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Lolol a Klaroline scene, last post. This one was probably my favourite scene this episode though. Reverberating. That’s how I felt it was. There were many other shockers/great scenes too. But we’ll discuss that later. We’ll definitely post before the next episode, hopefully Tuesday.




Ahhh so its the dreaded time of finals and assignments and we literally have no time, like I haven’t done laundry or packed and I’m supposed to move out in like 3 days :S SO, on that note, this weeks TVD was SO SO SO good, so we are definitely gonna post about it, but you guys are just gonna have to wait a little! I know, I know, serious bloggers should post on time blah de blah but ya we know you’re gonna come back, even if we’re a little late 😉

Enjoy this scene and we’ll get back soon! Promise!
Ciao ❤

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire


omg omg omg, hyperventilating! This seems amazing so so excited! :D:D I love Jennifer Lawrence’s portrayal of Katniss and this book was one of my favorites so I’m excited to see how they do this! You know what else I loved about the trailer was the fact that they didn’t reveal the main jawdropper, so for those who haven’t read the books (if you haven’t, go. go read it now before I murder you with my death stare) the main OMG moment isn’t shown. Just brilliant. So damn brilliant.


Let The SkyFall – HP


wow, just wow! This is such a brilliant video! How does it only have such little views. It gave me shivers 😀 I am proud to call my self a huge fan! Wowzers, and Adele’s voice is just breathtaking!


Whoaa, shivers o.o So well put together and to that song too. Potterheads fo life.


How fans watch TVD


HAHAH THIS IS BRILLIANT. We are crazy, well I am and so is Shaf. Hope this puts a smile on your face, just like it did for me 🙂


HAHAHAHA so true, all of it, that Vicky bitch, Matt’s still here, nooo Anna, love Caroline, she sounds like the both of us. ANDDDD she even says “fudge” like me omg I’m not the only one :O :D. Love.


101 Reasons to Ship Ezra and Aria


The best collection of Ezria moments I’ve ever seen. Had to share it because it was just beautiful; teamezria53098 did an absolutely stunning job. These are all the reasons and more why I love this couple. Ezra and Aria were there from the beginning, and no matter the adversity, their love has always prevailed.


Some Nick and Jess Love <3


Aahhh I so want them to actually get together on the show! Love these two ❤


I want them to get together tooo! I actually like the Sam-Jess relationship right now because it’s more than just hooking up BUT I’m not rooting for it to last. When that ends, I really wanna see Nick and Jess get together, but for right now, I’ll enjoy the Sam-Jess relationship.


Forms of Love


Okay, so I promise I’m studying shaf! Just taking a mini break to show the world how amazing this youtuber is. And you know what I love the most, they don’t seem to follow some major ship, which is good, even though I am an avid Klaroline shipper and kindofa Delena shipper atm, I don’t and we (safe to assume I can include you in this shaf :P) don’t go CRAZY about these ships and start bashing other ships coz something happened. Gosh, some of the tweets and tumblr posts you see. Wowz. Anyways, my break is over. Peace out you beautiful creatures<3


Loveee the video <3. Nope, I have opinons but life’s too short to become a die-hard shipper 😛


Color The Sky…


This video is beautiful, and deserves so many more views than it already has! ❤ “ShatteredxDesires” has done such a wonderful job :’) Oh I just love the vampire diaries so much! Wish it had some season 4 scenes but unfortunately it doesn’t 😦 *sigh*


Wow, it really is. It flows so wonderfully. Loved it!
