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PLL: Our Apologies


Hey guys, tv-lovers, PLL fans, random explorer,

Anyone watched the new ep this week? Yeah, I haven’t. Because I have MIDTERMSSSS *cries*. No I actually totally forgot, can you believe that? :O It’s not my fault, all these other shows are on these random breaks, thinking they’re all cool, dropping cliffhangers and devastating moments and stuff, and the little section of my brain dedicated to my tv shows thought it was nap time or something *smacks head*. I think it’s just cleansing itself… with re-runs :P. Shaf just got done with her midterms too, brave soul. Anyways, rambling aside, we won’t be doing our weekly PLL review this week unfortunately. WE’RE SORRY! We love PLL, we do, promise. Only for this week. We’ll be back next week, Wednesday/Thursday. SORRYYY!

Have a great week lovely people 🙂
