more than trying to kill Caroline for some reason. Though that was bad too. But like wow. She’s really strayed far off the beaten path. There was some jealousy there. Just to clarify, “take him out for a spin” is what I think it is? Yeah? Kay :p.

Another thing, the whole sire bond isn’t working anymore. It’s good but what I don’t know is how they’re gonna get it to turn back on. Well they do have all the originals there who can compel normal vamps so I guess that could work but still… I don’t think I want Elena to stay like this forever.



No not forever :P. I want some of this side of her to stay but in balance with the other side. They don’t need to turn it back on. Wasn’t the whole idea to get it off in the first place? Like Stefan said, they need to give her a reason to turn it back on, not force her to.

Stefan was so…so adorable this episode. I dunno it was so cute how he was trying to help and his whole line to Caroline saying “Even at my worst, she didn’t give up on me, so I’m not gonna give up on her” #HeartMelted. There were some quirky moments with Stelena and the part when he took her out to the motorbike, I really wish that he would have actually taken her and gone to a bar and just had fun with her, because I hate that Damon only gets to be the fun one! Why can’t Stefan be that?! Haha I just wish we would see more of his fun side.

Yeah I know! I thought he was really gonna take her out too! The stabbing thing reminded me of what she did to him in season 1 when he was losing control, and I was thinking irony. But it would’ve been nice to see a bar scene. However the party scene was just as good. She really was flirting with him this episode btw. So Katherine, I swear. That little scene with her stretching her legs. LOL.




Speaking of Stefan’s fun side, Caroline thought the same and then there was such a cute scene between the two! Love how they have each other’s back and loved how he picked her up and took her to dance! I really want her to be the new Lexi and not a potential love interest.





I don’t think the writers are gonna go down that road. Love interest ehh. Like no. She really does seem like his new Lexi. And I love their friendship. I thought that scene was adorable too. I think I rewatched it a couple of times. Although when Stefan goes “Are you jealous or something?” to Elena, I was like what, are YOU trying to make her jealous Stefan? Anyways, let’s talk about the other Salvatore for a bit.

Damon, I dunno how I feel about Damon this episode, I like that he was all for fun and that he’s taking Elena to New York City in the next episode (WHICH I AM SO EXCITED FOR!!) but I feel like he needs to be careful, because Elena is not like him. She’s more Stefan than him, which is why I think that it is gonna be so easy for her to become a ripper and cause some major damage. I mean she nearly killed Caroline, and she didn’t even flinch. Caroline is supposed to be her best friend and Elena doesn’t care? And that’s what scares me.





Exactly. You can already see the beginnings of the ripper in her. She killed without hesitation or even a second thought. That is very un-Elena-like. Sure I want her to let loose, have fun, but I don’t want her turning into a ripper. Even Damon had to tell her to have some self-restraint man. I did not like that she almost killed Caroline so easily and did not even feel a prick of guilt. Beginnings of a ripper. I am SO EXCITED for the New York episode though! I can’t waaaait! 😀






The vampire lead on Katherine that Damon and Rebekah found seems to be important, because he was Damon’s friend (Damon puts him out of his misery) and then he was looking at the picture so I dunno. Damon and Rebekah chemistry/quirkiness is so cute, I love it when they’re at each others throats.


Yeah. Exactly what I was saying, he seemed rather affected. And that Will guy didn’t seem so bad. Haha I think Rebekah has that relationship somewhat with everyone. Especially the Salvatore boys.

KLAUS KLAUS KLAUS. Oh hot daayummm. We have never, and I repeat never seen Joseph Morgan shirtless on TVD and let alone shirtless but hooking up with someone. When that happened I was like urmmm WHAT *swoon*. He spent the entire episode with Hayley (yes she’s back) trying to get more information on Katherine while Hayley tried to get him to lay off of Tyler. She flirts and seduces him, insults his art, and then they hook up! It was hot and all those tattoos. But but but part of me wishes it was Caroline #KlarolineShipper4Evaa.





I KNOWWWWWWW! OMG. First. Time. I was like “no way is this happening! Is this happening?! Omg this is happening!” He is hooottttt man! I was just staring at him the whole scene, I wasn’t even acknowledging the person he was hooking up with. It’s just we’ve never seen Klaus do that on this show. One of my favourite moments. I do not wish it was Caroline :P. I don’t want them to hook up. Not until I feel okay with Klaus again. Maybe there’ll be a change in tides like with the Stedelena triangle (is there a name for the triangle?). Anyways, I think Klaus wanted that hook up. Not because he fancies her but something about her had him attracted for the moment. He kept her there the whole episode, listened to her teasing him about divulging secrets like she actually had power over him. I don’t see the beginnings of an everlasting relationship there but I like their current ally status.

Speaking about Caroline and Tyler, Car is leaving thousands upon thousands of voicemails hoping to get a response but nothing. Which makes me sad. But at the end of the episode she gets a letter from him through Matt, who got the Lockwood mansion, talk about having a rich best friend. But that was cute how Tyler was protecting her even without being there and how he gave Matt a place to stay and I dunno, it’s cute.

Cute is the understatement of the year. Tyler. I love Tyler :(. I love Forewood :’(. I was sad with Caroline but at the same time I felt like this step was happening anyway? There needs to be room for new things in the plot? I’m still sad though. I still want Tyler to come back and I think he will. But I dunno AGH. 😦 Lucky Matt though, man. Went from sad little lonely boy to owns the fricking White House of Mystic Falls. I think he’s still in shock.





I think that sums it up for the episode, oh oh oh apparently a lot of bloods being stolen, like everywhere, something big is about to go down! Oh and where on earth was Bonnie?!

Bonnie’s being brainwashed by Silas obv. Stupid Silas, spoiling all the fun. One thing I was wondering about, when Rebekah mentioned seeing a dead Prof on the island, Damon just nodded, but doesn’t Damon think Shane is still alive? Wouldn’t that have set an alarm off in his head about Silas? Did no one notice this? Anyways, CAN’T WAIT FOR NEW YORKKKK!

Can’t wait for next week! Ciao you beauts

